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Ezekiel 22:21
Yes, I will take you, breathing on you the fire of my wrath, and you will become soft in it.


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Ezekiel 22:21
Yes, I will take you, breathing on you the fire of my wrath, and you will become soft in it.


Ezekiel 22:20
As they put silver and brass and iron and lead and tin together inside the oven, heating up the fire on it to make it soft; so will I get you together in my wrath and in my passion, and, heating the fire with my breath, will make you soft.


Malachi 3:3
He will take his seat, testing and cleaning the sons of Levi, burning away the evil from them as from gold and silver; so that they may make offerings to the Lord in righteousness.

Isaiah 1:25
And my hand will again be on you, washing away what is unclean as with soap, and taking away all your false metal;

Isaiah 48:10
See, I have been testing you for myself like silver; I have put you through the fire of trouble.

Jeremiah 9:7
So the Lord of armies has said, See, I will make them soft in the fire and put them to the test; this I will do because of their evil-doing.


Jeremiah 6:28
All of them are turned away, going about with false stories; they are brass and iron: they are all workers of deceit.

Jeremiah 6:29
The blower is blowing strongly, the lead is burned away in the fire: they go on heating the metal to no purpose, for the evil-doers are not taken away.

Jeremiah 6:30
They will be named waste silver, because the Lord has given them up.


Ezekiel 15:6
For this cause the Lord has said: Like the vine-tree among the trees of the woods which I have given to the fire for burning, so will I give the people of Jerusalem.


Ezekiel 15:7
And my face will be turned against them; and though they have come out of the fire they will be burned up by it; and it will be clear to you that I am the Lord when my face is turned against them.


Ezekiel 21:31
And I will let loose my burning passion on you, breathing out on you the fire of my wrath: and I will give you up into the hands of men like beasts, trained to destruction.


Isaiah 30:33
For a place of fire has long been ready; yes, it has been made ready for the king; he has made it deep and wide: it is massed with fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a stream of fire, puts a light to it.

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