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Isaiah 19:14
The Lord has sent among them a spirit of error: and by them Egypt is turned out of the right way in all her doings, as a man overcome by wine is uncertain in his steps.


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Isaiah 19:14
The Lord has sent among them a spirit of error: and by them Egypt is turned out of the right way in all her doings, as a man overcome by wine is uncertain in his steps.


Isaiah 19:11
The chiefs of Zoan are completely foolish; the wisest guides of Pharaoh have become like beasts: how do you say to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the offspring of early kings?


Isaiah 19:12
Where, then, are your wise men? let them make clear to you, let them give you knowledge of the purpose of the Lord of armies for Egypt.


Isaiah 19:15
And in Egypt there will be no work for any man, head or tail, high or low, to do.


Isaiah 19:2
And I will send the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they will be fighting every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; town against town, and kingdom against kingdom.


Isaiah 19:3
And the spirit of Egypt will be troubled in her, and I will make her decisions without effect: and they will be turning to the false gods, and to those who make hollow sounds, and to those who have control of spirits, and to those who are wise in secret arts.


Isaiah 19:8
The fishermen will be sad, and all those who put fishing-lines into the Nile will be full of grief, and those whose nets are stretched out on the waters will have sorrow in their hearts.


Isaiah 19:9
And all the workers in linen thread, and those who make cotton cloth, will be put to shame.


Isaiah 19:10
And the makers of twisted thread will be crushed, and those who...will be sad in heart.


Isaiah 19:16
In that day the Egyptians will be like women: and the land will be shaking with fear because of the waving of the Lord's hand stretched out over it.

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