Jeremiah 14:21
Do not be turned from us in disgust, because of your name; do not put shame on the seat of your glory: keep us in mind, let not your agreement with us be broken.
Jeremiah 14:21
Do not be turned from us in disgust, because of your name; do not put shame on the seat of your glory: keep us in mind, let not your agreement with us be broken.
Exodus 32:11
But Moses made prayer to God, saying, Lord, why is your wrath burning against your people whom you took out of the land of Egypt, with great power and with the strength of your hand?
Exodus 32:12
Why let the Egyptians say, He took them out to an evil fate, to put them to death on the mountains, cutting them off from the earth? Let your wrath be turned away from them, and send not this evil on your people.
Numbers 14:13
And Moses said to the Lord, Then it will come to the ears of the Egyptians; for by your power you took this people out from among them;
Numbers 14:14
And they will give the news to the people of this land: they have had word that you, Lord, are present with this people, letting yourself be seen face to face, and that your cloud is resting over them, and that you go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.
Numbers 14:15
Now if you put to death all this people as one man, then the nations who have had word of your glory will say,
Numbers 14:16
Because the Lord was not able to take this people into the land which he made an oath to give them, he sent destruction on them in the waste land.
Numbers 14:17
So now, may my prayer come before you, and let the power of the Lord be great, as you said:
Numbers 14:18
The Lord is slow to wrath and great in mercy, overlooking wrongdoing and evil, and will not let wrongdoers go free; sending punishment on children for the sins of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation.
Numbers 14:19
May the sin of this people have forgiveness, in the measure of your great mercy, as you have had mercy on them from Egypt up till now.
Isaiah 64:9
Be not very angry, O Lord, and do not keep our sins in mind for ever: give ear to our prayer, for we are all your people.
Leviticus 26:11
And I will put my holy House among you, and my soul will not be turned away from you in disgust.
Psalms 106:40
Then the wrath of the Lord was burning against his people, and he was angry with his heritage.
Lamentations 2:7
The Lord has given up his altar and has been turned in hate from his holy place; he has given up into the hands of the attacker the walls of her great houses: their voices have been loud in the house of the Lord as in the day of a holy meeting.
Leviticus 26:45
And because of them I will keep in mind the agreement which I made with their fathers, whom I took out of the land of Egypt before the eyes of the nations, to be their God: I am the Lord.
Deuteronomy 32:27
But for the fear that their haters, uplifted in their pride, might say, Our hand is strong, the Lord has not done all this.
Psalms 79:10
Why may the nations say, Where is their God? Let payment for the blood of your servants be made openly among the nations before our eyes.
Psalms 115:1
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name let glory be given, because of your mercy and your unchanging faith.
Isaiah 48:9
Because of my name I will put away my wrath, and for my praise I will keep myself from cutting you off.
Ezekiel 36:22
For this cause say to the children of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: I am doing this, not because of you, O children of Israel, but because of my holy name, which you have made unclean among the nations wherever you went.
Daniel 9:17
And now, give ear, O our God, to the prayer of your servant and to his request for grace, and let your face be shining on your holy place which is made waste, because of your servants, O Lord.
Daniel 9:18
O my God, let your ear be turned and give hearing; let your eyes be open and see how we have been made waste and the town which is named by your name: for we are not offering our prayers before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercies.
Ephesians 1:6
To the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely gave to us in the Loved One:
Ephesians 1:12
So that his glory might have praise through us who first had hope in Christ:
Isaiah 6:1
In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord seated in his place, high and lifted up, and the Temple was full of the wide skirts of his robe.
Jeremiah 33:20
The Lord has said: If it is possible for my agreement of the day and the night to be broken, so that day and night no longer come at their fixed times,
Zechariah 11:10
And I took my rod Beautiful, cutting it in two, so that the Lord's agreement, which he had made with all the peoples, might be broken.
Ezekiel 1:26
And on the top of the arch which was over their heads was the form of a king's seat, like a sapphire stone; and on the form of the seat was the form of a man seated on it on high.
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