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Mark 8:18
Having eyes, do you not see? and having ears, have you no hearing? and have you no memory?


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Mark 8:18
Having eyes, do you not see? and having ears, have you no hearing? and have you no memory?


Mark 8:19
When I made a division of the five cakes of bread among the five thousand, what number of baskets full of broken bits did you take up? They said to him, Twelve.


Mark 8:20
And when the seven among the four thousand, what number of baskets full of broken bits did you take up? And they said to him, Seven.


Mark 8:21
And he said to them, Is it still not clear to you?


Mark 8:16
And they said to one another, We have no bread.


Mark 8:22
And they came to Beth-saida. And they took a blind man to him, requesting him to put his hands on him.


Mark 8:33
But he, turning about, and seeing his disciples, said sharply to Peter, Get out of my way, Satan: for your mind is not on the things of God, but on the things of men.

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