1 2 3 4 1-4 5

1 Samuel 25:37
And in the morning, when the effect of the wine was gone, Nabal's wife gave him an account of all these things, and all the heart went out of him, and he became like stone.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

1 Samuel 25:37
And in the morning, when the effect of the wine was gone, Nabal's wife gave him an account of all these things, and all the heart went out of him, and he became like stone.


Genesis 9:24
And, awaking from his wine, Noah saw what his youngest son had done to him, and he said,

Deuteronomy 16:14
You are to keep the feast with joy, you and your son and your daughter, your man-servant and your woman-servant, and the Levite, and the man from a strange country, and the child without a father, and the widow, who are living among you.

2 Samuel 13:30
Now while they were on their way, news was given to David that Absalom had put to death all the sons of the king and that not one of them was still living.

2 Samuel 13:31
Then the king got up in great grief, stretching himself out on the earth: and all his servants were by his side, with their clothing parted.

Isaiah 22:12
And in that day the Lord, the Lord of armies, was looking for weeping, and cries of sorrow, cutting off of the hair, and putting on the clothing of grief:

Isaiah 22:13
But in place of these there was joy and delight, oxen and sheep were being made ready for food, there was feasting and drinking: men said, Now is the time for food and wine, for tomorrow death comes.

Joel 1:5
Come out of your sleep, you who are overcome with wine, and give yourselves to weeping; give cries of sorrow, all you drinkers of wine, because of the sweet wine; for it has been cut off from your mouths.

Amos 5:23
Take away from me the noise of your songs; my ears are shut to the melody of your instruments.

Amos 6:5
Making foolish songs to the sound of corded instruments, and designing for themselves instruments of music, like David;

Amos 6:6
Drinking wine in basins, rubbing themselves with the best oils; but they have no grief for the destruction of Joseph.

Amos 8:10
Your feasts will be turned into sorrow and all your melody into songs of grief; everyone will be clothed with haircloth, and the hair of every head will be cut; I will make the weeping like that for an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day.

Luke 17:27
They were feasting and taking wives and getting married, till the day of the overflowing of the waters, when Noah went into the ark, and they all came to destruction.


Genesis 43:34
And Joseph sent food to them from his table, but he sent five times as much to Benjamin as to any of the others. And they took wine freely with him.

Exodus 32:6
So early on the day after they got up and made burned offerings and peace-offerings; and took their seats at the feast, and then gave themselves to pleasure.

Judges 16:25
Now when their hearts were full of joy, they said, Send for Samson to make sport for us. And they sent for Samson out of the prison-house, and he made sport before them; and they put him between the pillars.

Psalms 22:26
The poor will have a feast of good things: those who make search for the Lord will give him praise: your heart will have life for ever.

Psalms 104:15
And wine to make glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face shining, and bread giving strength to his heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:2
It is better to go to the house of weeping, than to go to the house of feasting; because that is the end of every man, and the living will take it to their hearts.

Ecclesiastes 7:3
Sorrow is better than joy; when the face is sad the mind gets better.

Ecclesiastes 7:4
The hearts of the wise are in the house of weeping; but the hearts of the foolish are in the house of joy.

Ecclesiastes 10:19
A feast is for laughing, and wine makes glad the heart; but by the one and the other money is wasted.

Daniel 5:1
Belshazzar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his lords, drinking wine before the thousand.

Daniel 5:2
Belshazzar, while he was overcome with wine, gave orders for them to put before him the gold and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem; so that the king and his lords, his wives and his other women, might take their drink from them.

Ephesians 5:19
Joining with one another in holy songs of praise and of the Spirit, using your voice in songs and making melody in your heart to the Lord;


Exodus 11:7
But against the children of Israel, man or beast, not so much as the tongue of a dog will be moved: so that you may see how the Lord makes a division between Israel and the Egyptians.

1 Samuel 2:9
He will keep the feet of his holy ones, but the evil-doers will come to their end in the dark night, for by strength no man will overcome.


Leviticus 26:36
And as for the rest of you, I will make their hearts feeble in the land of their haters, and the sound of a leaf moved by the wind will send them in flight, and they will go in flight as from the sword, falling down when no one comes after them;

Job 1:13
And there was a day when his sons and daughters were feasting in the house of their oldest brother,

Job 1:14
And a man came to Job, and said, The oxen were ploughing, and the asses were taking their food by their side:

Job 1:15
And the men of Sheba came against them and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:16
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The fire of God came down from heaven, burning up the sheep and the goats and the young men completely, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:17
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The Chaldaeans made themselves into three bands, and came down on the camels and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:18
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, Your sons and your daughters were feasting together in their oldest brother's house,

Job 1:19
When a great wind came rushing from the waste land against the four sides of the house, and it came down on the young men, and they are dead; and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:21
With nothing I came out of my mother's body, and with nothing I will go back there; the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; let the Lord's name be praised.

Job 20:5
That the pride of the sinner is short, and the joy of the evil-doer but for a minute?

Job 20:6
Though he is lifted up to the heavens, and his head goes up to the clouds;

Job 20:7
Like the waste from his body he comes to an end for ever: those who have seen him say, Where is he?

Job 20:22
Even when his wealth is great, he is full of care, for the hand of everyone who is in trouble is turned against him.

Job 20:24
He may go in flight from the iron spear, but the arrow from the bow of brass will go through him;


Joshua 5:1
Now when the news came to all the kings of the Amorites on the west side of Jordan, and all the kings of the Canaanites living by the sea, how the Lord had made the waters of Jordan dry before the children of Israel, till they had gone across, their hearts became like water, and there was no more spirit in them, because of the children of Israel.

1 Kings 10:5
And the food at his table, and all his servants seated there, and those who were waiting on him in their places, and their robes, and his wine-servants, and the burned offerings which he made in the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her.

Psalms 76:12
He puts an end to the wrath of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth.

Isaiah 13:6
Send out a cry of grief; for the day of the Lord is near; it comes as destruction from the Most High.

Isaiah 13:7
For this cause all hands will be feeble, and every heart of man be turned to water;

Isaiah 13:8
Their hearts will be full of fear; pains and sorrows will overcome them; they will be in pain like a woman in childbirth; they will be shocked at one another; their faces will be like flames.

Isaiah 19:1
The word about Egypt. See, the Lord is seated on a quick-moving cloud, and is coming to Egypt: and the false gods of Egypt will be troubled at his coming, and the heart of Egypt will be turned to water.

Isaiah 19:13
The chiefs of Zoan have become foolish, the chiefs of Noph are tricked, the heads of her tribes are the cause of Egypt's wandering out of the way.

Isaiah 57:16
For I will not give punishment for ever, or be angry without end: for from me breath goes out; and I it was who made the souls.

Jeremiah 46:15
Why has Apis, your strong one, gone in flight? he was not able to keep his place, because the Lord was forcing him down with strength.

Ezekiel 22:14
Will your heart be high or your hands strong in the days when I take you in hand? I the Lord have said it and will do it.


1 Samuel 25:28
And may the sin of your servant have forgiveness: for the Lord will certainly make your family strong, because my lord is fighting in the Lord's war; and no evil will be seen in you all your days.

1 Samuel 25:30
And when the Lord has done for my lord all those good things which he has said he will do for you, and has made you a ruler over Israel;

1 Samuel 25:31
Then you will have no cause for grief, and my lord's heart will not be troubled because you have taken life without cause and have yourself given punishment for your wrongs: and when the Lord has been good to you, then give a thought to your servant.

Psalms 43:5
Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God, for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.

Proverbs 25:15
A judge is moved by one who for a long time undergoes wrongs without protest, and by a soft tongue even bone is broken.

Ecclesiastes 10:4
If the wrath of the ruler is against you, keep in your place; in him who keeps quiet even great sins may be overlooked.


1 Samuel 25:1
And death came to Samuel; and all Israel came together, weeping for him, and put his body in its resting-place in his house at Ramah. Then David went down to the waste land of Maon.

1 Samuel 25:3
Now this man was named Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail: she was a woman of good sense and pleasing looks: but the man was cruel and evil in his ways; he was of the family of Caleb.

1 Samuel 25:21
Now David had said, What was the use of my taking care of this man's goods in the waste land, so that there was no loss of anything which was his? he has only given me back evil for good.

1 Samuel 25:24
And falling at his feet she said, May the wrong be on me, my lord, on me: let your servant say a word to you, and give ear to the words of your servant.

1 Samuel 25:26
So now, my lord, by the living God and by your living soul, seeing that the Lord has kept you from the crime of blood and from taking into your hands the punishment for your wrongs, may all your haters, and those who would do evil to my lord, be like Nabal.

1 Samuel 25:27
And let this offering, which your servant gives to my lord, be given to the young men who are with my lord.

1 Samuel 25:29
And though a man has taken up arms against you, putting your life in danger, still the soul of my lord will be kept safe among the band of the living with the Lord your God; and the souls of those who are against you he will send violently away from him, like stones from a bag.

1 Samuel 25:32
And David said to Abigail, May the Lord, the God of Israel, be praised, who sent you to me today:

1 Samuel 25:33
A blessing on your good sense and on you, who have kept me today from the crime of blood and from taking into my hands the punishment for my wrongs.

1 Samuel 25:35
Then David took from her hands her offering: and he said to her, Go back to your house in peace; see, I have given ear to your voice, and taken your offering with respect.

1 Samuel 25:40
And when David's servants came to Carmel, to Abigail, they said to her, David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife.

1 Samuel 25:41
And she got up, and going down on her face to the earth, said, See, I am ready to be a servant-girl, washing the feet of the servants of my lord.

1 Samuel 25:42
Then Abigail got up quickly and went on her ass, with five of her young women, after the men whom David had sent; and she became David's wife.

1 Samuel 25:43
And David had taken Ahinoam of Jezreel, to be his wife; these two were his wives.

1 Samuel 25:44
Now Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Palti the son of Laish of Gallim.


1 Samuel 28:5
And when Saul saw the Philistine army he was troubled, and his heart was moved with fear.

Job 26:2
How have you given help to him who has no power! how have you been the salvation of the arm which has no strength!


1 Kings 20:17
And the servants of the chiefs who were over the divisions of the land went forward first; and when Ben-hadad sent out, they gave him the news, saying, Men have come out from Samaria.

1 Kings 20:18
And he said, If they have come out for peace, take them living, and if they have come out for war, take them living.

1 Kings 20:19
So the servants of the chiefs of the divisions of the land went out of the town, with the army coming after them.

1 Kings 20:20
And every one of them put his man to death, and the Aramaeans went in flight with Israel after them; and Ben-hadad, king of Aram, got away safely on a horse with his horsemen.

1 Kings 20:21
And the king of Israel went out and took the horses and the war-carriages, and made great destruction among the Aramaeans.

1 Kings 20:22
Then the prophet came up to the king of Israel, and said to him, Now make yourself strong, and take care what you do, or a year from now the king of Aram will come up against you again.


2 Kings 25:4
So an opening was made in the wall of the town, and all the men of war went in flight by night through the doorway between the two walls which was by the king's garden; (now the Chaldaeans were stationed round the town:) and the king went by the way of the Arabah.

Psalms 102:4
My heart is broken; it has become dry and dead like grass, so that I give no thought to food.

Isaiah 19:16
In that day the Egyptians will be like women: and the land will be shaking with fear because of the waving of the Lord's hand stretched out over it.

Isaiah 22:3
All your rulers...have gone in flight; all your strong ones have gone far away.

Isaiah 22:4
For this cause I have said, Let your eyes be turned away from me in my bitter weeping; I will not be comforted for the wasting of the daughter of my people.

Isaiah 22:5
For it is a day of trouble and of crushing down and of destruction from the Lord, the Lord of armies, in the valley of vision; ...

Jeremiah 4:9
And it will come about in that day, says the Lord, that the heart of the king will be dead in him, and the hearts of the rulers; and the priests will be overcome with fear, and the prophets with wonder.

Jeremiah 39:4
And when Zedekiah, king of Judah, and all the men of war saw it, they went in flight from the town by night, by the way of the king's garden, through the doorway between the two walls: and they went out by the Arabah.

Jeremiah 39:5
But the Chaldaean army went after them and overtook Zedekiah in the lowlands of Jericho: and they made him a prisoner and took him up to Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, to Riblah in the land of Hamath, to be judged by him.

Jeremiah 52:7
Then an opening was made in the wall of the town, and all the men of war went in flight out of the town by night through the doorway between the two walls which was by the king's garden; (now the Chaldaeans were stationed round the town:) and they went by the way of the Arabah.


2 Samuel 11:13
And when David sent for him, he took meat and drink with him, and David made him the worse for drink: and when evening came, he went to rest on his bed with the servants of his lord, but he did not go down to his house.

1 Kings 16:9
And his servant Zimri, captain of half his war-carriages, made secret designs against him: now he was in Tirzah, drinking hard in the house of Arza, controller of the king's house in Tirzah.

Esther 1:10
On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was glad with wine, he gave orders to Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven unsexed servants who were waiting before Ahasuerus the king,

Job 31:3
Is it not trouble for the sinner, and destruction for the evil-doers?

Proverbs 23:20
Do not be among those who give themselves to wine-drinking, or among those who make themselves full with meat:

Proverbs 23:21
For those who take delight in drink and feasting will come to be in need; and through love of sleep a man will be poorly clothed.

Isaiah 1:28
But a common destruction will overtake sinners and evil-doers together, and those who have gone away from the Lord will be cut off.

Isaiah 28:8
For all the tables are covered with coughed-up food, so that there is not a clean place.

Luke 12:45
But if that servant says to himself, My lord is a long time coming; and goes about giving blows to the men-servants and the women-servants, feasting and taking overmuch wine;

Acts 2:15
For these men are not overcome with wine, as it seems to you, for it is only the third hour of the day;

1 Thessalonians 5:7
For those who are sleeping do so in the night; and those who are the worse for drink are so in the night;

2 Peter 2:13
For the evil which overtakes them is the reward of their evil-doing: such men take their pleasure in the delights of the flesh even in the daytime; they are like the marks of a disease, like poisoned wounds among you, feasting together with you in joy;


Psalms 50:22
Now keep this in mind, you who have no memory of God, for fear that you may be crushed under my hand, with no one to give you help:


Psalms 73:21
My heart was made bitter, and I was pained by the bite of grief:


Psalms 73:22
As for me, I was foolish, and without knowledge; I was like a beast before you.


1 Samuel 26:10
And David said, By the living Lord, the Lord will send destruction on him; the natural day of his death will come, or he will go into the fight and come to his end.

Job 34:20
Suddenly they come to an end, even in the middle of the night: the blow comes on the men of wealth, and they are gone, and the strong are taken away without the hand of man.

Isaiah 10:16
For this cause the Lord, the Lord of armies, will make his fat become wasted; and in his inner parts a fire will be lighted like a burning flame.

Isaiah 10:17
And the light of Israel will be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: wasting and burning up his thorns in one day.

Isaiah 10:18
And he will put an end to the glory of his woods and of his planted fields, soul and body together; and it will be as when a man is wasted by disease.

Isaiah 10:19
And the rest of the trees of his wood will be small in number, so that a child may put them down in writing.

Isaiah 30:30
And the Lord will send out the sound of his great voice, and they will see his arm stretched out, with the heat of his wrath, and the flame of a burning fire; with a cloud-burst, and storm, and a rain of ice.

Isaiah 30:31
For through the voice of the Lord the Assyrian will be broken, and the Lord's rod will be lifted up against him.

Isaiah 30:32
And every blow of the rod of his punishment, which the Lord will send on him, will be with the sound of music: and with the waving of his sword the Lord will make war against him.

Isaiah 30:33
For a place of fire has long been ready; yes, it has been made ready for the king; he has made it deep and wide: it is massed with fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a stream of fire, puts a light to it.

Zechariah 4:6
This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by force or by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of armies.


1 Samuel 25:10
And Nabal gave them his answer and said, Who is David? who is the son of Jesse? there are a number of servants in these days running away from their masters.

Psalms 37:37
Give attention to the good man, and take note of the upright; because the end of that man is peace.

Psalms 73:7
Their eyes are bursting with fat; they have more than their heart's desire.

Proverbs 14:13
Even while laughing the heart may be sad; and after joy comes sorrow.

Proverbs 30:22
A servant when he becomes a king; a man without sense when his wealth is increased;

Isaiah 5:12
And corded instruments and wind-instruments and wine are in their feasts: but they give no thought to the work of the Lord, and they are not interested in what his hands are doing.

Isaiah 22:14
And the Lord of armies said to me secretly, Truly, this sin will not be taken from you till your death, says the Lord, the Lord of armies.

Hosea 2:11
And I will put an end to all her joy, her feasts, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her regular meetings.

Amos 6:7
So now they will go away prisoners with the first of those who are made prisoners, and the loud cry of those who were stretched out will come to an end.

Amos 8:3
And the songs of the king's house will be cries of pain in that day, says the Lord God: great will be the number of the dead bodies, and everywhere they will put them out without a word.

Luke 16:24
And he gave a cry and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that he may put the end of his finger in water and put it on my tongue, for I am cruelly burning in this flame.

Luke 16:25
But Abraham said, Keep in mind, my son, that when you were living, you had your good things, while Lazarus had evil things: but now, he is comforted and you are in pain.


2 Samuel 15:1
Now after this, Absalom got for himself a carriage and horses, and fifty runners to go before him.

1 Kings 1:5
Then Adonijah, the son of Haggith, lifting himself up in pride, said, I will become king; and he made ready his carriages of war and his horsemen, with fifty runners to go before him.

Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a stiff spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 17:19
The lover of fighting is a lover of sin: he who makes high his doorway is looking for destruction.

Proverbs 18:12
Before destruction the heart of man is full of pride, and before honour goes a gentle spirit.

Proverbs 24:27
Put your work in order outside, and make it ready in the field; and after that, see to the building of your house.

Jeremiah 22:13
A curse is on him who is building his house by wrongdoing, and his rooms by doing what is not right; who makes use of his neighbour without payment, and gives him nothing for his work;

Jeremiah 22:14
Who says, I will make a wide house for myself, and rooms of great size, and has windows cut out, and has it roofed with cedar and painted with bright red.

Jeremiah 22:15
Are you to be a king because you make more use of cedar than your father? did not your father take food and drink and do right, judging in righteousness, and then it was well for him?

Daniel 4:20
The tree which you saw, which became tall and strong, stretching up to heaven and seen from the ends of the earth;

Daniel 4:21
Which had fair leaves and much fruit, and had in it food for all; under which the beasts of the field were living, and in the branches of which the birds of heaven had their resting-places:


Daniel 2:34
While you were looking at it, a stone was cut out, but not by hands, and it gave the image a blow on its feet, which were of iron and earth, and they were broken in bits.

Daniel 2:44
And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will put up a kingdom which will never come to destruction, and its power will never be given into the hands of another people, and all these kingdoms will be broken and overcome by it, but it will keep its place for ever.

Daniel 2:45
Because you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that by it the iron and the brass and the earth and the silver and the gold were broken to bits, a great God has given the king knowledge of what is to take place in the future: the dream is fixed, and its sense is certain.


Proverbs 6:15
For this cause his downfall will be sudden; quickly he will be broken, and there will be no help for him.

Isaiah 28:1
Ho! crown of pride of those who are given up to wine in Ephraim, and the dead flower of his glory which is on the head of those who are overcome by strong drink!

Hosea 4:18
Their drink has become bitter; they are completely false; her rulers take pleasure in shame.

Hosea 6:5
So I have had it cut in stones; I gave them teaching by the words of my mouth;

Matthew 24:49
And is cruel to the other servants, taking his pleasure with those who are overcome with wine;

Matthew 24:50
The lord of that servant will come in a day when he is not looking for him, and in an hour of which he has no knowledge,

Luke 12:46
The lord of that servant will come at a time when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not ready for him, and he will have him cut in two and will give him his part in the fate of those who have no faith;


Proverbs 1:32
For the turning back of the simple from teaching will be the cause of their death, and the peace of the foolish will be their destruction.

Isaiah 5:14
For this cause the underworld has made wide its throat, opening its mouth without limit: and her glory, and the noise of her masses, and her loud-voiced feasters, will go down into it.

Luke 16:19
Now there was a certain man of great wealth, who was dressed in fair clothing of purple and delicate linen, and was shining and glad every day.


Psalms 55:15
Let the hand of death come on them suddenly, and let them go down living into the underworld; because evil is in their houses and in their hearts.

Isaiah 21:5
They make ready the table, they put down the covers, they take food and drink. Up! you captains; put oil on your breastplates.

Daniel 5:30
That very night Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldaeans, was put to death.

Revelation 11:10
And those who are on the earth will have pleasure and delight over them; and they will send offerings one to another because these two prophets gave great trouble to all on the earth.

Revelation 11:13
And in that hour there was a great earth-shock and a tenth part of the town came to destruction; and in the earth-shock seven thousand persons came to their end: and the rest were in fear, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

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