1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Judges 18:10
When you come there you will come to a people living without thought of danger; and the land is wide, and God has given it into your hands: a place where there is everything on earth for man's needs.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Judges 18:10
When you come there you will come to a people living without thought of danger; and the land is wide, and God has given it into your hands: a place where there is everything on earth for man's needs.


Genesis 42:9
Then the memory of his dreams about them came back to Joseph, and he said to them, You have come secretly to see how poor the land is.

Genesis 42:10
And they said to him, Not so, my lord: your servants have come with money to get food.

Genesis 42:11
We are all one man's sons, we are true men; we have not come with any secret purpose.

Genesis 42:12
And he said to them, No, but you have come to see how poor the land is.

Genesis 42:13
Then they said, We your servants are twelve brothers, sons of one man in the land of Canaan; the youngest of us is now with our father, and one is dead.

Genesis 42:14
And Joseph said, It is as I said; you have come with some secret purpose;

Genesis 42:15
But in this way will you be put to the test: by the life of Pharaoh, you will not go away from this place till your youngest brother comes here.

Genesis 42:16
Send one of your number to get your brother, and the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are true; if not, by the life of Pharaoh, your purpose is certainly secret.

Genesis 42:17
So he put them in prison for three days.

Genesis 42:18
And on the third day Joseph said to them, Do this, if you would keep your lives: for I am a god-fearing man:

Joshua 2:1
Then Joshua, the son of Nun, sent two men from Shittim secretly, with the purpose of searching out the land, and Jericho. So they went and came to the house of a loose woman of the town, named Rahab, where they took their rest for the night.

Joshua 2:2
And it was said to the king of Jericho, See, some men have come here tonight from the children of Israel with the purpose of searching out the land.

Joshua 2:3
Then the king of Jericho sent to Rahab, saying, Send out the men who have come to you and are in your house; for they have come with the purpose of searching out all the land.

Judges 1:23
So they sent men to make a search round Beth-el. (Now the name of the town in earlier times was Luz.)

Judges 1:24
And the watchers saw a man coming out of the town, and said to him, If you will make clear to us the way into the town, we will be kind to you.


Exodus 3:8
And I have come down to take them out of the hands of the Egyptians, guiding them out of that land into a good land and wide, into a land flowing with milk and honey; into the place of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite.

Deuteronomy 11:11
But the land where you are going is a land of hills and valleys, drinking in the rain of heaven:

Deuteronomy 11:12
A land cared for by the Lord your God: the eyes of the Lord your God are on it at all times from one end of the year to the other.

Ezekiel 20:6
In that day I gave my oath to take them out of the land of Egypt into a land which I had been searching out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the glory of all lands:


Deuteronomy 2:29
As the children of Esau did for me in Seir and the Moabites in Ar; till I have gone over Jordan into the land which the Lord our God is giving us.

Deuteronomy 4:1
And now give ear, O Israel, to the laws and the decisions which I am teaching you, and do them; so that life may be yours, and you may go in and take for yourselves the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you.

Joshua 6:16
And the seventh time, at the sound of the priests' horns, Joshua said to the people, Now give a loud cry; for the Lord has given you the town.


Joshua 1:2
Moses my servant is dead; so now get up! Go over Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, to the children of Israel.

Joshua 1:5
While you are living, all will give way before you: as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not take away my help from you or give you up.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not given you your orders? Take heart and be strong; have no fear and do not be troubled; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,

Joshua 7:10
Then the Lord said to Joshua, Get up; what are you doing with your face to the earth?

Judges 4:14
Then Deborah said to Barak, Up! for today the Lord has given Sisera into your hands: has not the Lord gone out before you? So Barak went down from Mount Tabor and ten thousand men after him.

Judges 7:9
The same night the Lord said to him, Up! go down now against their army, for I have given them into your hands.

1 Chronicles 22:16
In gold and silver and brass and iron more than may be numbered. Up! then, and to work; and may the Lord be with you.

2 Chronicles 20:17
There will be no need for you to take up arms in this fight; put yourselves in position, and keep where you are, and you will see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: have no fear and do not be troubled: go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you.

1 Corinthians 15:58
For this cause, my dear brothers, be strong in purpose and unmoved, ever giving yourselves to the work of the Lord, because you are certain that your work is not without effect in the Lord.

Ephesians 5:14
For this reason he says, Be awake, you who are sleeping, and come up from among the dead, and Christ will be your light.

Philippians 2:12
So then, my loved ones, as you have at all times done what I say, not only when I am present, but now much more when I am not with you, give yourselves to working out your salvation with fear in your hearts;

Philippians 2:13
For it is God who is the cause of your desires and of your acts, for his good pleasure.

Philippians 4:13
I am able to do all things through him who gives me strength.


Judges 3:9
And when the children of Israel made prayer to the Lord, he gave them a saviour, Othniel, the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.

Judges 3:15
Then when the children of Israel made prayer to the Lord, he gave them a saviour, Ehud, the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man; and the children of Israel sent an offering by him to Eglon, king of Moab.

Judges 7:2
And the Lord said to Gideon, So great is the number of your people, that if I give the Midianites into their hands they will be uplifted in pride over me and will say, I myself have been my saviour.

Judges 10:12
And the Zidonians and Amalek and Midian crushing you down, and in answer to your cry did I not give you salvation from their hands?


Judges 18:2
So the children of Dan sent five men from among their number, strong men, from Zorah and from Eshtaol, to take a look at the land and make a search through it; and they said to them, Go and make a search through the land; and they came to the hill-country of Ephraim, to the house of Micah, where they made a stop for the night.

1 Chronicles 19:3
But the chiefs of the children of Ammon said to Hanun, Does it seem to you that David is honouring your father, by sending comforters to you? is it not clear that these men have only come to go through the land and to make secret observation of it so that they may overcome it?


Judges 18:5
Then they said, Do get directions from God for us, to see if the journey on which we are going will have a good outcome.

Judges 18:6
And the priest said to them, Go in peace: your way is guided by the Lord.

Judges 18:11
So six hundred men of the Danites from Zorah and Eshtaol went out armed with instruments of war.

Judges 18:12
And they went up and put up their tents in Kiriath-jearim in Judah: so that place is named Mahaneh-dan to this day. It is to the west of Kiriath-jearim.

Judges 18:13
From there they went on to the hill-country of Ephraim and came to the house of Micah.

Judges 18:14
Then the five men who had gone to make a search through the country of Laish, said to their brothers, Have you knowledge that in these houses there is an ephod and family gods and a pictured image and a metal image? So now you see what to do.

Judges 18:15
And turning from their road they came to the house of the young Levite, the house of Micah, and said to him, Is it well with you?

Judges 18:16
And the six hundred armed men of the Danites took their places by the doorway.

Judges 18:17
Then the five men who had gone to make a search through the land, went in and took the pictured image and the ephod and the family gods and the metal image; and the priest was by the doorway with the six hundred armed men.

Judges 18:18
And when they went into Micah's house and took out the pictured image and the ephod and the family gods and the metal image, the priest said to them, What are you doing?

Judges 18:19
And they said to him, Be quiet; say nothing, and come with us and be our father and priest; is it better for you to be priest to one man's house or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?

Judges 18:20
Then the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod and the family gods and the pictured image and went with the people.

Judges 18:21
So they went on their way again, putting the little ones and the oxen and the goods in front of them.

Judges 18:22
When they had gone some way from the house of Micah, the men from the houses near Micah's house came together and overtook the children of Dan,

Judges 18:30
(And the children of Dan put up the pictured image for themselves; and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests for the tribe of the Danites till the day when the ark was taken prisoner.)


Judges 18:23
Crying out to them. And the Danites, turning round, said to Micah, What is your trouble, that you have taken up arms?

Judges 18:24
And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and my priest, and have gone away; what is there for me now? Why then do you say to me, What is your trouble?

Judges 18:25
And the children of Dan said to him, Say no more, or men of bitter spirit may make an attack on you, causing loss of your life and the lives of your people.

Judges 18:26
Then the children of Dan went on their way; and when Micah saw that they were stronger than he, he went back to his house.

Judges 18:29
And they gave the town the name of Dan, after Dan their father, who was the son of Israel: though the town had been named Laish at first.


1 Chronicles 4:10
And Jabez made a prayer to the God of Israel, saying, If only you would truly give me a blessing, and make wider the limits of my land, and let your hand be with me, and keep me from evil, so that I may not be troubled by it! And God gave him his desire.

Psalms 104:25
There is the great, wide sea, where there are living things, great and small, more than may be numbered.

Isaiah 22:18
Twisting you round and round like a ball he will send you out into a wide country: there you will come to your end, and there will be the carriages of your pride, O shame of your lord's house!


Job 40:23
Truly, if the river is overflowing, it gives him no cause for fear; he has no sense of danger, even if Jordan is rushing against his mouth.

Proverbs 11:15
He who makes himself responsible for a strange man will undergo much loss; but the hater of such undertakings will be safe.


Isaiah 47:8
So now take note of this, you who are given up to pleasure, living without fear of evil, saying in your heart, I am, and there is no one like me; I will never be a widow, or have my children taken from me.

Jeremiah 49:31
Up! go against a nation which is living in comfort and without fear of danger, says the Lord, without doors or locks, living by themselves.

Ezekiel 30:9
In that day men will go out quickly to take the news, causing fear in untroubled Ethiopia; and bitter pain will come on them as in the day of Egypt; for see, it is coming.

Ezekiel 39:6
And I will send a fire on Magog, and on those who are living in the sea-lands without fear: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.

Nahum 1:12
This is what the Lord has said: The days of my cause against you are ended; they are cut off and past. Though I have sent trouble on you, you will no longer be troubled.

Zephaniah 2:15
This is the town which was full of joy, living without fear of danger, saying in her heart, I am, and there is no other: how has she been made waste, a place for beasts to take their rest in! everyone who goes by her will make hisses, waving his hand.


Jeremiah 7:8
See, you put your faith in false words which are of no profit.


Luke 12:20
But God said to him, You foolish one, tonight I will take your soul from you, and who then will be the owner of all the things which you have got together?


Job 21:9
Their houses are free from fear, and the rod of God does not come on them.

Job 21:11
They send out their young ones like a flock, and their children have pleasure in the dance,

Job 21:12
They make songs to the instruments of music, and are glad at the sound of the pipe.

Job 21:13
Their days come to an end without trouble, and suddenly they go down to the underworld.

Job 21:14
Though they said to God, Go away from us, for we have no desire for the knowledge of your ways.

Job 21:15
What is the Ruler of all, that we may give him worship? and what profit is it to us to make prayer to him?

Psalms 73:7
Their eyes are bursting with fat; they have more than their heart's desire.

Ecclesiastes 2:4
I undertook great works, building myself houses and planting vine-gardens.

Ecclesiastes 2:5
I made myself gardens and fruit gardens, planting in them fruit-trees of all sorts.

Ecclesiastes 2:6
I made pools to give water for the woods with their young trees.

Ecclesiastes 2:7
I got men-servants and women-servants, and they gave birth to sons and daughters in my house. I had great wealth of herds and flocks, more than all who were in Jerusalem before me.

Ecclesiastes 2:8
I got together silver and gold and the wealth of kings and of countries. I got makers of song, male and female; and the delights of the sons of men--girls of all sorts to be my brides.

Ecclesiastes 2:9
And I became great; increasing more than all who had been before me in Jerusalem, and my wisdom was still with me.

Ecclesiastes 2:10
And nothing which was desired by my eyes did I keep from them; I did not keep any joy from my heart, because my heart took pleasure in all my work, and this was my reward.

1 Timothy 6:17
Give orders to those who have money and goods in this life, not to be lifted up in their minds, or to put their hope in the uncertain chances of wealth, but in God who gives us in full measure all things for our use;

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