1 2 3 4 1-4 5

1 Kings 22:24
Then Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, came near and gave Micaiah a blow on the side of the face, saying, Where is the spirit of the Lord whose word is in you?


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

1 Kings 22:24
Then Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, came near and gave Micaiah a blow on the side of the face, saying, Where is the spirit of the Lord whose word is in you?


Genesis 19:8
See now, I have two unmarried daughters; I will send them out to you so that you may do to them whatever seems good to you: only do nothing to these men, for this is why they have come under the shade of my roof.

1 Kings 18:17
And when he saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, Is it you, you troubler of Israel?

1 Kings 21:20
And Ahab said to Elijah, Have you come face to face with me, O my hater? And he said, I have come to you because you have given yourself up to do evil in the eyes of the Lord.

1 Kings 22:7
But Jehoshaphat said, Is there no other prophet of the Lord here from whom we may get directions?

1 Kings 22:8
And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, There is still one man by whom we may get directions from the Lord, Micaiah, son of Imlah; but I have no love for him, for he is a prophet of evil to me and not of good. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so.

1 Kings 22:18
And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Did I not say that he would not be a prophet of good but of evil?

2 Chronicles 25:15
And so the wrath of the Lord was moved against Amaziah, and he sent a prophet to him, who said, Why have you gone after the gods of the people who have not given their people salvation from your hands?

2 Chronicles 25:16
But while he was talking to him the king said to him, Have we made you one of the king's government? say no more, or it will be the cause of your death. Then the prophet gave up protesting, and said, It is clear to me that God's purpose is your destruction, because you have done this and have not given ear to my words.

Proverbs 9:8
Do not say sharp words to a man of pride, or he will have hate for you; make them clear to a wise man, and you will be dear to him.

Proverbs 15:12
The hater of authority has no love for teaching: he will not go to the wise.

John 15:18
If you are hated by the world, keep in mind that I was hated by the world before you.

John 15:20
Keep in mind the words I said to you, A servant is not greater than his lord. If they were cruel to me, they will be cruel to you; if they kept my words, they will keep yours.


Exodus 2:14
And he said, Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? are you going to put me to death as you did the Egyptian? And Moses was in fear, and said, It is clear that the thing has come to light.

Jeremiah 13:13
Then you are to say to them, The Lord has said, I will make all the people of this land, even the kings seated on David's seat, and the priests and the prophets and all the people of Jerusalem, overcome with strong drink.

Jeremiah 13:14
I will have them smashed against one another, fathers and sons together, says the Lord: I will have no pity or mercy, I will have no feeling for them to keep me from giving them to destruction.

Luke 11:45
And one of the teachers of the law, answering, said to him, Master, in saying this, you give a bad name to us as to them.

John 7:47
Then the Pharisees said to them, Have you, like the others, been given false ideas?

John 7:48
Have any of the rulers belief in him, or any one of the Pharisees?

John 7:49
But these people who have no knowledge of the law are cursed.

John 7:52
This was their answer: And do you come from Galilee? Make search and you will see that no prophet comes out of Galilee.

John 9:34
Their answer was: You came to birth through sin; do you make yourself our teacher? And they put him out of the Synagogue.

John 9:40
These words came to the ears of the Pharisees who were with him and they said to him, Are we, then, blind?


Exodus 7:11
Then Pharaoh sent for the wise men and the wonder-workers, and they, the wonder-workers of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.

Exodus 7:12
For every one of them put down his rod on the earth, and they became snakes: but Aaron's rod made a meal of their rods.

Exodus 7:13
But Pharaoh's heart was made hard, and he did not give ear to them, as the Lord had said.

Isaiah 47:12
Go on now with your secret arts, and all your wonder-working, to which you have given yourself up from your earliest days; it may be that they will be of profit to you, or by them you may put fear into your attackers.

Isaiah 47:13
But your mind is troubled by the number of your guides: let them now come forward for your salvation: the measurers of the heavens, the watchers of the stars, and those who are able to say from month to month what things are coming on you.

Isaiah 47:14
Truly, they have become like dry stems, they have been burned in the fire; they are not able to keep themselves safe from the power of the flame: it is not a coal for warming them, or a fire by which a man may be seated.

Jeremiah 27:9
And you are not to give attention to your prophets or your readers of signs or your dreamers or those who see into the future or those who make use of secret arts, who say to you, You will not become servants of the king of Babylon:

Jeremiah 29:24
About Shemaiah the Nehelamite.

Jeremiah 29:30
Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, saying,

Jeremiah 29:31
Send to all those who have been taken away, saying, This is what the Lord has said about Shemaiah the Nehelamite: Because Shemaiah has been acting as a prophet to you, and I did not send him, and has made you put your faith in what is false;

Jeremiah 29:32
For this cause the Lord has said, Truly I will send punishment on Shemaiah and on his seed; not a man of his family will have a place among this people, and he will not see the good which I am going to do to my people, says the Lord: because he has said words against the Lord.

Acts 13:8
But Elymas, the wonder-worker (for that is the sense of his name), put himself against them, with the purpose of turning the ruler from the faith.


Leviticus 10:11
Teaching the children of Israel all the laws which the Lord has given them by the hand of Moses.

Malachi 2:7
For it is right for the priest's lips to keep knowledge, and for men to be waiting for the law from his mouth: for he is the servant sent from the Lord of armies.

1 Timothy 3:3
Not quickly moved to wrath or blows, but gentle; no fighter, no lover of money;

2 Timothy 2:24
For it is not right for the Lord's servant to make trouble, but he is to be gentle to all, ready in teaching, putting up with wrong,

2 Timothy 2:25
Gently guiding those who go against the teaching; if by chance God may give them a change of heart and true knowledge,


Deuteronomy 26:13
And say before the Lord your God, I have taken all the holy things out of my house and have given them to the Levite, and the man from a strange land, and him who has no father, and the widow, as you have given me orders: I have kept in mind all your orders, in nothing have I gone against them:

Isaiah 40:27
Why do you say, O Jacob, such words as these, O Israel, The Lord's eyes are not on my way, and my God gives no attention to my cause?


1 Kings 22:10
Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were seated on their seats of authority, dressed in their robes, by the doorway into Samaria; and all the prophets were acting as prophets before them.

1 Kings 22:13
Now the servant who had gone to get Micaiah said to him, See now, all the prophets with one voice are saying good things to the king; so let your words be like theirs and say good things.

1 Kings 22:14
And Micaiah said, By the living Lord, whatever the Lord says to me I will say.

2 Kings 3:13
But Elisha said to the king of Israel, What have I to do with you? go to the prophets of your father and your mother. And the king of Israel said, No; for the Lord has got these three kings together to give them up into the hands of Moab.

Psalms 10:13
Why has the evil-doer a low opinion of God, saying in his heart, You will not make search for it?

Isaiah 5:19
Who say, Let him do his work quickly, let him make it sudden, so that we may see it: let the design of the Holy One of Israel come near, so that it may be clear to us.

Isaiah 30:10
Who say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Do not give us word of what is true, but say false things to give us pleasure:

Jeremiah 36:23
And it came about that whenever Jehudi, in his reading, had got through three or four divisions, the king, cutting them with his penknife, put them into the fire, till all the book was burned up in the fire which was burning in the fireplace.

Jeremiah 36:24
But they had no fear and gave no signs of grief, not the king or any of his servants, after hearing all these words.

Malachi 3:13
Your words have been strong against me, says the Lord. And still you say, What have we said against you?


2 Kings 13:21
And while they were putting a dead man into the earth, they saw a band coming; and they put the man quickly into the place where Elisha's body was; and the dead man, on touching Elisha's bones, came to life again, and got up on his feet.


2 Chronicles 18:24
And Micaiah said, Truly, you will see on that day when you go into an inner room to keep yourself safe.

Lamentations 3:45
You have made us like waste and that for which there is no use, among the peoples.

Matthew 26:68
Be a prophet, O Christ, and say who gave you a blow!

Mark 15:19
And they gave him blows on the head with a stick and put shame on him and, going down on their knees, gave him worship.

Mark 15:20
And when they had made sport of him, they took the purple robe off him and put his clothing on him. And they took him out to put him to death on the cross.

Luke 22:63
And the men in whose hands Jesus was, made sport of him and gave him blows.

John 19:3
And they kept coming and saying, Long life to the King of the Jews! And they gave him blows with their hands.


2 Kings 2:23
Then from there he went up to Beth-el; and on his way, some little boys came out from the town and made sport of him, crying, Go up, old no-hair! go up, old no-hair!

2 Chronicles 16:10
Then Asa was angry with the seer, and put him in prison, burning with wrath against him because of this thing. And at the same time Asa was cruel to some of the people.

2 Chronicles 24:19
And the Lord sent them prophets to make them come back to him; and they gave witness against them, but they would not give ear.

2 Chronicles 30:10
So the runners went from town to town through all the country of Ephraim and Manasseh as far as Zebulun: but they were laughed at and made sport of.

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they put shame on the servants of God, making sport of his words and laughing at his prophets, till the wrath of God was moved against his people, till there was no help.

Nehemiah 9:26
But they were hard-hearted, and went against your authority, turning their backs on your law, and putting to death your prophets, who gave witness against them with the purpose of turning them back again to you, and they did much to make you angry.

Jeremiah 2:30
I gave your children blows to no purpose; they got no good from training: your sword has been the destruction of your prophets, like a death-giving lion.

Jeremiah 37:16
So Jeremiah came into the hole of the prison, under the arches, and was there for a long time.

Jeremiah 38:4
Then the rulers said to the king, Let this man be put to death, because he is putting fear into the hearts of the men of war who are still in the town, and into the hearts of the people, by saying such things to them: this man is not working for the well-being of the people, but for their damage.

Jeremiah 38:6
So they took Jeremiah and put him into the water-hole of Malchiah, the king's son, in the place of the armed watchmen: and they let Jeremiah down with cords. And in the hole there was no water, but wet earth: and Jeremiah went down into the wet earth.

Matthew 23:34
For this reason, I send you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: some of them you will put to death and put on the cross, and to some of them you will give blows in your Synagogues, driving them from town to town;

Acts 5:28
We gave you very clear orders not to give teaching in this name: and now Jerusalem is full of your teaching, and you are attempting to make us responsible for this man's death.


Job 13:2
The same things are in my mind as in yours; I am equal to you.

Job 15:9
What knowledge have you which we have not? is there anything in your mind which is not in ours?

Job 15:10
With us are men who are grey-haired and full of years, much older than your father.

Job 15:11
Are the comforts of God not enough for you, and the gentle word which was said to you?

Isaiah 40:13
By whom has the spirit of the Lord been guided, or who has been his teacher?

Isaiah 40:14
Who gave him suggestions, and made clear to him the right way? who gave him knowledge, guiding him in the way of wisdom?

1 Corinthians 2:16
For who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord, so as to be his teacher? But we have the mind of Christ.


Psalms 3:7
Come to me, Lord; keep me safe, O my God; for you have given all my haters blows on their face-bones; the teeth of the evil-doers have been broken by you.


Psalms 3:8
Salvation comes from the Lord; your blessing is on your people. (Selah.)


2 Kings 2:16
And they said, Your servants have with us here fifty strong men; be pleased to let them go in search of Elijah; for it may be that the spirit of the Lord has taken him up and put him down on some mountain or in some valley. But he said, Do not send them.

Isaiah 44:25
Who makes the signs of those who give word of the future come to nothing, so that those who have knowledge of secret arts go off their heads; turning the wise men back, and making their knowledge foolish:

Jeremiah 27:2
This is what the Lord has said to me: Make for yourself bands and yokes and put them on your neck;

Jeremiah 28:12
Then after the yoke had been broken off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah by Hananiah the prophet, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,

Jeremiah 28:13
Go and say to Hananiah, This is what the Lord has said: Yokes of wood have been broken by you, but in their place I will make yokes of iron.

Jeremiah 28:14
For the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: I have put a yoke of iron on the necks of all these nations, making them servants to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon; and they are to be his servants: and in addition I have given him the beasts of the field.

Jeremiah 50:36
A sword is on the men of pride, and they will become foolish: a sword is on her men of war, and they will be broken.

Acts 5:9
But Peter said to her, Why have you made an agreement together to be false to the Spirit of the Lord? See, the feet of the young men who have put the body of your husband in the earth, are at the door, and they will take you out.


1 Kings 22:21
Then a spirit came forward and took his place before the Lord and said, I will get him to do it by a trick.

Isaiah 2:22
Have no more to do with man, whose life is only a breath, for he is of no value.

Jeremiah 5:31
The prophets give false words and the priests give decisions by their direction; and my people are glad to have it so: and what will you do in the end?

Jeremiah 14:14
Then the Lord said to me, The prophets say false words in my name, and I gave them no orders, and I said nothing to them: what they say to you is a false vision and wonder-working words without substance, the deceit of their hearts.

Jeremiah 14:16
And the people to whom they are prophets will be pushed out dead into the streets of Jerusalem, because there is no food, and because of the sword; and they will have no one to put their bodies into the earth, them or their wives or their sons or their daughters: for I will let loose their evil-doing on them.

Ezekiel 13:16
Even the prophets of Israel who say words to Jerusalem, who see visions of peace for her when there is no peace, says the Lord.

Matthew 24:24
For there will come up false Christs, and false prophets, who will do great signs and wonders; so that if possible even the saints might be tricked.

Luke 6:26
Unhappy are you when all men give you their approval: for so their fathers did to the false prophets.

2 Peter 2:2
And a great number will go with them in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.

2 Peter 2:3
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time and their destruction is watching for them.

Revelation 16:14
For they are evil spirits, working signs; who go out even to the kings of all the earth, to get them together to the war of the great day of God, the Ruler of all.

Revelation 19:20
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire.


Jeremiah 26:24
But Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, gave Jeremiah his help, so that he was not given into the hands of the people to be put to death.

Jeremiah 38:5
Then Zedekiah the king said, See, he is in your hands: for the king was not able to do anything against them.

Mark 12:5
And he sent another; and they put him to death: and a number of others, whipping some, and putting some to death.

Luke 11:47
A curse is on you! for you make resting-places for the bodies of the prophets, but your fathers put them to death.

Luke 11:48
So you are witnesses and give approval to the work of your fathers; for they put them to death and you make their last resting-places.

Luke 11:49
For this reason the wisdom of God has said, I will send them prophets and teachers, and to some of them they will give death and cruel pains;

Luke 11:50
So that punishment may come on this generation for the blood of all the prophets which was given from the earliest days;

Luke 13:34
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, putting to death the prophets, and stoning those who were sent to her! again and again would I have taken your children to myself, as a bird takes her young ones under her wings, but you would not!

Luke 20:10
And at the right time he sent a servant to the workers to get part of the fruit from the vines; but the workmen gave him blows and sent him away with nothing.

Luke 20:12
And he sent a third, and they gave him wounds and put him out.

Acts 5:40
And he seemed to them to be right: and they sent for the Apostles, and, after having them whipped and giving them orders to give no teaching in the name of Jesus, they let them go.

Acts 16:23
And when they had given them a great number of blows, they put them in prison, giving orders to the keeper of the prison to keep them safely:


Ezekiel 11:10
You will come to your death by the sword; and I will be your judge in the land of Israel; and you will be certain that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 11:12
And you will be certain that I am the Lord: for you have not been guided by my rules or given effect to my orders, but you have been living by the orders of the nations round about you.

Ezekiel 12:20
And the peopled towns will be made waste, and the land will become a wonder; and you will be certain that I am the Lord.


Amos 3:3
Is it possible for two to go walking together, if not by agreement?


Isaiah 1:6
The body, from head to foot, is all diseased; it is a mass of open wounds, marks of blows, and broken flesh: the flow of blood has not been stopped, and no oil has been put on the wounds.

Matthew 21:35
And the workmen made an attack on his servants, giving blows to one, putting another to death, and stoning another.

Matthew 27:26
Then he let Barabbas go free: but after having Jesus whipped, he gave him up to be put to death on the cross.

Acts 16:22
And the people made an attack on them all together: and the authorities took their clothing off them, and gave orders for them to be whipped.

Acts 22:30
But on the day after, desiring to have certain knowledge of what the Jews had to say against him, he made him free, and gave orders for the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin to come together, and he took Paul and put him before them.

1 Corinthians 4:11
Even to this hour we are without food, drink, and clothing, we are given blows and have no certain resting-place;

2 Corinthians 11:21
I say this by way of shaming ourselves, as if we had been feeble. But if anyone puts himself forward (I am talking like a foolish person), I will do the same.

2 Corinthians 11:24
Five times the Jews gave me forty blows but one.

2 Corinthians 11:25
Three times I was whipped with rods, once I was stoned, three times the ship I was in came to destruction at sea, a night and a day I have been in the water;


Job 20:3
I have to give ear to arguments which put me to shame, and your answers to me are wind without wisdom.

Job 26:4
To whom have your words been said? and whose spirit came out from you?

Job 32:18
For I am full of words, I am unable to keep in my breath any longer:

Ecclesiastes 12:7
And the dust goes back to the earth as it was, and the spirit goes back to God who gave it.

Jeremiah 23:22
But if they had been in my secret, then they would have made my people give ear to my words, turning them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

Matthew 24:11
And a number of false prophets will come, causing error.

1 Corinthians 12:3
So it is my desire for you to be clear about this; that no one is able to say by the Spirit of God that Jesus is cursed; and no one is able to say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:2
That you may not be moved in mind or troubled by a spirit, or by a word, or by a letter as from us, with the suggestion that the day of the Lord is even now come;

1 John 4:1
My loved ones, do not put your faith in every spirit, but put them to the test, to see if they are from God: because a great number of false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:2
By this you may have knowledge of the Spirit of God: every spirit which says that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God:

1 John 4:3
And every spirit which does not say this is not from God: this is the spirit of Antichrist, of which you have had word; and it is in the world even now.


Matthew 25:28
Take away, then, his talent and give it to him who has the ten talents.


Matthew 27:42
A saviour of others, he has no salvation for himself. If he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will have faith in him.

Matthew 27:43
He put his faith in God; let God be his saviour now, if he will have him; for he said, I am the Son of God.


1 Kings 22:37
And they came to Samaria, and put the king's body to rest in Samaria.

2 Chronicles 18:10
And Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made himself iron horns and said, The Lord says, Pushing back the Aramaeans with these, you will put an end to them completely.

2 Chronicles 18:11
And all the prophets said the same thing, saying, Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and it will go well for you, for the Lord will give it into the hands of the king.

2 Chronicles 18:34
But the fight became more violent while the day went on; and the king of Israel was supported in his war-carriage facing the Aramaeans till the evening; and by sundown he was dead.

Jeremiah 27:10
For they say false words to you, so that you may be sent away far from your land, and so that you may be forced out by me and come to destruction.

Jeremiah 28:2
These are the words of the Lord of armies, the God of Israel: By me the yoke of the king of Babylon has been broken.

Jeremiah 28:4
And I will let Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, come back to this place, with all the prisoners of Judah who went to Babylon, says the Lord: for I will have the yoke of the king of Babylon broken.

Jeremiah 28:9
The prophet whose words are of peace, when his words come true, will be seen to be a prophet whom the Lord has sent.

Jeremiah 28:17
So death came to Hananiah the prophet the same year, in the seventh month.

Jeremiah 29:21
This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said about Ahab, the son of Kolaiah, and about Zedekiah, the son of Maaseiah, who are saying to you what is false in my name: See, I will give them up into the hands of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, and he will put them to death before your eyes.

2 Timothy 4:14
Alexander the copper-worker did me much wrong: the Lord will give him the reward of his works:

2 Timothy 4:15
But be on the watch for him, for he was violent in his attacks on our teaching.


1 Peter 2:20
What credit is it if, when you have done evil, you take your punishment quietly? but if you are given punishment for doing right, and take it quietly, this is pleasing to God.

1 Peter 2:21
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:

1 Peter 2:22
Who did no evil, and there was no deceit in his mouth:

1 Peter 2:23
To sharp words he gave no sharp answer; when he was undergoing pain, no angry word came from his lips; but he put himself into the hands of the judge of righteousness:


1 Kings 22:20
And the Lord said, How may Ahab be tricked into going up to Ramoth-gilead to his death? And one said one thing and one another.

Nehemiah 6:14
Keep in mind, O my God, Tobiah and Sanballat and what they did, and Noadiah, the woman prophet, and the rest of the prophets whose purpose was to put fear into me.

Isaiah 9:14
For this cause the Lord took away from Israel head and tail, high and low, in one day.

Jeremiah 14:18
If I go out into the open country, there are those put to death by the sword! and if I go into the town, there are those who are diseased from need of food! for the prophet and the priest go about in the land and have no knowledge.

Jeremiah 23:20
The wrath of the Lord will not be turned back till he has done, till he has put into effect, the purposes of his heart: in days to come you will have full knowledge of this.

Ezekiel 13:9
And my hand will be against the prophets who see visions without substance and who make false use of secret arts: they will not be in the secret of my people, and they will not be recorded in the list of the children of Israel, and they will not come into the land of Israel; and it will be clear to you that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 13:17
And you, son of man, let your face be turned against the daughters of your people, who are acting the part of prophets at their pleasure; be a prophet against them, and say,

Hosea 9:7
The days of punishment, the days of reward are come; Israel will be put to shame; the prophet is foolish, the man who has the spirit is off his head, because of your great sin.

Matthew 7:15
Be on the watch for false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are cruel wolves.

1 Timothy 4:1
But the Spirit says clearly that in later times some will be turned away from the faith, giving their minds to spirits of deceit, and the teachings of evil spirits,

2 Peter 1:21
For these words did not ever come through the impulse of men: but the prophets had them from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 16:13
And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs.

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