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Luke 18:29
And he said to them, Truly I say to you, There is no man who has given up house or wife or brothers or father or mother or children, because of the kingdom of God,


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Luke 18:29
And he said to them, Truly I say to you, There is no man who has given up house or wife or brothers or father or mother or children, because of the kingdom of God,


Deuteronomy 33:9
Who said of his father, Who is he? and of his mother, I have not seen her; he kept himself separate from his brothers and had no knowledge of his children: for they have given ear to your word and kept your agreement.

Matthew 4:20
And straight away they let go the nets and went after him.

Mark 1:19
And going on a little farther, he saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were in their boat stitching up their nets.

Mark 1:20
And he said, Come after me: and they went away from their father Zebedee, who was in the boat with the servants, and came after him.


Psalms 34:9
Keep yourselves in the fear of the Lord, all you his saints; for those who do so will have no need of anything.

Psalms 34:10
The young lions are in need and have no food; but those who are looking to the Lord will have every good thing.

Luke 12:31
But let your chief care be for his kingdom, and these other things will be given to you in addition.

1 Corinthians 3:22
Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;


Luke 4:24
And he said to them, Truly I say to you, No prophet is honoured in his country.

Luke 12:37
Happy are those servants who are watching when the lord comes; truly I say to you, he will make himself their servant and, placing them at the table, he will come out and give them food.

Luke 18:17
Truly I say to you, Whoever does not put himself under the kingdom of God like a little child, will not come into it at all.

Luke 21:32
Truly I say to you, This generation will not come to an end till all things are complete.

Luke 23:43
And he said to him, Truly I say to you, Today you will be with me in Paradise.


Matthew 6:19
Make no store of wealth for yourselves on earth, where it may be turned to dust by worms and weather, and where thieves may come in by force and take it away.

Matthew 6:20
But make a store for yourselves in heaven, where it will not be turned to dust and where thieves do not come in to take it away:

Matthew 19:23
And Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I say to you, It is hard for a man with much money to go into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 20:23
They say to him, We are able. He says to them, Truly, you will take of my cup: but to be seated at my right hand and at my left is not for me to give, but it is for those for whom my Father has made it ready.

Luke 12:33
Give what property you have in exchange for money, and give the money to the poor; make for yourselves money-bags which will not get old, wealth stored up in heaven which will be yours for ever, where thieves will not come nor worms put it to destruction.

Luke 14:27
Whoever does not take up his cross and come after me may not be my disciple.

Luke 14:28
For which of you, desiring to put up a tower, does not first give much thought to the price, if he will have enough to make it complete?

Luke 18:22
And Jesus, hearing it, said to him, One thing you still have need of; get money for your goods, and give it away to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven; and come after me.

Luke 18:23
But at these words he became very sad, for he had great wealth.

Luke 18:26
And those who were present said, Then who may have salvation?


Luke 18:31
And he took with him the twelve and said to them, Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and all the things which were said by the prophets will be done to the Son of man.

Luke 18:32
For he will be given up to the Gentiles, and will be made sport of and put to shame:

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