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Numbers 35:34
Do not make unclean the land where you are living and in which is my House: for I the Lord am present among the children of Israel.


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Numbers 35:34
Do not make unclean the land where you are living and in which is my House: for I the Lord am present among the children of Israel.


Genesis 9:5
And for your blood, which is your life, will I take payment; from every beast I will take it, and from every man will I take payment for the blood of his brother-man.

Numbers 35:30
Anyone causing the death of another is himself to be put to death on the word of witnesses: but the word of one witness is not enough.

Deuteronomy 21:9
So you will take away the crime of a death without cause from among you, when you do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Proverbs 28:17
One who has been the cause of a man's death will go in flight to the underworld: let no man give him help.


Leviticus 18:24
Do not make yourself unclean in any of these ways; for so have those nations whom I am driving out from before you made themselves unclean:

Leviticus 18:26
So then keep my rules and my decisions, and do not do any of these disgusting things, those of you who are Israelites by birth, or any others who are living with you:

Jeremiah 3:1
They say, If a man puts away his wife and she goes from him and becomes another man's, will he go back to her again? will not that land have been made unclean? but though you have been acting like a loose woman with a number of lovers, will you now come back to me? says the Lord.

Jeremiah 3:9
So that through all her loose behaviour the land became unclean, and she was untrue, giving herself to stones and trees.


2 Corinthians 6:16
And what agreement has the house of God with images? for we are a house of the living God; even as God has said, I will be living among them, and walking with them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.

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