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Revelation 17:15
And he said to me, The waters which you saw, where the evil woman is seated, are peoples, and armies, and nations and languages.


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Revelation 17:15
And he said to me, The waters which you saw, where the evil woman is seated, are peoples, and armies, and nations and languages.


Revelation 17:2
With whom the kings of the earth made themselves unclean, and those who are on the earth were full of the wine of her evil desires.

Revelation 17:3
And he took me away in the Spirit into a waste land: and I saw a woman seated on a bright red beast, full of evil names, having seven heads and ten horns,

Revelation 17:5

Revelation 17:7
And the angel said to me, Why were you surprised? I will make clear to you the secret of the woman, and of the beast on which she is seated, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.

Revelation 17:9
Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman is seated:

Revelation 17:12
And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which still have been given no kingdom; but they are given authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour.

Revelation 17:13
These have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast.

Revelation 17:14
These will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because he is the Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with him are named, marked out, and true.

Revelation 17:17
Because God has put it in their hearts to do his purpose, and to be of one mind, giving their kingdom to the beast, till the words of God have effect and are complete.

Revelation 17:18
And the woman whom you saw is the great town, which is ruling over the kings of the earth.


Isaiah 17:12
Ah! the voice of peoples, like the loud sounding of the seas, and the thundering of great nations rushing on like the bursting out of waters!

Isaiah 17:13
But he will put a stop to them, and make them go in flight far away, driving them like the waste of the grain on the tops of the mountains before the wind, and like the circling dust before the storm.

Revelation 12:16
And the earth gave help to the woman, and with open mouth took up the river which the dragon sent out of his mouth.

Psalms 65:7
Who makes the loud voice of the sea quiet, and puts an end to the sound of its waves.

Isaiah 59:19
So they will see the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the east: for he will come like a rushing stream, forced on by a wind of the Lord.

Jeremiah 46:7
Who is this coming up like the Nile, whose waters are lifting their heads like the rivers?

Jeremiah 46:8
Egypt is coming up like the Nile, and his waters are lifting their heads like the rivers, and he says, I will go up, covering the earth; I will send destruction on the town and its people.

Daniel 7:2
I had a vision by night, and saw the four winds of heaven violently moving the great sea.

Jeremiah 47:2
This is what the Lord has said: See, waters are coming up out of the north, and will become an overflowing stream, overflowing the land and everything in it, the town and those who are living in it; and men will give a cry, and all the people of the land will be crying out in pain.

Daniel 9:26
And at the end of the times, even after the sixty-two weeks, one on whom the holy oil has been put will be cut off and have no...;and the town and the holy place will be made waste together with a prince; and the end will come with an overflowing of waters, and even to the end there will be war; the making waste which has been fixed.

Numbers 24:7
Peoples will be in fear before his strength, his arm will be on great nations: his king will be higher than Agag, and his kingdom made great in honour.

Luke 21:25
And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth, fear among the nations and doubt because of the loud noise of the sea and the waves;

Revelation 21:1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were gone; and there was no more sea.


Revelation 10:11
And they said to me, You are to give word again of what is coming in the future to the peoples and nations and languages and kings.

Revelation 7:9
After these things I saw a great army of people more than might be numbered, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and languages, taking their places before the high seat and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, and with branches in their hands,

Revelation 5:9
And their voices are sounding in a new song, saying, It is right for you to take the book and to make it open: for you were put to death and have made an offering to God of your blood for men of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation,

Revelation 14:6
And I saw another angel in flight between heaven and earth, having eternal good news to give to those who are on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and language and people,


Psalms 18:16
He sent from on high, he took me, pulling me out of great waters.

Psalms 69:14
Take me from the grip of the sticky earth, so that I may not go down into it; let me be lifted up from the deep waters.

Psalms 69:15
Let me not be covered by the flowing waters; let not the deep waters go over my head, and let me not be shut up in the underworld.

Psalms 69:1
To the chief music-maker; put to Shoshannim. Of David. Be my saviour, O God; because the waters have come in, even to my neck.

Psalms 124:4
We would have been covered by the waters; the streams would have gone over our soul;


Jeremiah 51:36
For this reason the Lord has said: See, I will give support to your cause, and take payment for what you have undergone; I will make her sea dry, and her fountain without water.

Revelation 16:12
And the sixth let what was in his vessel come out on the great river Euphrates; and it became dry, so that the way might be made ready for the kings from the east.

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