Deuteronomy 17:3
By becoming a servant of other gods and worshipping them or the sun or the moon or all the stars of heaven, against my orders;
Deuteronomy 17:3
By becoming a servant of other gods and worshipping them or the sun or the moon or all the stars of heaven, against my orders;
Genesis 1:16
And God made the two great lights: the greater light to be the ruler of the day, and the smaller light to be the ruler of the night: and he made the stars.
Joshua 10:12
It was on the day when the Lord gave up the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel that Joshua said to the Lord, before the eyes of Israel, Sun, be at rest over Gibeon; and you, O moon, in the valley of Aijalon.
Psalms 19:4
Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he put a tent for the sun,
Isaiah 38:8
See, I will make the shade which has gone down on the steps of Ahaz with the sun, go back ten steps. So the shade went back the ten steps by which it had gone down.
Isaiah 60:20
Your sun will never again go down, or your moon keep back her light: for the Lord will be your eternal light, and the days of your sorrow will be ended.
Leviticus 20:4
And if the people of the land do not take note of that man when he gives his offspring to Molech, and do not put him to death,
Jeremiah 7:22
For I said nothing to your fathers, and gave them no orders, on the day when I took them out of Egypt, about burned offerings or offerings of beasts:
Jeremiah 19:5
And they have put up the high places of the Baal, burning their sons in the fire; a thing which was not ordered by me, and it was never in my mind:
Jeremiah 32:35
And they put up the high places of the Baal in the valley of the son of Hinnom, making their sons and their daughters go through the fire to Molech; which I did not give them orders to do, and it never came into my mind that they would do this disgusting thing, causing Judah to be turned out of the way.
Leviticus 26:1
Do not make images of false gods, or put up an image cut in stone or a pillar or any pictured stone in your land, to give worship to it; for I am the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 13:1
If ever you have among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder,
Deuteronomy 13:2
And the sign or the wonder takes place, and he says to you, Let us go after other gods, which are strange to you, and give them worship;
Deuteronomy 13:3
Then give no attention to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God is testing you, to see if all the love of your heart and soul is given to him.
Deuteronomy 13:4
But keep on in the ways of the Lord your God, fearing him and keeping his orders and hearing his voice, worshipping him and being true to him.
Deuteronomy 18:20
But the prophet who takes it on himself to say words in my name which I have not given him orders to say, or who says anything in the name of other gods, will come to his death.
Deuteronomy 17:9
And come before the priests, the Levites, or before him who is judge at the time: and they will go into the question and give you a decision:
Deuteronomy 19:20
And the rest of the people, hearing of it, will be full of fear, and never again do such evil among you.
Hebrews 10:28
A man who has gone against the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses:
2 Kings 23:4
Then the king gave orders to Hilkiah, the chief priest, and to the priests of the second order, and to the keepers of the door, to take out of the house of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal and for the Asherah and for all the stars of heaven; and he had them burned outside Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and took the dust of them to Beth-el.
2 Chronicles 33:4
And he made altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, In Jerusalem will my name be for ever.
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