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Psalms 150:5
Give him praise with the loud brass: give him praise with the high-sounding brass.


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Psalms 150:5
Give him praise with the loud brass: give him praise with the high-sounding brass.


Psalms 150:6
Let everything which has breath give praise to the Lord. Let the Lord be praised.

Exodus 15:20
And Miriam, the woman prophet, the sister of Aaron, took an instrument of music in her hand; and all the women went after her with music and dances.

Psalms 33:2
Give praise to the Lord on the corded instrument; make melody to him with instruments of music.

Psalms 81:2
Take up the melody, playing on an instrument of music, even on corded instruments.

Revelation 14:2
And a voice from heaven came to my ears, like the sound of great waters, and the sound of loud thunder: and the voice which came to me was like the sound of players, playing on instruments of music.


1 Chronicles 15:19
So those who made melody, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, were put in position, with brass instruments, sounding loudly;

1 Chronicles 16:5
Asaph the chief, and second to him Zechariah, Uzziel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Mattithiah and Eliab and Benaiah and Obed-edom and Jeiel, with corded instruments of music; and Asaph, with brass instruments sounding loudly;

1 Chronicles 25:3
Of Jeduthun: the six sons of Jeduthun, Gedaliah and Zeri and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah and Mattithiah; under the direction of their father Jeduthun who, acting as a prophet, with corded instruments gave praise and glory to the Lord.

Ezra 3:10
And when the builders put in position the base of the Temple of the Lord, the priests, dressed in their robes, took their places with horns, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with brass instruments, to give praise to the Lord in the way ordered by David, king of Israel.

1 Corinthians 13:1
If I make use of the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am like sounding brass, or a loud-tongued bell.


Isaiah 18:1
Ho! land of the sounding of wings, on the other side of the rivers of Ethiopia:

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