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1 Kings 15:15
He took into the house of the Lord all the things which his father had made holy, and those which he himself had made holy, silver and gold and vessels.


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1 Kings 15:15
He took into the house of the Lord all the things which his father had made holy, and those which he himself had made holy, silver and gold and vessels.


Exodus 3:5
And he said, Do not come near: take off your shoes from your feet, for the place where you are is holy.


Exodus 32:20
And he took the ox which they had made, burning it in the fire and crushing it to powder, and he put it in the water and made the children of Israel take a drink of it.

Leviticus 26:30
And I will send destruction on your high places, overturning your perfume altars, and will put your dead bodies on your broken images, and my soul will be turned from you in disgust.

Deuteronomy 7:5
But this is what you are to do to them: their altars are to be pulled down and their pillars broken, and their holy trees cut down and their images burned with fire.

Deuteronomy 7:25
The images of their gods are to be burned with fire: have no desire for the gold and silver on them, and do not take it for yourselves, for it will be a danger to you: it is a thing disgusting to the Lord your God:

Deuteronomy 7:26
And you may not take a disgusting thing into your house, and so become cursed with its curse: but keep yourselves from it, turning from it with fear and hate, for it is a cursed thing.

Deuteronomy 9:21
And I took your sin, the image which you had made, and put it in the fire and had it hammered and crushed very small till it was only dust: and the dust I put in the stream flowing down from the mountain.

2 Kings 23:6
And he took the Asherah from the house of the Lord, outside Jerusalem to the stream Kidron, burning it by the stream and crushing it to dust, and he put the dust on the place where the bodies of the common people were put to rest.

2 Kings 23:12
And the altars on the roof of the high room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two outer squares of the house of the Lord, were pulled down and crushed to bits, and the dust of them was put into the stream Kidron.

2 Kings 23:15
And the altar at Beth-el, and the high place put up by Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel do evil, that altar and that high place were pulled down; and the high place was burned and crushed to dust and the Asherah was burned.

2 Chronicles 34:7
He had the altars and the pillars of wood pulled down and the images crushed to dust, and all the sun-images cut down, through all the land of Israel, and then he went back to Jerusalem.


1 Kings 15:6


1 Chronicles 3:10
And Solomon's son was Rehoboam, Abijah was his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat his son,

Matthew 1:7
And the son of Solomon was Rehoboam; and the son of Rehoboam was Abijah; and the son of Abijah was Asa;

Matthew 1:8
And the son of Asa was Jehoshaphat; and the son of Jehoshaphat was Joram; and the son of Joram was Uzziah;


1 Chronicles 26:21
The sons of Ladan: sons of the Gershonites of the family of Ladan, heads of families of Ladan the Gershonite, Jehieli.

1 Chronicles 26:22
The sons of Jehieli: Zetham and Joel, his brother, had the care of the stores of the house of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 26:23
Of the Amramites, of the Izharites, of the Hebronites, of the Uzzielites:

1 Chronicles 26:24
And Shebuel, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, was controller of the stores.

1 Chronicles 26:25
And his brothers: of Eliezer, Rehabiah his son, and Jeshaiah his son, and Joram his son, and Zichri his son, and Shelomoth his son.


1 Chronicles 28:12
And the design of all he had in his heart for the outer squares of the house of the Lord, and for the rooms all round it, and for the store-houses of the house of the Lord, and for the store-houses for the holy things;


2 Chronicles 13:1
In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, Abijah became king over Judah.

2 Chronicles 13:2
He was king in Jerusalem for three years; his mother's name was Maacah, the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.

2 Chronicles 13:3
And Abijah went out to the fight with an army of men of war, four hundred thousand of his best men; and Jeroboam put his forces in line against him, eight hundred thousand of his best men of war.

2 Chronicles 13:15
And the men of Judah gave a loud cry; and at their cry, God put fear into Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

2 Chronicles 13:17
And Abijah and his people put them to death with great destruction: five hundred thousand of the best of Israel were put to the sword.

2 Chronicles 13:18
So at that time the children of Israel were overcome, and the children of Judah got the better of them, because they put their faith in the Lord, the God of their fathers.


1 Kings 22:43
He did as Asa his father had done, not turning away from it, but doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord; but the high places were not taken away: the people went on making offerings and burning them in the high places.

2 Chronicles 14:1
So Abijah went to rest with his fathers, and they put him into the earth in the town of David, and Asa his son became king in his place; in his time the land was quiet for ten years.

2 Chronicles 14:3
For he took away the altars of strange gods and the high places, and had the upright stones broken and the wood pillars cut down;

2 Chronicles 14:4
And he made Judah go after the Lord, the God of their fathers, and keep his laws and his orders.

2 Chronicles 14:5
And he took away the high places and the sun-images from all the towns of Judah; and the kingdom was quiet under his rule.

2 Chronicles 15:10
So they came together at Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the rule of Asa.


2 Chronicles 14:9
And Zerah the Ethiopian, with an army of a million, and three hundred war-carriages, came out against them to Mareshah.


2 Chronicles 14:12
So the Lord sent fear on the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah; and the Ethiopians went in flight.


2 Kings 18:16
And at that time Hezekiah had the gold from the doors of the Lord's house, and from the door-pillars plated by him, cut off and gave it to the king of Assyria.

2 Chronicles 16:3
Let there be an agreement between me and you as there was between my father and your father: see, I have sent you silver and gold; go and put an end to your agreement with Baasha, king of Israel, so that he may give up attacking me.

2 Chronicles 16:4
And Ben-hadad did as King Asa said, and sent the captains of his armies against the towns of Israel, attacking Ijon and Dan and Abel-maim, and all the store-towns of Naphtali.

2 Chronicles 16:5
Then Baasha, hearing of it, put a stop to the building of Ramah, and let his work come to an end.

2 Chronicles 16:6
Then King Asa, with all Judah, took away the stones and wood with which Baasha was building Ramah, and he made use of them for building Geba and Mizpah.

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