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Revelation 18:17
For in one hour such great wealth has come to nothing. And every shipmaster, and all who are sailing on the sea, and sailors and all who get their living by the sea, were watching from far away,


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Revelation 18:17
For in one hour such great wealth has come to nothing. And every shipmaster, and all who are sailing on the sea, and sailors and all who get their living by the sea, were watching from far away,


Ecclesiastes 6:2
A man to whom God gives money, wealth, and honour so that he has all his desires but God does not give him the power to have joy of it, and a strange man takes it. This is to no purpose and an evil disease.

Zephaniah 1:18
Even their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the Lord's wrath; but all the land will be burned up in the fire of his bitter wrath: for he will put an end, even suddenly, to all who are living in the land.


Isaiah 23:14
Let a cry of sorrow go up, O ships of Tarshish: because your strong place is made waste.

Ezekiel 26:15
This is what the Lord has said to Tyre: Will not the sea-lands be shaking at the sound of your fall, when the wounded give cries of pain, when men are put to the sword in you?

Ezekiel 26:18
Now the sea-lands will be shaking in the day of your fall; and all the ships on the sea will be overcome with fear at your going.

Ezekiel 27:28
At the sound of the cry of your ships' guides, the boards of the ship will be shaking.

Revelation 17:18
And the woman whom you saw is the great town, which is ruling over the kings of the earth.


Isaiah 43:14
The Lord, who has taken up your cause, the Holy One of Israel, says, Because of you I have sent to Babylon, and made all their seers come south, and the Chaldaeans whose cry is in the ships.

Lamentations 1:1
See her seated by herself, the town which was full of people! She who was great among the nations has become like a widow! She who was a princess among the countries has come under the yoke of forced work!

Zephaniah 2:15
This is the town which was full of joy, living without fear of danger, saying in her heart, I am, and there is no other: how has she been made waste, a place for beasts to take their rest in! everyone who goes by her will make hisses, waving his hand.


Jeremiah 50:46
At the cry, Babylon is taken! the earth is shaking, and the cry comes to the ears of the nations.


Jeremiah 51:41
How is Babylon taken! and the praise of all the earth surprised! how has Babylon become a cause of wonder among the nations!

Daniel 4:30
The king made answer and said, Is this not great Babylon, which I have made for the living-place of kings, by the strength of my power and for the glory of my honour?


Ezekiel 27:24
These were your traders in beautiful robes, in rolls of blue and needlework, and in chests of coloured cloth, corded with cords and made of cedar-wood, in them they did trade with you.

Ezekiel 27:25
Tarshish ships did business for you in your goods: and you were made full, and great was your glory in the heart of the seas.


Acts 27:27
But when the fourteenth day came, while we were going here and there in the Adriatic sea, about the middle of the night the sailors had an idea that they were getting near land;


Revelation 6:16
And they say to the mountains and to the rocks, Come down on us, covering us from the face of him who is seated on the high seat, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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