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Isaiah 9:9
And all the people will have experience of it, even Ephraim and the men of Samaria, who say in the pride of their uplifted hearts,


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Isaiah 9:9
And all the people will have experience of it, even Ephraim and the men of Samaria, who say in the pride of their uplifted hearts,


Isaiah 9:10
The bricks have come down, but we will put up buildings of cut stone in their place: the sycamores are cut down, but they will be changed to cedars.


Isaiah 7:9
And the head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son. If you will not have faith, your kingdom will be broken.


Malachi 1:4
Though Edom says, We are crushed down but we will come back, building up the waste places; this is what the Lord of armies has said: They may put up buildings, but I will have them pulled down; and they will be named The land of evil-doing, and The people against whom the Lord keeps his wrath for ever.


Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a stiff spirit before a fall.


Isaiah 10:8
For he says, Are not all my captains kings?


Isaiah 10:12
For this cause it will be that, when the purpose of the Lord against Mount Zion and Jerusalem is complete, I will send punishment on the pride of the heart of the king of Assyria, and on the glory of his uplifted eyes.


Isaiah 28:2
See, the Lord has a strong and cruel one; like a rain of ice, a storm of destruction, like the overflowing of a strong river, he will violently overcome them.


Isaiah 41:1
Come quietly before me, O sea-lands, and let the peoples get together their strength: let them come near; then let them say what they have to say: let us put forward our cause against one another.


Hosea 9:7
The days of punishment, the days of reward are come; Israel will be put to shame; the prophet is foolish, the man who has the spirit is off his head, because of your great sin.


1 Peter 5:5
And in the same way, let the younger men be ruled by the older ones. Let all of you put away pride and make yourselves ready to be servants: for God is a hater of pride, but he gives grace to those who make themselves low.

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