Acts 10:9
Now the day after, when they were on their journey and were near the town, Peter went up to the top of the house for prayer, about the sixth hour:
Acts 10:9
Now the day after, when they were on their journey and were near the town, Peter went up to the top of the house for prayer, about the sixth hour:
1 Kings 8:30
Give ear to the prayers of your servant, and the prayers of your people Israel, when they make their prayers, turning to this place; give ear in heaven your living-place, and hearing, have mercy.
1 Kings 17:20
And crying to the Lord he said, O Lord my God, have you sent evil even on the widow whose guest I am, by causing her son's death?
Matthew 6:5
And when you make your prayers, be not like the false-hearted men, who take pleasure in getting up and saying their prayers in the Synagogues and at the street turnings so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, They have their reward.
Acts 9:40
But Peter made them all go outside, and went down on his knees in prayer; and turning to the body, he said, Tabitha, get up. And, opening her eyes, she saw Peter and got up.
Acts 22:17
And it came about that when I had come back to Jerusalem, while I was at prayer in the Temple, my senses became more than naturally clear,
2 Kings 23:12
And the altars on the roof of the high room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two outer squares of the house of the Lord, were pulled down and crushed to bits, and the dust of them was put into the stream Kidron.
Isaiah 15:3
In their streets they are covering themselves with haircloth: on the tops of their houses, and in their public places, there is crying and bitter weeping.
Matthew 27:46
And about the ninth hour Jesus gave a loud cry, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why are you turned away from me?
Mark 15:33
And when the sixth hour had come, it was dark over all the land till the ninth hour.
John 1:39
He said to them, Come and see. They went with him then and saw where he was living; and they were with him all that day: it was then about the tenth hour of the day.
John 4:6
Now Jacob's fountain was there. Jesus, being tired after his journey, was resting by the fountain. It was about the sixth hour.
Matthew 9:2
And they took to him a man stretched on a bed who had no power of moving; and Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the man who was ill, Son, take heart; you have forgiveness for your sins.
Mark 2:4
And when they were unable to get near him because of all the people, they got the roof uncovered where he was: and when it was broken up, they let down the bed on which the man was.
Luke 5:19
And because of the mass of people, there was no way to get him in; so they went up on the top of the house and let him down through the roof, on his bed, into the middle in front of Jesus.
Acts 1:13
And when they came in, they went up into the room where they were living; Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James, the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas, the son of James.
Acts 2:2
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like the rushing of a violent wind, and all the house where they were was full of it.
Acts 10:7
And when the angel who said these words to him had gone away, he sent for two of his house-servants, and a God-fearing man of the army, one of those who were waiting on him at all times;
Acts 10:12
In which were all sorts of beasts and birds.
Acts 10:13
And a voice came to him, saying, Come, Peter; take them for food.
Acts 10:14
But Peter said, No, Lord; for I have never taken food which is common or unclean.
Acts 10:15
And the voice came to him a second time, What God has made clean, do not you make common.
Acts 10:16
And this was done three times: and then the vessel was taken back into heaven.
Acts 10:18
To see if Simon, named Peter, was living there.
Luke 6:12
And it came about in those days that he went out to the mountain for prayer; and he was all night in prayer to God.
Luke 18:1
And he made a story for them, the point of which was that men were to go on making prayer and not get tired;
Acts 6:4
Then we will give all our time to prayer and the teaching of the word.
Ephesians 6:18
With prayers and deep desires, making requests at all times in the Spirit, and keeping watch, with strong purpose, in prayer for all the saints,
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Keep on with your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is near: so be serious in your behaviour and keep on the watch with prayer;
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