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Isaiah 29:1
Ho! Ariel, Ariel, the town against which David made war; put year to year, let the feasts come round:


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Isaiah 29:1
Ho! Ariel, Ariel, the town against which David made war; put year to year, let the feasts come round:


Isaiah 29:3
And I will make war on you like David, and you will be shut in by earthworks, and I will make towers round you.


Isaiah 29:4
And you will be made low, and your voice will come out of the earth, and your words will be low out of the dust; and your voice will come out of the earth like that of a spirit, making bird-like noises out of the dust.


Isaiah 29:7
And all the nations making war on Ariel, and all those who are fighting against her and shutting her in with their towers, will be like a dream, like a vision of the night.


Isaiah 29:13
And the Lord said, because this people come near to me with their mouths, and give honour to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is false, a rule given them by the teaching of men;

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