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Habakkuk 1:2
How long, O Lord, will your ears be shut to my voice? I make an outcry to you about violent behaviour, but you do not send salvation.


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Habakkuk 1:2
How long, O Lord, will your ears be shut to my voice? I make an outcry to you about violent behaviour, but you do not send salvation.


Genesis 6:11
And the earth was evil in God's eyes and full of violent ways.

Psalms 55:9
Send destruction on them, O Lord, make a division of tongues among them: for I have seen fighting and violent acts in the town.

Jeremiah 20:8
For every word I say is a cry for help; I say with a loud voice, Violent behaviour and wasting: because the word of the Lord is made a shame to me and a cause of laughing all the day.


Psalms 74:10
O God, how long will those who are against us say cruel things? will the hater go on looking down on your name for ever?

Psalms 94:4
Words of pride come from their lips; all the workers of evil say great things of themselves.


Habakkuk 1:6
For see, I am sending the Chaldaeans, that bitter and quick-moving nation; who go through the wide spaces of the earth to get for themselves living-places which are not theirs.

Habakkuk 1:12
Are you not eternal, O Lord my God, my Holy One? for you there is no death. O Lord, he has been ordered by you for our punishment; and by you, O Rock, he has been marked out to put us right.

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