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Psalms 40:11
Take not away your gentle mercies from me, O Lord; let your mercy and your faith keep me safe for ever.


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Psalms 40:11
Take not away your gentle mercies from me, O Lord; let your mercy and your faith keep me safe for ever.


Psalms 40:12
For unnumbered evils are round about me; my sins have overtaken me, so that I am bent down with their weight; they are more than the hairs of my head, my strength is gone because of them.

Psalms 25:21
For my clean and upright ways keep me safe, because my hope is in you.


Psalms 57:3
He will send from heaven, and take me from the power of him whose desire is for my destruction. God will send out his mercy and his good faith.

Psalms 43:3
O send out your light and your true word; let them be my guide: let them take me to your holy hill, and to your tents.

Psalms 61:7
May the seat of his authority be before God for ever; may mercy and righteousness keep him safe.

Psalms 25:10
All the ways of the Lord are mercy and good faith for those who keep his agreement and his witness.

Micah 7:20
You will make clear your good faith to Jacob and your mercy to Abraham, as you gave your oath to our fathers from times long past.

John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses; grace and the true way of life are ours through Jesus Christ.


Psalms 69:13
But as for me, let my prayer be made to you, O Lord, at a time when you are pleased; O God, give me an answer in your great mercy, for your salvation is certain.

Psalms 69:16
Give an answer to my words, O Lord; for your mercy is good: be turned to me, because of your great pity.

Psalms 103:4
He keeps back your life from destruction, crowning you with mercy and grace.

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