Leviticus 11:13
And among birds these are to be disgusting to you, and not to be used for food: the eagle and the gier-eagle and the ospray;
Leviticus 11:13
And among birds these are to be disgusting to you, and not to be used for food: the eagle and the gier-eagle and the ospray;
Leviticus 11:16
And the ostrich and the night-hawk and the sea-hawk, and birds of that sort;
Leviticus 11:19
The stork and the heron, and birds of that sort, and the hoopoe and the bat.
Leviticus 11:42
Whatever goes on its stomach or on four feet or has a great number of feet, even all those going flat on the earth, may not be used for food, for they are disgusting.
Leviticus 11:43
You are not to make yourselves disgusting with anything which goes about flat on the earth; you may not make yourselves unclean with them, in such a way that you are not holy to me.
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