Psalms 91:5
You will have no fear of the evil things of the night, or of the arrow in flight by day,
Psalms 91:5
You will have no fear of the evil things of the night, or of the arrow in flight by day,
Psalms 91:4
You will be covered by his feathers; under his wings you will be safe: his good faith will be your salvation.
Psalms 91:7
You will see a thousand falling by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.
Psalms 91:3
He will take you out of the bird-net, and keep you safe from wasting disease.
Psalms 91:8
Only with your eyes will you see the reward of the evil-doers.
Psalms 91:9
Because you have said, I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place;
Psalms 91:1
Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High;
Psalms 91:10
No evil will come on you, and no disease will come near your tent.
Psalms 91:2
Who says of the Lord, He is my safe place and my tower of strength: he is my God, in whom is my hope.
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