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Exodus 21:3
If he comes to you by himself, let him go away by himself: if he is married, let his wife go away with him.


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Exodus 21:3
If he comes to you by himself, let him go away by himself: if he is married, let his wife go away with him.


Exodus 21:8
If she is not pleasing to her master who has taken her for himself, let a payment be made for her so that she may go free; her master has no power to get a price for her and send her to a strange land, because he has been false to her.


Exodus 21:9
And if he gives her to his son, he is to do everything for her as if she was his daughter.


Exodus 21:10
And if he takes another woman, her food and clothing and her married rights are not to be less.


Exodus 21:11
And if he does not do these three things for her, she has the right to go free without payment.

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