Luke 22:56
And a certain woman-servant, seeing him in the light of the fire, and looking at him with attention, said, This man was with him.
Luke 22:56
And a certain woman-servant, seeing him in the light of the fire, and looking at him with attention, said, This man was with him.
Luke 22:55
And a fire was lighted in the middle of the open square, and they were seated together, and Peter was among them.
Luke 22:54
And they made him a prisoner and took him away to the house of the high priest. But Peter went after them at a distance.
Luke 22:58
And after a little time, another saw him and said, You are one of them; and he said, Man, I am not.
Luke 22:59
And after about an hour, another man said, with decision, Certainly this man was with him, for he is a Galilaean.
Luke 22:60
And Peter said, Man, I have no knowledge of these things of which you are talking. And straight away, while he was saying these words, there came the cry of a cock.
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