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Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things have being.


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Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things have being.


Exodus 3:14
And God said to him, I AM WHAT I AM: and he said, Say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.

Psalms 90:2
Before the mountains were made, before you had given birth to the earth and the world, before time was, and for ever, you are God.

Isaiah 44:6
The Lord, the King of Israel, even the Lord of armies who has taken up his cause, says, I am the first and the last, and there is no God but me.


Nehemiah 9:6
You are the Lord, even you only; you have made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their armies, the earth and all things in it, the seas and everything in them; and you keep them from destruction: and the armies of heaven are your worshippers.

Psalms 33:9
For he gave the word, and it was done; by his order it was fixed for ever.

Proverbs 8:24
When there was no deep I was given birth, when there were no fountains flowing with water.

Proverbs 8:25
Before the mountains were put in their places, before the hills was my birth:

Proverbs 8:26
When he had not made the earth or the fields or the dust of the world.

Proverbs 8:27
When he made ready the heavens I was there: when he put an arch over the face of the deep:

Proverbs 8:28
When he made strong the skies overhead: when the fountains of the deep were fixed:

Proverbs 8:31
Playing in his earth; and my delight was with the sons of men.

Isaiah 40:26
Let your eyes be lifted up on high, and see: who has made these? He who sends out their numbered army: who has knowledge of all their names: by whose great strength, because he is strong in power, all of them are in their places.


John 1:4
What came into existence in him was life, and the life was the light of men.

John 1:14
And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.

John 1:18
No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is.

John 5:19
So Jesus made answer and said, Truly I say to you, The Son is not able to do anything himself; he is able to do only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does the Son does it in the same way.

John 16:15
Everything which the Father has is mine: that is why I say, He will take of what is mine and will make it clear to you.

Ephesians 1:20
By which he made Christ come back from the dead, and gave him a place at his right hand in heaven,

Colossians 2:9
For in him all the wealth of God's being has a living form,

Hebrews 1:6
And again, when he is sending his only Son into the world, he says, Let all the angels of God give him worship.

Hebrews 3:4
For every house has a builder; but the builder of all things is God.

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