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Ezekiel 34:6
And my sheep went out of the way, wandering through all the mountains and on every high hill: my sheep went here and there over all the face of the earth; and no one was troubled about them or went in search of them.


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Ezekiel 34:6
And my sheep went out of the way, wandering through all the mountains and on every high hill: my sheep went here and there over all the face of the earth; and no one was troubled about them or went in search of them.


1 Kings 22:34
And a certain man sent an arrow from his bow without thought of its direction, and gave the king of Israel a wound where his breastplate was joined to his clothing; so he said to the driver of his war-carriage, Go to one side and take me away out of the army, for I am badly wounded.

1 Kings 22:35
But the fight became more violent while the day went on; and the king was supported in his war-carriage facing the Aramaeans, and the floor of the carriage was covered with the blood from his wound, and by evening he was dead.

1 Kings 22:36
And about sundown a cry went up from all parts of the army, saying, Let every man go back to his town and his country, for the king is dead.


Psalms 44:11
You have made us like sheep which are taken for meat; we are put to flight among the nations.

Isaiah 40:11
He will give food to his flock like a keeper of sheep; with his arm he will get it together, and will take up the lambs on his breast, gently guiding those which are with young.

Micah 2:12
I will certainly make all of you, O Jacob, come together; I will get together the rest of Israel; I will put them together like the sheep in their circle: like a flock in their green field; they will be full of the noise of men.

Luke 15:7
I say to you that even so there will be more joy in heaven when one sinner is turned away from his wrongdoing, than for ninety-nine good men, who have no need of a change of heart.

John 10:16
And I have other sheep which are not of this field: I will be their guide in the same way, and they will give ear to my voice, so there will be one flock and one keeper.

1 Peter 5:2
Keep watch over the flock of God which is in your care, using your authority, not as forced to do so, but gladly; and not for unclean profit but with a ready mind;


Psalms 107:4
They were wandering in the waste places; they saw no way to a resting-place.

Hebrews 11:38
Wandering in waste places and in mountains and in holes in the rocks; for whom the world was not good enough.


Isaiah 56:9
All you beasts of the field, come together for your meat, even all you beasts of the wood.

Ezekiel 34:21
Because you have been pushing with side and leg, pushing the diseased with your horns till they were sent away in every direction;

Zechariah 11:8
And in one month I put an end to the three keepers of the flock; for my soul was tired of them, and their souls were disgusted with me.

Zechariah 11:16
For see, I will put a sheep-keeper over the land, who will have no care for that which is cut off, and will not go in search of the wanderers, or make well what is broken, and he will not give food to that which is ill, but he will take for his food the flesh of the fat, and let their feet be broken.

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