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1 Kings 18:41
Then Elijah said to Ahab, Up! take food and drink, for there is a sound of much rain.


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1 Kings 18:41
Then Elijah said to Ahab, Up! take food and drink, for there is a sound of much rain.


1 Samuel 12:16
Now keep where you are and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes.

1 Samuel 12:17
Is it not now the time of the grain cutting? My cry will go up to the Lord and he will send thunder and rain: so that you may see and be conscious of your great sin which you have done in the eyes of the Lord in desiring a king for yourselves.


1 Kings 17:14
For this is the word of the Lord, the God of Israel: The store of meal will not come to an end, and the bottle will never be without oil, till the day when the Lord sends rain on the earth.

1 Kings 18:39
And when the people saw it, they all went down on their faces, and said, The Lord, he is God, the Lord, he is God.

1 Kings 18:46
And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he made himself strong, and went running before Ahab till they came to Jezreel.

Job 5:10
Who gives rain on the earth, and sends water on the fields:

Job 36:33
The thunder makes clear his passion, and the storm gives news of his wrath.

Psalms 135:7
He makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes thunder-flames for the rain; he sends out the winds from his store-houses.

Psalms 147:8
By his hand the heaven is covered with clouds and rain is stored up for the earth; he makes the grass tall on the mountains.

Isaiah 30:23
And he will give rain for your seed, so that you may put it in the earth; and you will have bread from the produce of the earth, good and more than enough for your needs: in that day the cattle will get their food in wide grass-lands.

Jeremiah 51:16
At the sound of his voice there is a massing of the waters in the heavens, and he makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes the thunder-flames for the rain and sends out the wind from his store-houses.

Amos 4:7
And I have kept back the rain from you, when it was still three months before the grain-cutting: I sent rain on one town and kept it back from another: one part was rained on, and the part where there was no rain became a waste.

Matthew 5:45
So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner.


Jonah 1:15
So they took Jonah up and put him into the sea: and the sea was no longer angry.

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