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Deuteronomy 34:3
And the South, and the circle of the valley of Jericho, the town of palm-trees, as far as Zoar.


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Deuteronomy 34:3
And the South, and the circle of the valley of Jericho, the town of palm-trees, as far as Zoar.


Genesis 14:8
And the king of Sodom with the king of Gomorrah and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboiim and the king of Bela (that is Zoar), went out, and put their forces in position in the valley of Siddim,

Genesis 19:17
And when they had put them out, he said, Go for your life, without looking back or waiting in the lowland; go quickly to the mountain or you will come to destruction.

Genesis 19:20
This town, now, is near, and it is a little one: O, let me go there (is it not a little one?) so that my life may be safe.

Genesis 19:23
The sun was up when Lot came to Zoar.

Genesis 19:26
But Lot's wife, looking back, became a pillar of salt.

Genesis 19:27
And Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where he had been talking with the Lord:

1 Kings 7:46
He made them of liquid metal in the lowland of Jordan, at the way across the river, at Adama, between Succoth and Zarethan.

Psalms 107:34
He makes a fertile country into a salt waste, because of the sins of those who are living there.


Numbers 33:48
And they went on from the mountains of Abarim, and put up their tents in the lowlands of Moab by Jordan at Jericho;

Deuteronomy 3:27
Go up to the top of Pisgah, and turning your eyes to the west and the north, to the south and the east, see the land with your eyes: for you are not to go over Jordan.


Numbers 34:4
And round to the south of the slope of Akrabbim, and on to Zin: and its direction will be south of Kadesh-barnea, and it will go as far as Hazar-addar and on to Azmon:

Numbers 34:5
And from Azmon it will go round to the stream of Egypt as far as the sea.

Joshua 11:16
So Joshua took all that land, the hill-country and all the South, and all the land of Goshen, and the lowland and the Arabah, the hill-country of Israel and its lowland;


Matthew 4:8
Again, the Evil One took him up to a very high mountain, and let him see all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them;


Matthew 20:29
And when they were going out from Jericho, a great number went after him.

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