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Deuteronomy 11:11
But the land where you are going is a land of hills and valleys, drinking in the rain of heaven:


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Deuteronomy 11:11
But the land where you are going is a land of hills and valleys, drinking in the rain of heaven:


Genesis 1:6
And God said, Let there be a solid arch stretching over the waters, parting the waters from the waters.

Genesis 8:2
And the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were shut, and the rain from heaven was stopped.

Judges 5:4
Lord, when you went out from Seir, moving like an army from the field of Edom, the earth was shaking and the heavens were troubled, and the clouds were dropping water.

2 Samuel 22:12
And he made the dark his tent round him, a mass of waters, thick clouds of the skies.

1 Kings 17:1
And Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, By the living Lord, the God of Israel, whose servant I am, there will be no dew or rain in these years, but only at my word.

1 Kings 18:45
And after a very little time, the heaven became black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab went in his carriage to Jezreel.

1 Kings 22:19
And he said, Give ear now to the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord seated on his seat of power, with all the army of heaven in their places round him at his right hand and at his left.

Job 26:8
By him the waters are shut up in his thick clouds, and the cloud does not give way under them.

Job 36:27
For he takes up the drops from the sea; he sends them through his mist as rain,

Job 37:11
The thick cloud is weighted with thunder-flame, and the cloud sends out its light;

Job 37:12
And it goes this way and that, round about, turning itself by his guiding, to do whatever he gives orders to be done, on the face of his world of men,

Job 37:13
For a rod, or for a curse, or for mercy, causing it to come on the mark.

Job 38:37
By whose wisdom are the clouds numbered, or the water-skins of the heavens turned to the earth,

Psalms 104:3
The arch of your house is based on the waters; you make the clouds your carriage; you go on the wings of the wind:

Jeremiah 10:13
At the sound of his voice there is a massing of waters in the heavens, and he makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes the thunder-flames for the rain, and sends out the wind from his store-houses.


Genesis 10:20
All these, with their different families, languages, lands, and nations, are the offspring of Ham.


Genesis 13:10
And Lot, lifting up his eyes and looking an the valley of Jordan, saw that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord had sent destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah; it was like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, on the way to Zoar.

Numbers 32:5
And they said, With your approval, let this land be given to your servants as their heritage: do not take us over Jordan.


Exodus 15:17
You will take them in, planting them in the mountain of your heritage, the place, O Lord, where you have made your house, the holy place, O Lord, the building of your hands.

Nehemiah 9:24
So the children went in and took the land, and you overcame before them the people of the land, the Canaanites, and gave them up into their hands, with their kings and the people of the land, so that they might do with them whatever it was their pleasure to do.


Numbers 24:7
Peoples will be in fear before his strength, his arm will be on great nations: his king will be higher than Agag, and his kingdom made great in honour.


Deuteronomy 1:7
Make a move now, and go on your way into the hill-country of the Amorites and the places near it, in the Arabah and the hill-country and in the lowlands and in the South and by the seaside, all the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.

Joshua 10:40
So Joshua overcame all the land, the hill-country and the South and the lowland and the mountain slopes, and all their kings; all were put to death: and every living thing he gave up to the curse, as the Lord, the God of Israel, had given him orders.

Joshua 11:16
So Joshua took all that land, the hill-country and all the South, and all the land of Goshen, and the lowland and the Arabah, the hill-country of Israel and its lowland;

Joshua 11:17
From Mount Halak, which goes up to Seir, as far as Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon under Mount Hermon: and all their kings he overcame and put to death.


Deuteronomy 1:23
And what you said seemed good to me, and I took twelve men from among you, one from every tribe;


Deuteronomy 4:21
And the Lord was angry with me because of you, and made an oath that I was not to go over Jordan into the good land which the Lord is giving you for your heritage:


Deuteronomy 4:22
But death is to come to me in this land, I may not go over Jordan: but you will go over and take that good land for your heritage.


Deuteronomy 7:14
You will have greater blessings than any other people: no male or female among you or among your cattle will be without offspring.

Deuteronomy 7:15
And the Lord will take away from you all disease, and will not put on you any of the evil diseases of Egypt which you have seen, but will put them on your haters.

Deuteronomy 7:16
And you are to send destruction on all the peoples which the Lord your God gives into your hands; have no pity on them, and do not give worship to their gods; for that will be a cause of sin to you.

Deuteronomy 26:4
Then the priest will take the basket from your hand and put it down in front of the altar of the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 28:3
A blessing will be on you in the town, and a blessing in the field.

Deuteronomy 28:4
A blessing will be on the fruit of your body, and on the fruit of your land, on the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herd, and the young of your flock.

Deuteronomy 28:5
A blessing will be on your basket and on your bread-basin.

Deuteronomy 28:6
A blessing will be on your coming in and on your going out.

Deuteronomy 28:11
And the Lord will make you fertile in every good thing, in the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your cattle, and the fruit of your fields, in the land which the Lord, by his oath to your fathers, said he would give you.


Numbers 14:8
And if the Lord has delight in us, he will take us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 4:40
Then keep his laws and his orders which I give you today, so that it may be well for you and for your children after you, and that your lives may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for ever.

Deuteronomy 5:33
Go on walking in the way ordered for you by the Lord your God, so that life may be yours and it may be well for you, and your days may be long in the land of your heritage.

Deuteronomy 6:2
So that living in the fear of the Lord your God, you may keep all his laws and his orders, which I give you: you and your son and your son's son, all the days of your life; and so that your life may be long.

Deuteronomy 6:3
So give ear, O Israel, and take care to do this; so that it may be well for you, and you may be greatly increased, as the Lord the God of your fathers has given you his word, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 10:12
And now, Israel, what would the Lord your God have you do, but to go in the fear of the Lord your God, walking in all his ways and loving him and doing his pleasure with all your heart and all your soul,

Deuteronomy 10:18
Judging uprightly in the cause of the widow and of the child who has no father, and giving food and clothing in his mercy to the man from a strange country.

Deuteronomy 11:13
And it will be that if you truly give ear to the orders which I put before you this day, loving the Lord your God and worshipping him with all your heart and all your soul,


Deuteronomy 15:8
But let your hand be open to give him the use of whatever he is in need of.

Deuteronomy 15:9
And see that there is no evil thought in your heart, moving you to say to yourself, The seventh year, the year of forgiveness is near; and so looking coldly on your poor countryman you give him nothing; and he will make an outcry to the Lord against you, and it will be judged as sin in you.


Deuteronomy 32:8
When the Most High gave the nations their heritage, separating into groups the children of men, he had the limits of the peoples marked out, keeping in mind the number of the children of Israel.

Psalms 16:6
Fair are the places marked out for me; I have a noble heritage.


Job 37:8
Then the beasts go into their holes, and take their rest.

Job 37:9
Out of its place comes the storm-wind, and the cold out of its store-houses.


Leviticus 26:4
Then I will give you rain at the right time, and the land will give her increase and the trees of the field will give their fruit;

Ruth 1:6
So she and her daughters-in-law got ready to go back from the country of Moab, for news had come to her in the country of Moab that the Lord, in mercy for his people, had given them food.

Job 37:6
For he says to the snow, Make the earth wet; and to the rain-storm, Come down.

Job 37:7
He puts an end to the work of every man, so that all may see his work.

Job 37:10
By the breath of God ice is made, and the wide waters are shut in.

Job 38:25
By whom has the way been cut for the flowing of the rain, and the flaming of the thunder;

Job 38:26
Causing rain to come on a land where no man is living, on the waste land which has no people;

Job 38:27
To give water to the land where there is waste and destruction, and to make the dry land green with young grass?

Job 38:28
Has the rain a father? or who gave birth to the drops of night mist?

Psalms 104:8
The mountains came up and the valleys went down into the place which you had made ready for them.

Psalms 104:14
He makes the grass come up for the cattle, and plants for the use of man; so that bread may come out of the earth;

Psalms 147:8
By his hand the heaven is covered with clouds and rain is stored up for the earth; he makes the grass tall on the mountains.

Ezekiel 34:26
And I will give the rain at the right time, and I will make the shower come down at the right time; there will be showers of blessing.

Matthew 5:45
So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner.

2 Corinthians 12:2
I have knowledge of a man in Christ, fourteen years back (if he was in the body, or out of the body, I am not able to say, but God only), who was taken up to the third heaven.


Psalms 42:7
Deep is sounding to deep at the noise of your waterfalls; all your waves have gone rolling over me.

Isaiah 30:20
And though the Lord will give you the bread of trouble and the water of grief, you will no longer put your teacher on one side, but you will see your teacher:


Psalms 77:16
The waters saw you, O God; the waters saw you, they were in fear: even the deep was troubled.

Psalms 77:17
The clouds sent out water; the skies gave out a sound; truly, your arrows went far and wide.

Psalms 78:24
And he sent down manna like rain for their food, and gave them the grain of heaven.

Psalms 78:25
Man took part in the food of strong ones; he sent them meat in full measure.

Psalms 78:26
He sent an east wind from heaven, driving on the south wind by his power.

Psalms 78:27
He sent down meat on them like dust, and feathered birds like the sand of the sea,


Psalms 104:10
You sent the springs into the valleys; they are flowing between the hills.

Psalms 104:11
They give drink to every beast of the field; the mountain asses come to them for water.

Psalms 104:12
The birds of the air have their resting-places by them, and make their song among the branches.

Song of Solomon 5:12
His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the water streams, washed with milk, and rightly placed.

Isaiah 28:1
Ho! crown of pride of those who are given up to wine in Ephraim, and the dead flower of his glory which is on the head of those who are overcome by strong drink!


Isaiah 19:5
And the waters of the sea will be cut off, and the river will become dry and waste:

Isaiah 19:6
And the rivers will have an evil smell; the stream of Egypt will become small and dry: all the water-plants will come to nothing.

Ezekiel 29:3
Say to them, These are the words of the Lord: See, I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great river-beast stretched out among his Nile streams, who has said, The Nile is mine, and I have made it for myself.

Ezekiel 29:9
And the land of Egypt will be an unpeopled waste; and they will be certain that I am the Lord: because he has said, The Nile is mine, and I made it.

Zechariah 14:18
And if the family of Egypt does not go up or come there, they will be attacked by the disease which the Lord will send on the nations:


Isaiah 32:12
Have sorrow for the fields, the pleasing fields, the fertile vine;

Jeremiah 3:19
But I said, How am I to put you among the children, and give you a desired land, a heritage of glory among the armies of the nations? and I said, You are to say to me, My father; and not be turned away from me.

Ezekiel 20:15
And further, I gave my oath to them in the waste land, that I would not take them into the land which I had given them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the glory of all lands;


Ezekiel 17:5
And he took some of the seed of the land, planting it in fertile earth, placing it by great waters; he put it in like a willow-tree.


Ezekiel 20:36
As I took up the cause with your fathers in the waste land of the land of Egypt, so will I take up the cause with you says the Lord.

Hosea 2:16
And in that day, says the Lord, you will say to me, Ishi; and you will never again give me the name of Baali;


Ezekiel 36:1
And you, son of man, be a prophet about the mountains of Israel, and say, You mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord:

Ezekiel 36:4
For this reason, you mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord; this is what the Lord has said to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, to the unpeopled wastes and to the towns where no one is living, from which the goods have been taken and which have been put to shame by the rest of the nations who are round about:

Ezekiel 36:6
For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations:


2 Samuel 1:21
O mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew or rain on you, you fields of death: for there the arms of the strong have been shamed, the arms of Saul, as if he had not been marked with the holy oil.

Job 3:4
That day--let it be dark; let not God take note of it from on high, and let not the light be shining on it;

Isaiah 45:8
Let righteousness come down, O heavens, from on high, and let the sky send it down like rain: let the earth be open to give the fruit of salvation, causing righteousness to come up with it; I the Lord have made it come about.

Hosea 14:5
I will be as the dew to Israel; he will put out flowers like a lily, and send out his roots like Lebanon.

Hosea 14:6
His branches will be stretched out, he will be beautiful as the olive-tree and sweet-smelling as Lebanon.

Hosea 14:7
They will come back and have rest in his shade; their life will be made new like the grain, and they will put out flowers like the vine; his name will be like the wine of Lebanon.

Hebrews 11:20
By faith Isaac, blessing Jacob and Esau, gave news of things to come.


Mark 4:26
And he said, Such is the kingdom of God, as if a man put seed in the earth,


Mark 4:27
And went to sleep and got up, night and day, and the seed came to growth, though he had no idea how.


Deuteronomy 8:12
And when you have taken food and are full, and have made fair houses for yourselves and are living in them;

Deuteronomy 8:13
And when your herds and your flocks are increased, and your stores of silver and gold, and you have wealth of every sort;

Judges 18:10
When you come there you will come to a people living without thought of danger; and the land is wide, and God has given it into your hands: a place where there is everything on earth for man's needs.

1 Timothy 6:17
Give orders to those who have money and goods in this life, not to be lifted up in their minds, or to put their hope in the uncertain chances of wealth, but in God who gives us in full measure all things for our use;

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