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Genesis 31:43
Then Laban, answering, said, These women are my daughters and these children my children, the flocks and all you see are mine: what now may I do for my daughters and for their children?


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Genesis 31:43
Then Laban, answering, said, These women are my daughters and these children my children, the flocks and all you see are mine: what now may I do for my daughters and for their children?


Genesis 31:25
Now when Laban overtook him, Jacob had put up his tent in the hill-country; and Laban and his brothers put up their tents in the hill-country of Gilead.

Genesis 31:26
And Laban said to Jacob, Why did you go away secretly, taking my daughters away like prisoners of war?

Genesis 31:41
These twenty years I have been in your house; I was your servant for fourteen years because of your daughters, and for six years I kept your flock, and ten times was my payment changed.

Genesis 31:42
If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would have sent me away with nothing in my hands. But God has seen my troubles and the work of my hands, and this night he kept you back.


Genesis 31:45
Then Jacob took a stone and put it up as a pillar.

Genesis 31:46
And Jacob said to his people, Get stones together; and they did so; and they had a meal there by the stones.

Genesis 31:47
And the name Laban gave it was Jegar-sahadutha: but Jacob gave it the name of Galeed.

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