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Deuteronomy 6:13
Let the fear of the Lord your God be in your hearts, and be his servants, taking your oaths by his name.


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Deuteronomy 6:13
Let the fear of the Lord your God be in your hearts, and be his servants, taking your oaths by his name.


Genesis 14:23
That I will not take so much as a thread or the cord of a shoe of yours; so that you may not say, I have given wealth to Abram:

Genesis 21:23
Now, then, give me your oath, in the name of God, that you will not be false to me or to my sons after me, but that as I have been good to you, so you will be to me and to this land where you have been living.

Genesis 24:3
And take an oath by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not get a wife for my son Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I am living;

Genesis 26:28
And they said, We saw clearly that the Lord was with you: so we said, Let there be an oath between us and you, and let us make an agreement with you;

Genesis 26:31
And early in the morning they took an oath one to the other: then Isaac sent them away and they went on their way in peace.

Genesis 31:44
Come, let us make an agreement, you and I; and let it be for a witness between us.

1 Samuel 20:13
May the Lord's punishment be on Jonathan, if it is my father's pleasure to do you evil and I do not give you word of it and send you away so that you may go in peace: and may the Lord be with you, as he has been with my father.

1 Samuel 20:17
And Jonathan again took an oath to David, because of his love for him: for David was as dear to him as his very soul.

1 Samuel 20:42
And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, for we two have taken an oath, in the name of the Lord, saying, The Lord will be between me and you, and between my seed and your seed for ever. Then David went away, and Jonathan went into the town.

1 Samuel 24:21
So give me your oath by the Lord, that you will not put an end to my seed after me or let my name be cut off from my father's family.

1 Samuel 24:22
And David gave Saul his oath. And Saul went back to his house; but David and his men went up to their safe place.

1 Samuel 30:15
And David said to him, Will you take me down to this band? And he said, If you give me your oath that you will not put me to death or give me up to my master, I will take you to them.


Genesis 22:12
And he said, Let not your hand be stretched out against the boy to do anything to him; for now I am certain that the fear of God is in your heart, because you have not kept back your son, your only son, from me.

Exodus 20:20
And Moses said to the people, Have no fear: for God has come to put you to the test, so that fearing him you may be kept from sin.

Deuteronomy 4:10
That day when you were waiting before the Lord your God in Horeb, and the Lord said to me, Make all the people come together, so that hearing my words they may go in fear of me all the days of their life on earth and give this teaching to their children.

1 Kings 8:40
So that they may give you worship all the days of their life in the land which you gave to our fathers.

Psalms 34:9
Keep yourselves in the fear of the Lord, all you his saints; for those who do so will have no need of anything.

Psalms 115:13
He will send blessings on the worshippers of the Lord, on the small and on the great.

Psalms 128:1
A Song of the going up. Happy is the worshipper of the Lord, who is walking in his ways.

Psalms 130:4
But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be feared.

Ecclesiastes 8:12
Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his life is long, I am certain that it will be well for those who go in fear of God and are in fear before him.

Hosea 3:5
And after that, the children of Israel will come back and go in search of the Lord their God and David their king; and they will come in fear to the Lord and to his mercies in the days to come.

Micah 6:8
He has made clear to you, O man, what is good; and what is desired from you by the Lord; only doing what is right, and loving mercy, and walking without pride before your God.

John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.


Genesis 31:42
If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would have sent me away with nothing in my hands. But God has seen my troubles and the work of my hands, and this night he kept you back.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to him, I AM WHAT I AM: and he said, Say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.

Exodus 3:15
And God went on to say to Moses, Say to the children of Israel, The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name for ever, and this is my sign to all generations.

Exodus 6:2
And God said to Moses, I am Yahweh:

Exodus 6:3
I let myself be seen by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God, the Ruler of all; but they had no knowledge of my name Yahweh.

Exodus 9:15
For if I had put the full weight of my hand on you and your people, you would have been cut off from the earth:

Exodus 20:2
I am the Lord your God who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the prison-house.

Exodus 34:5
And the Lord came down in the cloud and took his place by the side of Moses, and Moses gave worship to the name of the Lord.

Exodus 34:6
And the Lord went past before his eyes, saying, The Lord, the Lord, a God full of pity and grace, slow to wrath and great in mercy and faith;

Exodus 34:7
Having mercy on thousands, overlooking evil and wrongdoing and sin; he will not let wrongdoers go free, but will send punishment on children for the sins of their fathers, and on their children's children to the third and fourth generation.

Isaiah 41:10
Have no fear, for I am with you; do not be looking about in trouble, for I am your God; I will give you strength, yes, I will be your helper; yes, my true right hand will be your support.

Isaiah 42:8
I am the Lord; that is my name: I will not give my glory to another, or my praise to pictured images.


Exodus 20:7
You are not to make use of the name of the Lord your God for an evil purpose; whoever takes the Lord's name on his lips for an evil purpose will be judged a sinner by the Lord

Psalms 15:4
Who gives honour to those who have the fear of the Lord, turning away from him who has not the Lord's approval. He who takes an oath against himself, and makes no change.

Psalms 24:4
He who has clean hands and a true heart; whose desire has not gone out to foolish things, who has not taken a false oath.

Psalms 119:63
I keep company with all your worshippers, and those who have your orders in their memory.

Psalms 139:20
For they go against you with evil designs, and your haters make sport of your name.

Jeremiah 5:1
Go quickly through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and get knowledge, and make a search in her wide places if there is a man, if there is one in her who is upright, who keeps faith; and she will have my forgiveness.


Exodus 22:10
If a man puts an ass or an ox or a sheep or any beast into the keeping of his neighbour, and it comes to death or is damaged or is taken away, without any person seeing it:

Exodus 22:11
If he takes his oath before the Lord that he has not put his hand to his neighbour's goods, the owner is to take his word for it and he will not have to make payment for it.

Numbers 5:19
And he will make her take an oath, and say to her, If no man has been your lover and you have not been with another in place of your husband, you are free from this bitter water causing the curse;

1 Kings 8:31
If a man does wrong to his neighbour, and has to take an oath, and comes before your altar to take his oath in this house:


Exodus 34:14
For you are to be worshippers of no other god: for the Lord is a God who will not give his honour to another.

Deuteronomy 4:24
For the Lord your God is an all-burning fire, and he will not let the honour which is his be given to any other.

Deuteronomy 7:4
For through them your sons will be turned from me to the worship of other gods: and the Lord will be moved to wrath against you and send destruction on you quickly.

Judges 2:14
And the wrath of the Lord was burning against Israel, and he gave them up into the hands of those who violently took their property, and into the hands of their haters all round them, so that they were forced to give way before them.

2 Kings 13:3
So the wrath of the Lord was burning against Israel, and he gave them up into the power of Hazael, king of Aram, and into the power of Ben-hadad, the son of Hazael, again and again.

Psalms 7:11
God is the judge of the upright, and is angry with the evil-doers every day.

Nahum 1:3
The Lord is slow to get angry and great in power, and will not let the sinner go without punishment: the way of the Lord is in the wind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Nahum 1:5
The mountains are shaking because of him, and the hills flowing away; the earth is falling to bits before him, the world and all who are in it.

Nahum 1:6
Who may keep his place before his wrath? and who may undergo the heat of his passion? his wrath is let loose like fire and the rocks are broken open by him.

Hebrews 10:30
For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people.

Hebrews 10:31
We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God.

Hebrews 12:29
For our God is an all-burning fire.


Deuteronomy 12:5
But let your hearts be turned to the place which will be marked out by the Lord your God, among your tribes, to put his name there;

Deuteronomy 12:6
And there you are to take your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up to the Lord, and the offerings of your oaths, and those which you give freely from the impulse of your hearts, and the first births among your herds and your flocks;

Deuteronomy 12:11
Then there will be a place marked out by the Lord your God as the resting-place for his name, and there you will take all the things which I give you orders to take: your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up, and the offerings of your oaths which you make to the Lord;

Deuteronomy 12:12
And you will be glad before the Lord your God, you and your sons and your daughters, and your men-servants and your women-servants, and the Levite who is with you in your house, because he has no part or heritage among you.

Deuteronomy 14:23
And make a feast before the Lord your God, in the place which is to be marked out, where his name will be for ever, of the tenth part of your grain and your wine and your oil, and the first births of your herds and your flocks; so that you may have the fear of the Lord your God in your hearts at all times.


Deuteronomy 13:14
Then let a full search be made, and let questions be put with care; and if it is true and certain that such a disgusting thing has been done among you;

Psalms 81:13
If only my people would give ear to me, walking in my ways!

Jeremiah 4:1
If you will come back, O Israel, says the Lord, you will come back to me: and if you will put away your disgusting ways, you will not be sent away from before me.

Colossians 1:10
Living uprightly in the approval of the Lord, giving fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;


Deuteronomy 20:20
Only those trees which you are certain are not used for food may be cut down and put to destruction: and you are to make walls of attack against the town till it is taken.


Exodus 23:25
And give worship to the Lord your God, who will send his blessing on your bread and on your water; and I will take all disease away from among you.

Deuteronomy 5:28
Then the Lord, hearing your words to me, said to me, The words which this people have said to you have come to my ears: what they have said is well said.

Deuteronomy 11:14
Then I will send rain on your land at the right time, the early rains and the late rains, so that you may get in your grain and your wine and your oil.

Deuteronomy 28:1
Now if you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and keep with care all these orders which I have given you today, then the Lord your God will put you high over all the nations of the earth:

Deuteronomy 28:2
And all these blessings will come on you and overtake you, if your ears are open to the voice of the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 28:3
A blessing will be on you in the town, and a blessing in the field.

Deuteronomy 28:4
A blessing will be on the fruit of your body, and on the fruit of your land, on the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herd, and the young of your flock.

Deuteronomy 28:5
A blessing will be on your basket and on your bread-basin.

Deuteronomy 28:6
A blessing will be on your coming in and on your going out.

Joshua 24:21
And the people said to Joshua, No! But we will be the servants of the Lord.

Joshua 24:24
And the people said to Joshua, We will be the servants of the Lord our God, and we will give ear to his voice.

1 Samuel 12:20
Then Samuel said to the people, Have no fear: truly you have done evil, but do not be turned away from the Lord; be his servants with all your heart;


Exodus 6:6
Say then to the children of Israel, I am Yahweh, and I will take you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians, and make you safe from their power, and will make you free by the strength of my arm after great punishments.

Exodus 20:3
You are to have no other gods but me.

Exodus 20:23
Gods of silver and gods of gold you are not to make for yourselves.

Deuteronomy 4:34
Has God ever before taken a nation for himself from out of another nation, by punishments and signs and wonders, by war and by a strong hand and a stretched-out arm and great acts of wonder and fear, as the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes?

Deuteronomy 5:6
I am the Lord your God, who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the prison-house.

Deuteronomy 5:15
And keep in mind that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord your God took you out of that land by his strong hand and his stretched-out arm: for this reason the Lord has given you orders to keep the Sabbath day.

Deuteronomy 28:58
If you will not take care to do all the words of this law, recorded in this book, honouring that name of glory and of fear, THE LORD YOUR GOD;

2 Kings 17:36
But the Lord, who took you out of the land of Egypt with his great power and his outstretched arm, he is your God, to whom you are to give worship and make offerings:

Nehemiah 9:5
Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah said, Get up and give praise to the Lord your God for ever and ever. Praise be to your great name which is lifted up high over all blessing and praise.

Psalms 50:7
Give ear, O my people, to my words; O Israel, I will be a witness against you; I am God, even your God.

Psalms 83:18
So that men may see that you only, whose name is Yahweh, are Most High over all the earth.

Jeremiah 5:12
They would have nothing to do with the Lord, saying, He will do nothing, and no evil will come to us; we will not see the sword or be short of food:


Joshua 4:24
So that all the peoples of the earth may see that the hand of the Lord is strong; and that they may go in fear of the Lord your God for ever.

James 5:10
Take as an example of pain nobly undergone and of strength in trouble, the prophets who gave to men the words of the Lord.


2 Kings 23:3
And the king took his place by the pillar, and made an agreement before the Lord, to go in the way of the Lord, and keep his orders and his decisions and his rules with all his heart and all his soul, and to keep the words of the agreement recorded in the book; and all the people gave their word to keep the agreement.

2 Chronicles 15:12
And they made an agreement to be true to the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and all their soul;

2 Chronicles 15:13
And that anyone, small or great, man or woman, who was not true to the Lord, the God of Israel, would be put to death.

2 Chronicles 34:31
Then the king, taking his place by the pillar, made an agreement before the Lord, to go in the way of the Lord, and to keep his orders and his decisions and his rules with all his heart and with all his soul, and to keep the words of the agreement recorded in this book.

Ezra 10:5
Then Ezra got up, and made the chiefs of the priests and the Levites and all Israel take an oath that they would do this. So they took an oath.

Nehemiah 10:30
And that we would not give our daughters to the peoples of the lands, or take their daughters for our sons;

Nehemiah 13:25
And I took up the cause against them, cursing them and giving blows to some of them and pulling out their hair; and I made them take an oath by God, saying, You are not to give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons or for yourselves.


Psalms 19:5
Who is like a newly married man coming from his bride-tent, and is glad like a strong runner starting on his way.

Psalms 19:6
His going out is from the end of the heaven, and his circle to the ends of it; there is nothing which is not open to his heat.

Psalms 19:7
The law of the Lord is good, giving new life to the soul: the witness of the Lord is certain, giving wisdom to the foolish.

Psalms 19:8
The orders of the Lord are right, making glad the heart: the rule of the Lord is holy, giving light to the eyes.


Psalms 22:27
All the ends of the earth will keep it in mind and be turned to the Lord: all the families of the nations will give him worship.

Psalms 22:29
All the fat ones of the earth will give him worship; all those who go down to the dust will make themselves low before him, even he who has not enough for the life of his soul.

Psalms 95:6
O come, let us give worship, falling down on our knees before the Lord our Maker.

Philippians 2:11
And that every tongue may give witness that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Psalms 132:2
How he made an oath to the Lord, and gave his word to the great God of Jacob, saying,

Isaiah 19:19
In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the middle of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at the edge of the land.

Isaiah 19:20
And it will be a sign and a witness to the Lord of armies in the land of Egypt: when they are crying out to the Lord because of their cruel masters, then he will send them a saviour and a strong one to make them free.

Isaiah 19:21
And the Lord will give the knowledge of himself to Egypt, and the Egyptians will give honour to the Lord in that day; they will give him worship with offerings and meal offerings, and will take an oath to the Lord and give effect to it.

Isaiah 44:3
For I will send water on the land needing it, and streams on the dry earth: I will let my spirit come down on your seed, and my blessing on your offspring.

Isaiah 44:4
And they will come up like grass in a well-watered field, like water-plants by the streams.


Isaiah 10:5
Ho! Assyrian, the rod of my wrath, the instrument of my punishment!

Isaiah 10:6
I will send him against a nation of wrongdoers, and against the people of my wrath I will give him orders, to take their wealth in war, crushing them down like the dust in the streets.

Jeremiah 5:22
Have you no fear of me? says the Lord; will you not be shaking with fear before me, who have put the sand as a limit for the sea, by an eternal order, so that it may not go past it? and though it is ever in motion, it is not able to have its way; though the sound of its waves is loud, they are not able to go past it.

Nahum 1:4
He says sharp words to the sea and makes it dry, drying up all the rivers: Bashan is feeble, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon is without strength.


Isaiah 19:12
Where, then, are your wise men? let them make clear to you, let them give you knowledge of the purpose of the Lord of armies for Egypt.


Isaiah 19:13
The chiefs of Zoan have become foolish, the chiefs of Noph are tricked, the heads of her tribes are the cause of Egypt's wandering out of the way.


Isaiah 45:24
Only in the Lord will Jacob overcome and be strong: together all those who were angry with him will be put to shame and come to destruction.


Isaiah 45:25
In the Lord will all the seed of Israel get their rights, and they will give glory to him.


Jeremiah 8:2
And they will put them out before the sun and the moon and all the stars of heaven, whose lovers and servants they have been, after whom they have gone, to whom they have made prayers, and to whom they have given worship: they will not be put together or placed in the earth; they will be waste on the face of the earth.


Hosea 4:16
For Israel is uncontrolled, like a cow which may not be controlled; now will the Lord give them food like a lamb in a wide place.


Matthew 4:8
Again, the Evil One took him up to a very high mountain, and let him see all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them;


Matthew 4:9
And he said to him, All these things will I give you, if you will go down on your face and give me worship.


2 Chronicles 30:8
Now do not be hard-hearted, as your fathers were; but give yourselves to the Lord, and come into his holy place, which he has made his for ever, and be the servants of the Lord your God, so that the heat of his wrath may be turned away from you.

Matthew 6:24
No man is able to be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other, or he will keep to one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.

John 12:26
If any man is my servant, let him come after me; and where I am, there will my servant be. If any man becomes my servant, my Father will give him honour.

Romans 6:22
But now, being free from sin, and having been made servants to God, you have your fruit in that which is holy, and the end is eternal life.

Colossians 3:22
Servants, in all things do the orders of your natural masters; not only when their eyes are on you, as pleasers of men, but with all your heart, fearing the Lord:

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not to men;

Colossians 3:24
Being certain that the Lord will give you the reward of the heritage: for you are the servants of the Lord Christ.

Revelation 7:15
This is why they are before the high seat of God; and they are his servants day and night in his house: and he who is seated on the high seat will be a tent over them.


Matthew 23:19
You blind ones: which is greater, the offering, or the altar which makes the offering holy?


Genesis 42:7
And when Joseph saw his brothers, it was clear to him who they were, but he made himself strange to them, and talking roughly to them, said, Where do you come from? And they said, From the land of Canaan, to get food.

Genesis 42:12
And he said to them, No, but you have come to see how poor the land is.

Genesis 42:15
But in this way will you be put to the test: by the life of Pharaoh, you will not go away from this place till your youngest brother comes here.

Genesis 42:16
Send one of your number to get your brother, and the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are true; if not, by the life of Pharaoh, your purpose is certainly secret.

Genesis 42:30
The man who is the ruler of the country was rough with us and put us in prison, saying that we had come with a secret evil purpose.

1 Samuel 1:26
And she said, O my lord, as your soul is living, my lord, I am that woman who was making a prayer to the Lord here by your side:

1 Samuel 17:55
And when Saul saw David going out against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the captain of the army, Abner, whose son is this young man? And Abner said, On your life, O king, I have no idea.

Matthew 23:16
A curse is on you, blind guides, who say, Whoever takes an oath by the Temple, it is nothing; but whoever takes an oath by the gold of the Temple, he is responsible.

Matthew 23:17
You foolish ones and blind: which is greater, the gold, or the Temple which makes the gold holy?

Matthew 23:18
And, Whoever takes an oath by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever takes an oath by the offering which is on it, he is responsible.

Matthew 23:20
He, then, who takes an oath by the altar, takes it by the altar and by all things on it.

Matthew 23:21
And he who takes an oath by the Temple, takes it by the Temple and by him whose house it is.


Leviticus 19:3
Let every man give honour to his mother and to his father and keep my Sabbaths: I am the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 5:2
The Lord our God made an agreement with us in Horeb.

Deuteronomy 5:16
Give honour to your father and your mother, as you have been ordered by the Lord your God; so that your life may be long and all may be well for you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Deuteronomy 5:32
Take care, then, to do whatever the Lord your God has given you orders to do; let there be no turning away to the right hand or to the left.

Deuteronomy 17:19
And it is to be with him for his reading all the days of his life, so that he may be trained in the fear of the Lord his God to keep and do all the words of this teaching and these laws:

1 Samuel 12:14
If in the fear of the Lord you are his servants, hearing his voice and not going against the orders of the Lord, but being true to the Lord your God, you and the king ruling over you, then all will be well:

Isaiah 3:10
Happy is the upright man! for he will have joy of the fruit of his ways.

Luke 1:6
They were upright in the eyes of God, keeping all the rules and orders of God, and doing no wrong.

Acts 10:2
A serious-minded man, fearing God with all his family; he gave much money to the poor, and made prayer to God at all times.

1 Thessalonians 4:1
And last of all, the prayer which we make to you from our heart and in the name of the Lord Jesus, is this: that as we made clear to you what sort of behaviour is pleasing to God, as in fact you are doing now, so you will go on in these ways, but more and more.

1 Thessalonians 4:2
Because you have in mind the orders we gave you through the Lord Jesus.

Revelation 19:5
And a voice came from the high seat, saying, Give praise to our God, all you his servants, small and great, in whom is the fear of him.


Exodus 23:13
Take note of all these things which I have said to you, and let not the names of other gods come into your minds or from your lips.

Deuteronomy 4:4
But you who kept faith with the Lord are living, every one of you, today.

Deuteronomy 6:5
And the Lord your God is to be loved with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:17
Keep with care the orders of the Lord your God, and his rules and his laws which he has given you;

Deuteronomy 11:1
So have love for the Lord your God, and give him worship, and keep his laws and his decisions and his orders at all times.

Deuteronomy 11:22
For if you take care to keep all the orders which I give you, and to do them; loving the Lord your God and walking in all his ways and being true to him:

Deuteronomy 32:7
Keep in mind the days of the past, give thought to the years of generations gone by: go to your father and he will make it clear to you, to the old men and they will give you the story.

Joshua 22:5
Only take great care to do the orders and the law which Moses, the Lord's servant, gave you; to have love for the Lord your God and to go in all his ways; and to keep his laws and to be true to him and to be his servants with all your heart and with all your soul.

Joshua 23:7
Have nothing to do with these nations who still are living among you; let not their gods be named by you or used in your oaths; do not be their servants or give them worship:

Joshua 23:8
But be true to the Lord your God as you have been till this day.

Acts 11:23
Who, when he came and saw the grace of God, was glad; and he made clear to them the need of keeping near the Lord with all the strength of their hearts:


1 Samuel 14:39
For, by the living Lord, the saviour of Israel, even if the sinner is Jonathan, my son, death will certainly be his fate. But not a man among all the people gave him any answer.

1 Samuel 20:21
And I will send my boy to have a look for the arrow. And if I say to him, See, the arrow is on this side of you; take it up! then you may come; for there is peace for you and no evil, by the living Lord.

1 Kings 17:1
And Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, By the living Lord, the God of Israel, whose servant I am, there will be no dew or rain in these years, but only at my word.

2 Kings 17:15
And they went against his rules, and the agreement which he made with their fathers, and his laws which he gave them; they gave themselves up to things without sense or value, and became foolish like the nations round them, of whom the Lord had said, Do not as they do.

Acts 14:15
Good people, why are you doing these things? We are men with the same feelings as you, and we give you the good news so that you may be turned away from these foolish things to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all things in them:

Acts 14:16
Who in the past let all nations go in the ways which seemed good to them.

Acts 14:17
But he was not without witness, because he did good, and gave you rain from heaven and times of fruit, making your hearts full of food and joy.


Galatians 1:20
Now God is witness that the things which I am writing to you are true.


Philippians 1:8
For God is my witness, how my love goes out to you all in the loving mercies of Christ Jesus.


Genesis 22:16
Saying, I have taken an oath by my name, says the Lord, because you have done this and have not kept back from me your dearly loved only son,

1 Kings 1:13
Come now, go to King David and say to him, Did you not, O my lord, take an oath to me, your servant, saying, Truly Solomon your son will be king after me, seated on the seat of my kingdom? why then is Adonijah acting as king?

Jeremiah 22:5
But if you do not give ear to these words, I give you my oath by myself, says the Lord, that this house will become a waste.

Jeremiah 51:14
The Lord of armies has taken an oath by himself, saying, Truly, I will make you full with men as with locusts, and their voices will be loud against you.

Amos 6:8
The Lord God has taken an oath by himself, says the Lord, the God of armies: the pride of Jacob is disgusting to me, and I have hate for his great houses: so I will give up the town with everything in it.

John 16:23
And on that day you will put no questions to me. Truly I say to you, Whatever request you make to the Father, he will give it to you in my name.

Revelation 10:6
And took his oath by him who is living for ever and ever, who made the heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that there would be no more waiting:


Deuteronomy 26:10
So now, I have come here with the first of the fruits of the earth which you, O Lord, have given me. Then you will put it down before the Lord your God and give him worship:

Psalms 72:19
Praise to the glory of his noble name for ever; let all the earth be full of his glory. So be it, So be it.

Psalms 86:9
Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name.

Proverbs 3:9
Give honour to the Lord with your wealth, and with the first-fruits of all your increase:

Isaiah 45:20
Come together, even come near, you nations who are still living: they have no knowledge who take up their image of wood, and make prayer to a god in whom is no salvation.

Isaiah 66:23
And it will be, that from new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh will come to give worship before me, says the Lord.

Jonah 1:16
Then great was the men's fear of the Lord; and they made an offering to the Lord and took oaths to him.

Luke 1:45
Happy will she be who had faith that the things which the Lord has said to her will be done.

Luke 4:4
And Jesus made answer to him, It has been said in the Writings, Bread is not man's only need.

1 Corinthians 10:31
So then, if it is a question of food or drink, or any other thing, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Revelation 14:7
Saying with a loud voice, Have fear of God and give him glory; because the hour of his judging is come; and give worship to him who made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of water.

Revelation 19:10
And I went on my face before his feet to give him worship. And he said to me, See you do it not: I am a brother-servant with you and with your brothers who keep the witness of Jesus: give worship to God: for the witness of Jesus is the spirit of the prophet's word.

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