Ezekiel 36:24
For I will take you out from among the nations, and get you together from all the countries, and take you into your land.
Ezekiel 36:24
For I will take you out from among the nations, and get you together from all the countries, and take you into your land.
Ezekiel 36:26
And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you: I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:27
And I will put my spirit in you, causing you to be guided by my rules, and you will keep my orders and do them.
Ezekiel 36:28
So that you may go on living in the land which I gave to your fathers; and you will be to me a people, and I will be to you a God.
Ezekiel 28:25
This is what the Lord has said: When I have got together the children of Israel from the peoples among whom they are wandering, and have been made holy among them before the eyes of the nations, then they will have rest in the land which is theirs, which I gave to my servant Jacob
Ezekiel 37:22
And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king will be king over them all: and they will no longer be two nations, and will no longer be parted into two kingdoms:
Ezekiel 36:21
But I had pity for my holy name which the children of Israel had made unclean wherever they went.
Ezekiel 36:22
For this cause say to the children of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: I am doing this, not because of you, O children of Israel, but because of my holy name, which you have made unclean among the nations wherever you went.
Ezekiel 36:23
And I will make holy my great name which has been made unclean among the nations, which you have made unclean among them; and it will be clear to the nations that I am the Lord, says the Lord, when I make myself holy in you before their eyes.
Deuteronomy 30:3
Then the Lord will have pity on you, changing your fate, and taking you back again from among all the nations where you have been forced to go.
Isaiah 43:5
Have no fear, for I am with you: I will take your seed from the east, and get you together from the west;
Isaiah 43:6
I will say to the north, Give them up; and to the south, Do not keep them back; send back my sons from far, and my daughters from the end of the earth;
Jeremiah 23:8
But, By the living Lord, who took up the seed of Israel, and made them come out of the north country, and from all the countries where I had sent them; and they will be living in the land which is theirs.
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