1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Leviticus 8:25
And he took the fat, and the fat tail, and the fat on the inside parts, and the fat on the liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and the right leg;


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Leviticus 8:25
And he took the fat, and the fat tail, and the fat on the inside parts, and the fat on the liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and the right leg;


Exodus 28:41
These you are to put on Aaron, your brother, and on his sons, putting oil on them, separating them and making them holy, to do the work of priests to me.

Exodus 29:9
And put the linen bands round Aaron and his sons, and the head-dresses on them, to make them priests by my order for ever: so you are to make Aaron and his sons holy to me.

Exodus 32:29
And Moses said, You have made yourselves priests to the Lord this day; for every one of you has made the offering of his son and his brother; the blessing of the Lord is on you this day.


Exodus 29:3
Put these in a basket and take them, with the ox and the two sheep.

Exodus 29:19
Then take the other sheep; and after Aaron and his sons have put their hands on its head,

Numbers 8:11
And Aaron is to give the Levites to the Lord as a wave offering from the children of Israel, so that they may do the Lord's work.


Exodus 29:26
Then take the breast of Aaron's sheep, waving it before the Lord; and it is to be your part of the offering.

Leviticus 7:32
And the right leg you are to give to the priest for an offering to be lifted up out of what is given for your peace-offerings.

Leviticus 7:34
For the breast which is waved and the right leg which is lifted up on high I have taken from the children of Israel, from their peace-offerings, and have given them to Aaron the priest and to his sons as their right for ever from the children of Israel.

Leviticus 9:21
And Aaron took the breasts and the right leg, waving them for a wave offering before the Lord, as Moses gave orders.

Leviticus 10:14
And the breast which is waved and the leg which is lifted up on high, you are to take as your food in a clean place; you and your sons and your daughters with you: for they are given to you as your right and your sons' right, from the peace-offerings of the children of Israel.

Numbers 6:20
Waving them for a wave offering before the Lord; this is holy for the priest, together with the waved breast and the leg which is lifted up; after that, the man may take wine.

Numbers 18:18
Their flesh is to be yours; like the breast of the wave offering and the right leg, it is to be yours.

Numbers 18:19
All the lifted offerings of the holy things which the children of Israel give to the Lord, I have given to you and to your sons and to your daughters as a right for ever. This is an agreement made with salt before the Lord, to you and to your seed for ever.

Deuteronomy 18:3
And this is to be the priests' right: those who make an offering of a sheep or an ox are to give to the priest the top part of the leg and the two sides of the head and the stomach.

1 Samuel 9:24
And the cook took up the leg with the fat tail on it, and put it before Saul. And Samuel said, This is the part which has been kept for you: take it as your part of the feast; because it has been kept for you till the right time came and till the guests were present. So that day Saul took food with Samuel.

1 Corinthians 9:13
Do you not see that the servants of the holy things get their living from the Temple, and the servants of the altar have their part in the food which is offered on the altar?

1 Corinthians 9:14
Even so did the Lord give orders that the preachers of the good news might get their living from the good news.


Leviticus 3:5
That it may be burned by Aaron's sons on the altar, on the burned offering which is on the wood on the fire: it is an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord.

Leviticus 3:10
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away;

Leviticus 3:15
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, let him take away;

Leviticus 4:9
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away,

Leviticus 7:4
And the two kidneys, and the fat on them, which is by the top of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away:

Proverbs 23:26
My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes take delight in my ways.

Isaiah 53:10
And the Lord was pleased...see a seed, long life, ...will do well in his hand. ...


Jeremiah 3:2
Let your eyes be lifted up to the open hilltops, and see; where have you not been taken by your lovers? You have been seated waiting for them by the wayside like an Arabian in the waste land; you have made the land unclean with your loose ways and your evil-doing.

Ezekiel 36:12
Yes, I will have you walked on by the feet of men, even my people Israel; they will have you for a heritage and you will be theirs, and never again will you take their children from them.

Ezekiel 36:13
This is what the Lord has said: Because they say to you, You, O land, are the destruction of men, causing loss of children to your nation;

Ezekiel 36:14
For this reason you will no longer take the lives of men and will never again be the cause of loss of children to your nation, says the Lord.

Micah 2:10
Up! and go; for this is not your rest: because it has been made unclean, the destruction ordered will come on you.


2 Corinthians 9:15
Praise be to God for what he has given, which words have no power to say.


Hebrews 7:23
And it is true that there have been a great number of those priests, because death does not let them go on for ever;

Hebrews 7:24
But this priest, because his life goes on for ever, is unchanging.

Hebrews 7:25
So that he is fully able to be the saviour of all who come to God through him, because he is ever living to make prayer to God for them.

Hebrews 7:26
It was right for us to have such a high priest, one who is holy and without evil, doing no wrong, having no part with sinners, and made higher than the heavens:

Hebrews 7:27
Who has no need to make offerings for sins every day, like those high priests, first for himself, and then for the people; because he did this once and for ever when he made an offering of himself.

Hebrews 7:28
The law makes high priests of men who are feeble; but the word of the oath, which was made after the law, gives that position to a Son, in whom all good is for ever complete.

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