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Proverbs 28:7
He who keeps the law is a wise son, but he who keeps company with feasters puts shame on his father.


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Proverbs 28:7
He who keeps the law is a wise son, but he who keeps company with feasters puts shame on his father.


Proverbs 13:20
Go with wise men and be wise: but he who keeps company with the foolish will be broken.

Numbers 33:55
But if you are slow in driving out the people of the land, then those of them who are still there will be like pin-points in your eyes and like thorns in your sides, troubling you in the land where you are living.

Judges 16:4
Now after this, he was in love with a woman in the valley of Sorek, named Delilah.

1 Kings 11:2
The nations of which the Lord had said to the children of Israel, You are not to take wives from them and they are not to take wives from you; or they will certainly make you go after their gods: to these Solomon was united in love.

2 Chronicles 19:2
And Jehu, the son of Hanani the seer, went to King Jehoshaphat and said to him, Is it right for you to go to the help of evil-doers, loving the haters of the Lord? because of this, the wrath of the Lord has come on you.

Ezra 9:14
Are we again to go against your orders, taking wives from among the people who do these disgusting things? would you not be angry with us till our destruction was complete, till there was not one who got away safe?

John 18:18
Now the servants and the police had made a fire of coals because it was cold; they were warming themselves in front of it and Peter was there with them, warming himself.

John 18:25
But Simon Peter was still there warming himself by the fire. They said to him, Are you not one of his disciples? He said, No, I am not.

1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be tricked by false words: evil company does damage to good behaviour.


Luke 15:13
And not long after, the younger son got together everything which was his and took a journey into a far-away country, and there all his money went in foolish living.

1 Peter 4:3
Because for long enough, in times past, we have been living after the way of the Gentiles, given up to the desires of the flesh, to drinking and feasting and loose behaviour and unclean worship of images;

Proverbs 23:30
Those who are seated late over the wine: those who go looking for mixed wine.

Ephesians 5:18
And do not take overmuch wine by which one may be overcome, but be full of the Spirit;


Proverbs 29:3
A man who is a lover of wisdom is a joy to his father: but he who goes in the company of loose women is a waster of wealth.

Proverbs 10:1
A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.

Proverbs 17:21
He who has an unwise son gets sorrow for himself, and the father of a foolish son has no joy.

Proverbs 19:26
He who is violent to his father, driving away his mother, is a son causing shame and a bad name.

Proverbs 29:15
The rod and sharp words give wisdom: but a child who is not guided is a cause of shame to his mother.

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