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Psalms 85:2
The wrongdoing of your people had forgiveness; all their sin had been covered. (Selah.)


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Psalms 85:2
The wrongdoing of your people had forgiveness; all their sin had been covered. (Selah.)


Psalms 14:7
May the salvation of Israel come out of Zion! when the fate of his people is changed by the Lord, Jacob will have joy and Israel will be glad.


Psalms 32:2
Happy is the man in whom the Lord sees no evil, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

Psalms 51:9
Let your face be turned from my wrongdoing, and take away all my sins.

Psalms 130:3
O Jah, if you took note of every sin, who would go free?

Isaiah 40:2
Say kind words to the heart of Jerusalem, crying out to her that her time of trouble is ended, that her punishment is complete; that she has been rewarded by the Lord's hand twice over for all her sins.

Isaiah 43:25
I, even I, am he who takes away your sins; and I will no longer keep your evil doings in mind.

Isaiah 44:22
I have put your evil doings out of my mind like a thick cloud, and your sins like a mist: come back to me; for I have taken up your cause.

Jeremiah 50:20
In those days and in that time, says the Lord, when the evil-doing of Israel is looked for, there will be nothing; and in Judah no sins will be seen: for I will have forgiveness for those whom I will keep safe.

Romans 4:7
Happy are those who have forgiveness for their wrongdoing, and whose sins are covered.

1 John 1:9
If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil.


Psalms 65:3
Evils have overcome us: but as for our sins, you will take them away.

Ezekiel 36:33
This is what the Lord has said: In the day when I make you clean from all your evil-doings I will let the towns be peopled and there will be building on the waste places.

Zechariah 13:1
In that day there will be a fountain open to the family of David and to the people of Jerusalem, for sin and for that which is unclean.

Hebrews 9:13
For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the dust from the burning of a young cow, being put on the unclean, make the flesh clean:


Psalms 86:5
You are good, O Lord, and full of forgiveness; your mercy is great to all who make their cry to you.

Psalms 103:3
He has forgiveness for all your sins; he takes away all your diseases;

Hosea 14:4
I will put right their errors; freely will my love be given to them, for my wrath is turned away from him.


James 5:20
Be certain that he through whom a sinner has been turned from the error of his way, keeps a soul from death and is the cause of forgiveness for sins without number.

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