Matthew 28:3
His form was shining like the light, and his clothing was white as snow:
Matthew 28:3
His form was shining like the light, and his clothing was white as snow:
Matthew 28:1
Now late on the Sabbath, when the dawn of the first day of the week was near, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the place where his body was.
Matthew 28:2
And there was a great earth-shock; for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, rolling back the stone, took his seat on it.
Matthew 28:5
And the angel said to the women, Have no fear: for I see that you are searching for Jesus, who was put to death on the cross.
Matthew 28:6
He is not here, for he has come to life again, even as he said. Come, see the Lord's resting-place.
Acts 10:30
And Cornelius said, Four days from now I was in my house in prayer at the ninth hour; and I saw before me a man in shining clothing,
Mark 16:6
And he said to them, Do not be troubled: you are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been put to death on the cross; he has come back from the dead; he is not here: see, the place where they put him!
Luke 24:5
And while their faces were bent down to the earth in fear, these said to them, Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
Luke 24:3
And they went in, but the body of the Lord Jesus was not there.
Mark 9:3
And his clothing became shining, very white, as no cleaner on earth would make it.
Daniel 10:5
And lifting up my eyes I saw the form of a man clothed in a linen robe, and round him there was a band of gold, of the best gold:
Revelation 10:1
And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and an arch of coloured light was round his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire;
Exodus 34:30
But when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, and the shining of his face, they would not come near him for fear.
Judges 13:6
Then the woman came in, and said to her husband, A man came to me, and his form was like the form of a god, causing great fear; I put no question to him about where he came from, and he did not give me his name;
Ezekiel 1:13
And between the living beings it was like burning coals of fire, as if flames were going one after the other between the living beings; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went thunder-flames.
Luke 9:29
And while he was in prayer, his face was changed and his clothing became white and shining.
Revelation 1:16
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword: and his face was like the sun shining in its strength.
Revelation 18:1
After these things I saw another angel coming down out of heaven, having great authority; and the earth was bright with his glory.
Revelation 3:4
But you have some names in Sardis who have kept clean their robes; and as a reward they will go in white with me.
Revelation 7:9
After these things I saw a great army of people more than might be numbered, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and languages, taking their places before the high seat and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, and with branches in their hands,
Revelation 7:14
And I said to him, My lord, you have knowledge. And he said to me, These are they who came through the great testing, and their robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 19:14
And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean.
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