1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Leviticus 16:13
And let him put the perfume on the fire before the Lord so that the ark may be covered with a cloud of the smoke of the perfume, in order that death may not overtake him.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Leviticus 16:13
And let him put the perfume on the fire before the Lord so that the ark may be covered with a cloud of the smoke of the perfume, in order that death may not overtake him.


Genesis 32:30
And Jacob gave that place the name of Peniel, saying, I have seen God face to face, and still I am living.

Exodus 33:20
But it is not possible for you to see my face, for no man may see me and still go on living.

1 Timothy 6:16
Who only has life for ever, living in light to which no man may come near; whom no man has seen or is able to see: to whom be honour and power for ever. So be it.


Exodus 25:18
And at the two ends of the cover you are to make two winged ones of hammered gold,

Exodus 25:19
One at one end and one at the other; the winged ones are to be part of the cover.

Exodus 25:20
And their wings are to be outstretched over the cover, and the winged ones are to be opposite one another, facing the cover.

2 Kings 19:15
And Hezekiah made his prayer to the Lord, saying, O Lord, the God of Israel, seated between the winged ones, you only are the God of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.

Psalms 80:1
To the chief music-maker; put to Shoshannim-eduth. Of Asaph. A Psalm. Give ear, O Keeper of Israel, guiding Joseph like a flock; you who have your seat on the winged ones, let your glory be seen.

Psalms 80:4
O Lord God of armies, how long will your wrath be burning against the rest of your people?


Exodus 26:31
And you are to make a veil of the best linen, blue and purple and red, worked with designs of winged ones by a good workman:

2 Chronicles 3:14
And he made the veil of blue and purple and red, of the best linen, worked with winged ones.

Mark 15:38
And the curtain of the Temple was parted in two from end to end.

Luke 23:45
The light of the sun went out, and the curtain in the Temple was parted in two.

Galatians 4:4
But when the time had come, God sent out his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

Ephesians 2:14
For he is our peace, who has made the two into one, and by whom the middle wall of division has been broken down,

Ephesians 2:15
Having in his flesh put an end to that which made the division between us, even the law with its rules and orders, so that he might make in himself, of the two, one new man, so making peace;

Ephesians 2:16
And that the two might come into agreement with God in one body through the cross, so putting an end to that division.

Ephesians 2:17
And he came preaching peace to you who were far off, and to those who were near;

Ephesians 2:18
Because through him the two of us are able to come near in one Spirit to the Father.

Titus 2:14
Who gave himself for us, so that he might make us free from all wrongdoing, and make for himself a people clean in heart and on fire with good works.

Hebrews 6:19
And this hope is like a strong band for our souls, fixed and certain, and going in to that which is inside the veil;


Exodus 28:35
Aaron is to put it on for his holy work; and the sound of it will be clear, when he goes into the holy place before the Lord, and when he comes out, keeping him safe from death.

Exodus 28:43
Aaron and his sons are to put these on whenever they go into the Tent of meeting or come near the altar, when they are doing the work of the holy place, so that they may be free from any sin causing death: this is to be an order for him and his seed after him for ever.

Exodus 30:20
Whenever they go into the Tent of meeting they are to be washed with water, to keep them from death; and whenever they come near to do the work of the altar, or to make an offering by fire to the Lord,

Exodus 30:21
Their hands and feet are to be washed. so that they may be safe from death: this is an order to them for ever; to him and his seed from generation to generation.

Leviticus 10:6
And Moses said to Aaron and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons, Do not let your hair be loose, and give no signs of grief; so that death may not overtake you, and his wrath come on all the people; but let there be weeping among your brothers and all the house of Israel for this burning of the Lord's fire.

Leviticus 10:7
And do not go out from the door of the Tent of meeting, or death will come to you; for the holy oil of the Lord is on you. And they did as Moses said.

Leviticus 10:9
Take no wine, or strong drink, you or your sons with you, when you go into the Tent of meeting, that it may not be the cause of death to you; this is an order for ever through all your generations.

Leviticus 10:11
Teaching the children of Israel all the laws which the Lord has given them by the hand of Moses.

Leviticus 15:31
In this way may the children of Israel be made free from all sorts of unclean conditions, so that death may not overtake them when they are unclean and when they make unclean my holy place which is among them.


Exodus 30:27
And on the table and all its vessels, and on the support for the lights, with its vessels, and on the altar for burning spices,

Exodus 30:35
And make from them a perfume, such as is made by the art of the perfume-maker, mixed with salt, and clean and holy.

Exodus 30:36
And put some of it, crushed very small, in front of the ark in the Tent of meeting, where I will come face to face with you; it is to be most holy.

Exodus 30:37
You are not to make any perfume like it for yourselves: it is to be kept holy to the Lord.

Exodus 30:38
Whoever makes any like it, for its sweet smell, will be cut off from his people.

Numbers 4:16
And Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, is to be responsible for the oil for the light, and the sweet perfumes for burning, and the regular meal offering, and the holy oil; the House and the holy place and everything in it will be in his care.


Exodus 31:18
And when his talk with Moses on Mount Sinai was ended, he gave him the two stones of the law, two stones on which was the writing made by the finger of God.

Exodus 32:15
Then Moses came down the mountain with the two stones of the law in his hand; the stones had writing on their two sides, on the front and on the back.

Exodus 34:29
Now when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two stones in his hand, he was not conscious that his face was shining because of his talk with God.

Exodus 40:20
And he took the law and put it inside the ark, and put the rods at its side and the cover over it;

Psalms 122:4
To which the tribes went up, even the tribes of the Lord, for a witness to Israel, to give praise to the name of the Lord.


Exodus 30:2
The altar is to be square, a cubit long and a cubit wide, and two cubits high, and its horns are to be made of the same.

Exodus 30:3
It is to be plated with the best gold, the top of it and the sides and the horns, with an edging of gold all round it.

Exodus 30:4
Under the edge on the two opposite sides, you are to make two gold rings, to take the rods for lifting it.

Exodus 30:5
And make these rods of the same wood, plating them with gold.

Exodus 31:8
And the table with its vessels, and the holy light-support with all its vessels, and the altar for the burning of spices,

Exodus 37:26
The top and the sides and the horns were all plated with the best gold; and he put an edge of gold all round it.

Exodus 37:27
And he made two gold rings, placing them on the two opposite sides under the edge, to take the rods for lifting it.

Exodus 37:28
The rods he made of the same hard wood, plating them with gold.

Exodus 39:38
And the gold altar, and the holy oil, and the sweet perfume for burning, and the curtain for the doorway of the tent;

Exodus 40:5
And put the gold altar for burning perfumes in front of the ark of the law, hanging the curtain over the doorway of the House.

Luke 1:9
And as was the way of the priests, he had to go into the Temple to see to the burning of perfumes.

Luke 1:11
And he saw an angel of the Lord in his place on the right side of the altar.


Leviticus 4:6
And the priest is to put his finger in the blood, shaking drops of it before the Lord seven times, in front of the veil of the holy place.

Leviticus 4:7
And the priest is to put some of the blood on the horns of the altar on which perfume is burned before the Lord in the Tent of meeting, draining out all the rest of the blood of the ox at the base of the altar of burned offering which is at the door of the Tent of meeting.

Leviticus 16:23
Then let Aaron come into the Tent of meeting and take off the linen clothing which he put on when he went into the holy place, and put them down there;

Leviticus 16:24
And after bathing his body in water in a holy place, he is to put on his clothing and come out and give his burned offering and the burned offering of the people, to take away his sin and the sin of the people.

Leviticus 16:25
And the fat of the sin-offering is to be burned by him on the altar.

Leviticus 16:27
And the ox of the sin-offering and the goat of the sin-offering, whose blood was taken in to make the holy place free from sin, are to be taken away outside the tent-circle and their skins and their flesh and their waste are to be burned with fire.

Leviticus 16:28
And the man by whom they are burned is to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water, and then he may come back to the tent-circle.


Leviticus 9:15
And he made an offering for the people and took the goat of the sin-offering for the people and put it to death, offering it for sin, in the same way as the first.

Leviticus 16:5
And let him take from the children of Israel two he-goats for a sin-offering and one male sheep for a burned offering.

Leviticus 16:7
And he is to take the two goats and put them before the Lord at the door of the Tent of meeting.

Leviticus 16:8
And Aaron will make selection from the two goats by the decision of the Lord, one goat for the Lord and one for Azazel.

Leviticus 16:9
And the goat which is marked out for the Lord, let Aaron give for a sin-offering.

Leviticus 16:17
And no man may be in the Tent of meeting from the time when Aaron goes in to take away sin in the holy place till he comes out, having made himself and his house and all the people of Israel free from sin.

Leviticus 16:20
And when he has done whatever is necessary to make the holy place and the Tent of meeting and the altar free from sin, let him put the living goat before the Lord;

Leviticus 16:34
And let this be an order for ever for you, so that the sin of the children of Israel may be taken away once every year. And he did as the Lord gave orders to Moses.


Leviticus 23:34
Say to the children of Israel, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month let the feast of tents be kept to the Lord for seven days.

Leviticus 23:35
On the first day there will be a holy meeting: do no field-work.

Leviticus 23:36
Every day for seven days give an offering made by fire to the Lord; and on the eighth day there is to be a holy meeting, when you are to give an offering made by fire to the Lord; this is a special holy day: you may do no field-work on that day.

Leviticus 23:40
On the first day, take the fruit of fair trees, branches of palm-trees, and branches of thick trees and trees from the riverside, and be glad before the Lord for seven days.

Leviticus 23:41
And let this feast be kept before the Lord for seven days in the year: it is a rule for ever from generation to generation; in the seventh month let it be kept.

Leviticus 23:42
For seven days you will be living in tents; all those who are Israelites by birth are to make tents their living-places:

Leviticus 23:43
So that future generations may keep in mind how I gave the children of Israel tents as their living-places when I took them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Numbers 29:12
And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month let there be a holy meeting; do no field-work, and keep a feast to the Lord for seven days;


Numbers 4:18
Do not let the family of the Kohathites be cut off from among the Levites;

Numbers 4:19
But do this to them, so that life and not death may be theirs when they come near the most holy things; let Aaron and his sons go in and give to every one his work and that which he is to take up;


Numbers 7:14
One gold spoon of ten shekels, full of spice for burning;

Deuteronomy 33:8
And of Levi he said, Give your Thummim to Levi and let the Urim be with your loved one, whom you put to the test at Massah, with whom you were angry at the waters of Meribah;

Isaiah 43:23
You have not made me burned offerings of sheep, or given me honour with your offerings of beasts; I did not make you servants to give me an offering, and I did not make you tired with requests for perfumes.

Isaiah 60:6
You will be full of camel-trains, even the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all from Sheba will come, with gold and spices, giving word of the great acts of the Lord.

Jeremiah 6:20
To what purpose does sweet perfume come to me from Sheba, and spices from a far country? your burned offerings give me no pleasure, your offerings of beasts are not pleasing to me.

Ezekiel 16:18
And you took your robes of needlework for their clothing, and put my oil and my perfume before them.


Numbers 16:6
So do this: let Korah and all his band take vessels for burning perfumes;

Numbers 16:36
And the Lord said to Moses,

Numbers 16:37
Say to Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, that he is to take out of the flames the vessels with the perfumes in them, turning the fire out of them, for they are holy;

Numbers 16:38
And let the vessels of those men, who with their lives have made payment for their sin, be hammered out into plates as a cover for the altar; for they have been offered before the Lord and are holy; so that they may be a sign to the children of Israel.

Numbers 16:39
So Eleazar the priest took the brass vessels which had been offered by those who were burned up, and they were hammered out to make a cover for the altar:

Numbers 16:40
To be a sign, kept in memory for ever by the children of Israel, that no man who is not of the seed of Aaron has the right of burning spices before the Lord, so that he may not be like Korah and his band: as the Lord said to him by the mouth of Moses.

Numbers 17:10
And the Lord said to Moses, Put Aaron's rod back in front of the ark of witness, to be kept for a sign against this false-hearted people, so that you may put a stop to their outcries against me, and death may not overtake them.

Numbers 17:11
This Moses did: as the Lord gave orders, so he did.

Numbers 18:7
And you and your sons with you are to be responsible as priests for the altar and everything on it, and everything inside the veil; you are to do the work of priests; I have given you your position as priests; and any other man who comes near will be put to death.


Joshua 3:12
So take twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, a man from every tribe.


Exodus 35:15
And the altar for burning spices, with its rods, and the holy oil and the sweet perfume, and the curtain for the door, at the door of the House;

1 Samuel 2:28
Did I take him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest and to go up to my altar to make the smoke of the offerings go up and to take up the ephod? Did I give to your father's family all the offerings made by fire by the children of Israel?

1 Kings 6:20
And the inmost room was twenty cubits square and twenty cubits high, plated over with clear gold, and he made an altar of cedar-wood, plating it with gold.

Luke 1:21
And the people were waiting for Zacharias and were surprised because he was in the Temple for such a long time.

Revelation 9:13
And at the sounding of the sixth angel a voice came to my ears from the horns of the gold altar which is before God,


1 Kings 18:21
And Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you go on balancing between two opinions? if the Lord is God, then give worship to him; but if Baal, give worship to him. And the people said not a word in answer.

1 Kings 18:22
Then Elijah said to the people, I, even I, am the only living prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.

1 Kings 18:23
Now, let them give us two oxen; and let them take one for themselves, and have it cut up, and put it on the wood, but put no fire under it; I will get the other ox ready, and put it on the wood, and put no fire under it.

Romans 6:21
What fruit had you at that time in the things which are now a shame to you? for the end of such things is death.


Isaiah 6:4
And the bases of the door-pillars were shaking at the sound of his cry, and the house was full of smoke.

Isaiah 6:6
Then a winged one came to me with a burning coal in his hand, which he had taken from off the altar with the fire-spoon.

Isaiah 6:7
And after touching my mouth with it, he said, See, your lips have been touched with this; and your evil is taken away, and you are made clean from sin.


Jeremiah 3:17
At that time Jerusalem will be named the seat of the Lord's kingdom; and all the nations will come together to it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: and no longer will their steps be guided by the purposes of their evil hearts.

Ezekiel 48:35
It is to be eighteen thousand all round: and the name of the town from that day will be, The Lord is there.


Leviticus 9:24
And fire came out from before the Lord, burning up the offering on the altar and the fat: and when all the people saw it, they gave a loud cry, falling down on their faces.

Leviticus 10:2
And fire came out from before the Lord, burning them up and causing their destruction before the Lord.

Leviticus 16:1
And the Lord said to Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they took in strange fire before the Lord and death overtook them;

Romans 5:9
Much more, if we now have righteousness by his blood, will salvation from the wrath of God come to us through him.

Romans 5:10
For if, when we were haters of God, the death of his Son made us at peace with him, much more, now that we are his friends, will we have salvation through his life;

Hebrews 7:26
It was right for us to have such a high priest, one who is holy and without evil, doing no wrong, having no part with sinners, and made higher than the heavens:

Hebrews 7:27
Who has no need to make offerings for sins every day, like those high priests, first for himself, and then for the people; because he did this once and for ever when he made an offering of himself.

Hebrews 9:8
The Holy Spirit witnessing by this that the way into the holy place had not at that time been made open, while the first Tent was still in being;

Hebrews 9:26
For then he would have undergone a number of deaths from the time of the making of the world: but now he has come to us at the end of the old order, to put away sin by the offering of himself.

Hebrews 10:20
By the new and living way which he made open for us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

Hebrews 10:21
And having a great priest over the house of God,

Hebrews 10:22
Let us go in with true hearts, in certain faith, having our hearts made free from the sense of sin and our bodies washed with clean water:


John 14:16
And I will make prayer to the Father and he will give you another Helper to be with you for ever,

Acts 1:9
And when he had said these things, while they were looking, he was taken up, and went from their view into a cloud.

2 Corinthians 13:14
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the harmony of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

Philippians 3:10
That I may have knowledge of him, and of the power of his coming back from the dead, and a part with him in his pains, becoming like him in his death;

Revelation 8:5
And the angel took the vessel; and he made it full of the fire of the altar, and sent it down on the earth: and there came thunders and voices and flames and a shaking of the earth.

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