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Acts 7:54
Hearing these things, they were cut to the heart and moved with wrath against him.


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Acts 7:54
Hearing these things, they were cut to the heart and moved with wrath against him.


Acts 5:33
But when these words came to their ears, they were cut to the heart, and had a mind to put them to death.

Acts 2:37
Now when these words came to their ears their hearts were troubled, and they said to Peter and the other Apostles, Brothers, what are we to do?

Acts 22:22
And they gave him a hearing as far as this word; then with loud voices they said, Away with this man from the earth; it is not right for him to be living.

Psalms 2:1
Why are the nations so violently moved, and why are the thoughts of the people so foolish?

Luke 6:11
But they were full of wrath, and were talking together about what they might do to Jesus.

John 19:15
Then they gave a loud cry, Away with him! away with him! to the cross! Pilate said to them, Am I to put your King to death on the cross? The chief priests said in answer, We have no king but Caesar.


Psalms 35:16
Like men of deceit they put me to shame; the voice of their wrath was loud against me.

Psalms 37:12
The sinner has evil designs against the upright, lifting up the voice of wrath against him.

Job 16:9
I am broken by his wrath, and his hate has gone after me; he has made his teeth sharp against me: my haters are looking on me with cruel eyes;

Psalms 112:10
The sinner will see it with grief; he will be wasted away with envy; the desire of the evil-doers will come to nothing.

Lamentations 2:16
All your haters are opening their mouths wide against you; making hisses and whistling through their teeth, they say, We have made a meal of her: certainly this is the day we have been looking for; it has come, we have seen it.

Matthew 8:12
But the sons of the kingdom will be put out into the dark, and there will be weeping and cries of pain.

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