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Ephesians 5:26
So that he might make it holy, having made it clean with the washing of water by the word,


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Ephesians 5:26
So that he might make it holy, having made it clean with the washing of water by the word,


Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it;

John 3:29
He who has the bride is the husband: but the husband's friend, whose place is by his side and whose ears are open to him, is full of joy because of the husband's voice: such is my joy, and it is complete.

Isaiah 54:5
For your Maker is your husband; the Lord of armies is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is he who takes up your cause; he will be named the God of all the earth.

Psalms 45:10
O daughter, give thought and attention, and let your ear be open; no longer keep in mind your people, and your father's house;

Psalms 45:11
So will the king have a great desire for you, seeing how beautiful you are; because he is your lord, give him honour.

Psalms 45:12
And the daughters of Tyre will be there with an offering; those who have wealth among the people will be looking for your approval.

Psalms 45:13
In the great house the king's daughter is all shining: her clothing is worked with gold.

Psalms 45:14
She will come before the king in robes of needlework; the virgins in her train will come before you.

Isaiah 62:4
You will not now be named, She who is given up; and your land will no longer be named, The waste land: but you will have the name, My pleasure is in her, and your land will be named, Married: for the Lord has pleasure in you, and your land will be married.

Isaiah 62:5
For as a young man takes a virgin for his wife, so will your maker be married to you: and as a husband has joy in his bride, so will the Lord your God be glad over you.

Isaiah 61:10
I will be full of joy in the Lord, my soul will be glad in my God; for he has put on me the clothing of salvation, covering me with the robe of righteousness, as the husband puts on a fair head-dress, and the bride makes herself beautiful with jewels.

Hosea 2:19
And I will take you as my bride for ever; truly, I will take you as my bride in righteousness and in right judging, in love and in mercies.

Hosea 2:20
I will take you as my bride in good faith, and you will have knowledge of the Lord.

Romans 7:4
In the same way, my brothers, you were made dead to the law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, even to him who came again from the dead, so that we might give fruit to God.

Jeremiah 3:14
Come back, O children who are turned away, says the Lord; for I am a husband to you, and I will take you, one from a town and two from a family, and will make you come to Zion;


Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the saviour of the body.

Ephesians 5:24
And as the church is under Christ's authority, so let wives be under the rule of their husbands in all things.

Ephesians 5:28
Even so it is right for husbands to have love for their wives as for their bodies. He who has love for his wife has love for himself:

Ephesians 5:29
For no man ever had hate for his flesh; but he gives it food and takes care of it, even as Christ does for the church;

Ephesians 5:30
Because we are parts of his body.

Ephesians 5:31
For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

Ephesians 5:32
This is a great secret: but my words are about Christ and the church.

Ephesians 5:33
But do you, everyone, have love for his wife, even as for himself; and let the wife see that she has respect for her husband.


1 John 1:7
But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, we are all united with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son makes us clean from all sin.

Zechariah 13:1
In that day there will be a fountain open to the family of David and to the people of Jerusalem, for sin and for that which is unclean.

Psalms 51:2
Let all my wrongdoing be washed away, and make me clean from evil.

John 13:8
Peter said, I will never let my feet be washed by you, never. Jesus said in answer, If I do not make you clean you have no part with me.

John 13:9
Simon Peter said to him, Lord, not my feet only, but my hands and my head.

John 13:10
Jesus said to him, He who is bathed has need only to have his feet washed and then he is clean all over: and you, my disciples, are clean, but not all of you.

Psalms 51:7
Make me free from sin with hyssop: let me be washed whiter than snow.

Revelation 7:14
And I said to him, My lord, you have knowledge. And he said to me, These are they who came through the great testing, and their robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.

2 Corinthians 7:1
Because God, then, will give us such rewards, dear brothers, let us make ourselves clean from all evil of flesh and spirit, and become completely holy in the fear of God.

Acts 22:16
And now, why are you waiting? get up, and have baptism, for the washing away of your sins, giving worship to his name.

Revelation 1:6
And has made us to be a kingdom and priests to his God and Father; to him let glory and power be given for ever and ever. So be it.

Hebrews 9:10
Because they are only rules of the flesh, of meats and drinks and washings, which have their place till the time comes when things will be put right.

Hebrews 9:13
For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the dust from the burning of a young cow, being put on the unclean, make the flesh clean:

Exodus 29:4
And let Aaron and his sons come to the door of the Tent of meeting, and there let them be washed with water.

Leviticus 8:6
Then Moses took Aaron and his sons; and after washing them with water,


John 15:3
You are clean, even now, through the teaching which I have given you.

1 Peter 1:22
And as you have made your souls clean, being ruled by what is true, and loving one another without deceit, see that your love is warm and from the heart:

1 Peter 1:23
Because you have had a new birth, not from the seed of man, but from eternal seed, through the word of a living and unchanging God.

Psalms 119:9
BETH How may a young man make his way clean? by guiding it after your word.

James 1:18
Of his purpose he gave us being, by his true word, so that we might be, in a sense, the first-fruits of all the things which he had made.


John 17:19
And for them I make myself holy, so that they may be made truly holy.

1 Corinthians 1:30
But God has given you a place in Christ Jesus, through whom God has given us wisdom and righteousness and salvation, and made us holy:

Colossians 1:22
In the body of his flesh through death, so that you might be holy and without sin and free from all evil before him:

Hebrews 10:10
By that pleasure we have been made holy, by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for ever.

Hebrews 13:12
For this reason Jesus was put to death outside the walls, so that he might make the people holy by his blood.

1 Corinthians 1:2
To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who have been made holy in Christ Jesus, saints by the selection of God, with all those who in every place give honour to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours:

Hebrews 2:11
For he who makes holy and those who are made holy are all of one family; and for this reason it is no shame for him to give them the name of brothers,

1 Peter 1:2
Who, through the purpose of God, have been made holy by the Spirit, disciples of Jesus, made clean by his blood: May you have grace and peace in full measure.

1 Thessalonians 5:23
And may the God of peace himself make you holy in every way; and may your spirit and soul and body be free from all sin at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Acts 20:32
And now, I give you into the care of God and the word of his grace, which is able to make you strong and to give you your heritage among all the saints.

Acts 26:18
To make their eyes open, turning them from the dark to the light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may have forgiveness of sins and a heritage among those who are made holy by faith in me.

Jude 1:24
Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to give you a place in his glory, free from all evil, with great joy,

Ephesians 1:4
Even as he made selection of us in him from the first, so that we might be holy and free from all evil before him in love:

2 Thessalonians 2:13
But it is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, loved by the Lord, because it was the purpose of God from the first that you might have salvation, being made holy by the Spirit and by faith in what is true:

Hebrews 10:14
Because by one offering he has made complete for ever those who are made holy.


Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad with delight, and let us give glory to him: because the time is come for the Lamb to be married, and his wife has made herself ready.

Revelation 19:8
And to her it was given to be clothed in delicate linen, clean and shining: for the clean linen is the righteousness of the saints.

Revelation 21:2
And I saw the holy town, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, like a bride made beautiful for her husband.

Revelation 21:9
And one of the seven angels who had the seven vessels in which were the seven last punishments, came and said to me, Come here, and see the bride, the Lamb's wife.

Ezekiel 16:10
And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk.

Ezekiel 16:13
So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful.


2 Peter 1:9
For the man who has not these things is blind, seeing only what is near, having no memory of how he was made clean from his old sins.

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us have an argument together, says the Lord: how may your sins which are red like blood be white as snow? how may their dark purple seem like wool?

1 John 5:6
This is he who came by water and by blood, Jesus Christ; not by water only but by water and by blood.

1 John 1:9
If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil.

Jeremiah 33:8
And I will make them clean from all their sin, with which they have been sinning against me; I will have forgiveness for all their sins, with which they have been sinning against me, and with which they have done evil against me.

Malachi 3:3
He will take his seat, testing and cleaning the sons of Levi, burning away the evil from them as from gold and silver; so that they may make offerings to the Lord in righteousness.

Psalms 65:3
Evils have overcome us: but as for our sins, you will take them away.

Acts 2:38
And Peter said, Let your hearts be changed, every one of you, and have baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will have the Holy Spirit given to you.


Ezekiel 36:26
And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you: I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.


Ezekiel 36:27
And I will put my spirit in you, causing you to be guided by my rules, and you will keep my orders and do them.


John 17:18
Even as you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.

Jude 1:1
Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James, to those of God's selection who have been made holy by God the Father and are kept safe for Jesus Christ:


Galatians 2:20
I have been put to death on the cross with Christ; still I am living; no longer I, but Christ is living in me; and that life which I now am living in the flesh I am living by faith, the faith of the Son of God, who in love for me, gave himself up for me.

1 Peter 1:18
Being conscious that you have been made free from that foolish way of life which was your heritage from your fathers, not through a payment of things like silver or gold which come to destruction,

Romans 6:4
We have been placed with him among the dead through baptism into death: so that as Christ came again from the dead by the glory of the Father, we, in the same way, might be living in new life.

Galatians 1:4
Who gave himself for our sins, so that he might make us free from this present evil world, after the purpose of our God and Father:

Galatians 3:27
For all those of you who were given baptism into Christ did put on Christ.

Ephesians 5:2
And be living in love, even as Christ had love for you, and gave himself up for us, an offering to God for a perfume of a sweet smell.

Revelation 5:9
And their voices are sounding in a new song, saying, It is right for you to take the book and to make it open: for you were put to death and have made an offering to God of your blood for men of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation,


Titus 3:6
Which he gave us freely through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

Titus 3:7
So that, having been given righteousness through grace, we might have a part in the heritage, the hope of eternal life.

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