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Isaiah 28:19
Whenever they come through they will overtake you; for they will come through morning after morning, by day and by night: and the news will be nothing but fear.


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Isaiah 28:19
Whenever they come through they will overtake you; for they will come through morning after morning, by day and by night: and the news will be nothing but fear.


Isaiah 28:20
For the bed is not long enough for a man to be stretched out on: and the cover is not wide enough for him to be covered with.


Isaiah 28:17
And I will make right decision the measuring-line, and righteousness the weight: and the ice-storm will take away the safe place of false words, and the secret place will be covered by the flowing waters.


Isaiah 28:15
Because you have said, We have made death our friend, and with the underworld we have made an agreement; when the overflowing waters come through they will not come near us; for we are looking to false words for help, taking cover in what is untrue:


Isaiah 28:16
For this cause says the Lord God, See, I am placing in Zion as a base, a stone, a tested stone, an angle-stone which is certain and of great value: and he who has faith will not give way.


Isaiah 28:21
For the Lord will come up as on Mount Perazim, he will be moved to wrath as in the valley of Gibeon; so that he may do his work--strange is his work; and give effect to his act--unnatural is his act.


Isaiah 28:22
And now, take care that you do not make sport of him, or your bands will be made strong; for I have had word from the Lord, the Lord of armies, of an end, of a complete end, which is to come on all the land.


Isaiah 28:14
Give ear then to the word of the Lord, you men of pride, the rulers of this people in Jerusalem:


Isaiah 28:9
To whom will he give knowledge? and to whom will he make clear the word? Will it be to those who have newly given up milk, and who have only now been taken from the breast?

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