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Psalms 49:9
So that he might have eternal life, and never see the underworld.


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Psalms 49:9
So that he might have eternal life, and never see the underworld.


2 Samuel 14:14
For death comes to us all, and we are like water drained out on the earth, which it is not possible to take up again; and God will not take away the life of the man whose purpose is that he who has been sent away may not be completely cut off from him.

Psalms 104:29
If your face is veiled, they are troubled; when you take away their breath, they come to an end, and go back to the dust.

Ecclesiastes 2:16
Of the wise man, as of the foolish man, there is no memory for ever, seeing that those who now are will have gone from memory in the days to come. See how death comes to the wise as to the foolish!

Ecclesiastes 3:19
Because the fate of the sons of men and the fate of the beasts is the same. As is the death of one so is the death of the other, and all have one spirit. Man is not higher than the beasts; because all is to no purpose.

Ecclesiastes 9:5
The living are conscious that death will come to them, but the dead are not conscious of anything, and they no longer have a reward, because there is no memory of them.


Job 21:32
He is taken to his last resting-place, and keeps watch over it.

Acts 13:34
And about his coming back from the dead, never again to go to destruction, he has said these words, I will give you the holy and certain mercies of David.


Psalms 49:2
High and low together, the poor, and those who have wealth.

Psalms 49:5
What cause have I for fear in the days of evil, when the evil-doing of those who are working for my downfall is round about me?


Psalms 49:18
Though he might have pride in his soul in his life-time, and men will give you praise if you do well for yourself,

Psalms 49:19
He will go to the generation of his fathers; he will not see the light again.

Psalms 49:20
Man, like the animals, does not go on for ever; he comes to an end like the beasts.


Psalms 52:5
But God will put an end to you for ever; driving you out from your tent, uprooting you from the land of the living. (Selah.)


Psalms 73:18
You put their feet where there was danger of slipping, so that they go down into destruction.

Psalms 73:19
How suddenly are they wasted! fears are the cause of their destruction.

Psalms 73:20
As a dream when one is awake, they are ended; they are like an image gone out of mind when sleep is over.


Proverbs 10:2
Wealth which comes from sin is of no profit, but righteousness gives salvation from death.

Proverbs 18:11
The property of a man of wealth is his strong town, and it is as a high wall in the thoughts of his heart.

Jeremiah 9:23
This is the word of the Lord: Let not the wise man take pride in his wisdom, or the strong man in his strength, or the man of wealth in his wealth:

Ezekiel 7:19
They will put out their silver into the streets, and their gold will be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the wrath of the Lord; they will not get their desire or have food for their need: because it has been the cause of their falling into sin.


John 8:51
Truly I say to you, If a man keeps my word he will never see death.


1 Corinthians 15:53
For this body which comes to destruction will be made free from the power of death, and the man who is under the power of death will put on eternal life.


1 Corinthians 15:54
But when this has taken place, then that which was said in the Writings will come true, Death is overcome by life.

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