Jude 1:4
For certain men have come among you secretly, marked out before in the holy Writings for this evil fate, men without the fear of God, turning his grace into an unclean thing, and false to our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:4
For certain men have come among you secretly, marked out before in the holy Writings for this evil fate, men without the fear of God, turning his grace into an unclean thing, and false to our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly put forward wrong teachings for your destruction, even turning away from the Lord who gave himself for them; whose destruction will come quickly, and they themselves will be the cause of it.
2 Peter 2:2
And a great number will go with them in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.
2 Peter 2:3
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time and their destruction is watching for them.
Jude 1:18
How they said to you, In the last days there will be men who, guided by their evil desires, will make sport of holy things.
Titus 1:16
They say that they have knowledge of God, while by their acts they are turning their backs on him; they are hated by all, hard-hearted, and judged to be without value for any good work.
2 Timothy 3:2
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, uplifted in pride, given to bitter words, going against the authority of their fathers, never giving praise, having no religion,
2 Timothy 3:3
Without natural love, bitter haters, saying evil of others, violent and uncontrolled, hating all good,
2 Timothy 3:4
False to their friends, acting without thought, lifted up in mind, loving pleasure more than God;
2 Timothy 3:5
Having a form of religion, but turning their backs on the power of it: go not with these.
2 Peter 3:3
Having first of all the knowledge that in the last days there will be men who, ruled by their evil desires, will make sport of holy things,
Romans 16:18
For such people are not servants of the Lord Christ, but of their stomachs; and by their smooth and well-said words the hearts of those who have no knowledge of evil are tricked.
2 Timothy 3:8
And as James and Jambres went against Moses, so do these go against what is true: men of evil minds, who, tested by faith, are seen to be false.
Jude 1:3
My loved ones, while my thoughts were full of a letter which I was going to send you about our common salvation, it was necessary for me to send you one requesting you with all my heart to go on fighting strongly for the faith which has been given to the saints once and for ever.
Jude 1:6
And the angels who did not keep to their kingdom but went out from the place which was theirs, he has put in eternal chains and in dark night till the great day of the judging.
Jude 1:12
These men are unseen rocks at your love-feasts, when they take part in them with you, keepers of sheep who without fear take the food of the sheep; clouds without water rushing before the wind, wasted trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots,
Jude 1:13
Violent waves of the sea, streaming with their shame, wandering stars for whom the darkest night is kept in store for ever.
Jude 1:14
The prophet Enoch, who was the seventh after Adam, said of these men, The Lord came with tens of thousands of his saints,
Jude 1:8
In the same way these dreamers make the flesh unclean, having no respect for authorities, and say evil of rulers.
Jude 1:10
But these men say evil about such things as they have no knowledge of; and the things of which they have natural knowledge, like beasts without reason, are the cause of their destruction.
2 Peter 3:7
But the present heaven and the present earth have been kept for destruction by fire, which is waiting for them on the day of the judging and destruction of evil men.
2 Peter 2:15
Turning out of the true way, they have gone wandering in error, after the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who was pleased to take payment for wrongdoing;
Jude 1:16
These are the men who make trouble, ever desiring change, going after evil pleasures, using high-sounding words, respecting men's position in the hope of reward.
2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not have pity for the angels who did evil, but sent them down into hell, to be kept in chains of eternal night till they were judged;
2 Peter 2:17
These are fountains without water, and mists before a driving storm; for whom the eternal night is kept in store.
Jude 1:5
Now it is my purpose to put you in mind, though you once had knowledge of all these things, of how the Lord, having taken a people safely out of Egypt, later sent destruction on those who had no faith;
Jude 1:1
Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James, to those of God's selection who have been made holy by God the Father and are kept safe for Jesus Christ:
Jude 1:7
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the towns near them, having like these, given themselves up to unclean desires and gone after strange flesh, have been made an example, undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 1:15
To be the judge of all, and to give a decision against all those whose lives are unpleasing to him, because of the evil acts which they have done, and because of all the hard things which sinners without fear of God have said against him.
2 Peter 2:5
And did not have mercy on the world which then was, but only kept safe Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when he let loose the waters over the world of the evil-doers;
2 Peter 2:6
And sent destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah, burning them up with fire as an example to those whose way of life might in the future be unpleasing to him;
1 Peter 4:18
And if it is hard for even the good man to get salvation, what chance has the man without religion or the sinner?
Jude 1:9
Now when Michael, one of the chief angels, was fighting against the Evil One for the body of Moses, fearing to make use of violent words against him, he only said, May the Lord be your judge.
Judges 1:14
Now when she came to him, he put into her mind the idea of requesting a field from her father: and she got down from her ass; and Caleb said to her, What is it?
2 Peter 2:9
The Lord is able to keep the upright safe in the time of testing, and to keep evil-doers under punishment till the day of judging;
2 Peter 2:11
Though the angels, who are greater in strength and power, do not make use of violent language against them before the Lord.
Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, great and small, taking their places before the high seat; and the books were open, and another book was open, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged by the things which were in the books, even by their works.
Romans 6:1
What may we say, then? are we to go on in sin so that there may be more grace?
Romans 6:2
In no way. How may we, who are dead to sin, be living in it any longer?
Romans 3:8
Let us not do evil so that good may come (a statement which we are falsely said by some to have made), because such behaviour will have its right punishment.
Romans 6:15
What then? are we to go on in sin because we are not under law but under grace? Let it not be so.
Romans 6:16
Are you not conscious that you are the servants of him to whom you give yourselves to do his desire? if to sin, the end being death, or if to do the desire of God, the end being righteousness.
Romans 6:17
But praise be to God that though you were the servants of sin, you have now given yourselves freely to that form of teaching under which you were placed;
Romans 5:20
And the law came in addition, to make wrongdoing worse; but where there was much sin, there was much more grace:
Galatians 2:17
But if, while we were desiring to get righteousness through Christ, we ourselves were seen to be sinners, is Christ a servant of sin? In no way!
Galatians 5:13
Because you, brothers, were marked out to be free; only do not make use of your free condition to give the flesh its chance, but through love be servants one to another.
Hebrews 12:15
Looking with care to see that no man among you in his behaviour comes short of the grace of God; for fear that some bitter root may come up to be a trouble to you, and that some of you may be made unclean by it;
2 Peter 2:18
For with high-sounding false words, making use of the attraction of unclean desires of the flesh, they get into their power those newly made free from those who are living in error;
Matthew 25:41
Then will he say to those on the left, Go from me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which is ready for the Evil One and his angels:
Acts 1:16
My brothers, the word of God had to be put into effect, which the Holy Spirit had said before, by the mouth of David, about Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus,
Romans 13:13
With right behaviour as in the day; not in pleasure-making and drinking, not in bad company and unclean behaviour, not in fighting and envy.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Putting an end to reasonings, and every high thing which is lifted up against the knowledge of God, and causing every thought to come under the authority of Christ;
2 Thessalonians 2:8
And then will come the revelation of that evil one, whom the Lord Jesus will put to death with the breath of his mouth, and give to destruction by the revelation of his coming;
2 Thessalonians 2:13
But it is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, loved by the Lord, because it was the purpose of God from the first that you might have salvation, being made holy by the Spirit and by faith in what is true:
2 Peter 2:22
They are an example of that true saying, The dog has gone back to the food it had put out, and the pig which had been washed to its rolling in the dirty earth.
Revelation 19:20
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire.
Revelation 21:8
But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life, those who do the sins of the flesh, and those who make use of evil powers or who give worship to images, and all those who are false, will have their part in the sea of ever-burning fire which is the second death.
1 Peter 2:8
And, A stone of falling, a rock of trouble; the word is the cause of their fall, because they go against it, and this was the purpose of God.
2 Timothy 3:6
For these are they who go secretly into houses, making prisoners of foolish women, weighted down with sin, turned from the way by their evil desires,
2 Timothy 3:7
Ever learning, and never coming to the knowledge of what is true.
2 Timothy 3:1
But be certain of this, that in the last days times of trouble will come.
Jude 1:17
But you, my loved ones, keep in memory the words which were said before by the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
1 Timothy 4:2
Through the false ways of men whose words are untrue, whose hearts are burned as with a heated iron;
1 Timothy 4:3
Who keep men from being married and from taking food which God made to be taken with praise by those who have faith and true knowledge.
1 John 2:18
Little children, it is the last hour; and as you were given word that the Antichrist would come, so now a number of Antichrists have come to you; and by this we are certain that it is the last hour.
Jude 1:19
These are the men who make divisions, natural men, not having the Spirit.
Matthew 13:25
But while men were sleeping, one who had hate for him came and put evil seeds among the grain, and went away.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not take the true teaching; but, moved by their desires, they will get for themselves a great number of teachers for the pleasure of hearing them;
2 Timothy 4:4
And shutting their ears to what is true, will be turned away to belief in foolish stories.
Titus 3:10
A man whose opinions are not those of the church, after a first and second protest, is to be kept out of your society;
Romans 9:22
What if God, desiring to let his wrath and his power be seen, for a long time put up with the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction:
1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God's purpose for us is not wrath, but salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Exodus 9:16
But, for this very reason, I have kept you from destruction, to make clear to you my power, and so that my name may be honoured through all the earth.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Punishment is mine and reward, at the time of the slipping of their feet: for the day of their downfall is near, sudden will be their fate.
John 16:2
They will put you out of the Synagogues: yes, the time is coming when whoever puts you to death will have the belief that he is doing God's pleasure.
Revelation 15:3
And they give the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and full of wonder are your works, O Lord God, Ruler of all; true and full of righteousness are your ways, eternal King.
Philippians 3:19
Whose end is destruction, whose god is the stomach, and whose glory is in their shame, whose minds are fixed on the things of the earth.
2 Thessalonians 2:12
So that they all may be judged, who had no faith in what is true, but took pleasure in evil.
Judges 1:3
Then Judah said to Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my heritage, so that we may make war against the Canaanites; and I will then go with you into your heritage. So Simeon went with him.
Galatians 3:1
O foolish Galatians, by what strange powers have you been tricked, to whom it was made clear that Jesus Christ was put to death on the cross?
1 Timothy 1:9
With the knowledge that the law is made, not for the upright man, but for those who have no respect for law and order, for evil men and sinners, for the unholy and those who have no religion, for those who put their fathers or mothers to death, for takers of life,
Psalms 1:1
Happy is the man who does not go in the company of sinners, or take his place in the way of evil-doers, or in the seat of those who do not give honour to the Lord.
Ecclesiastes 7:29
This only have I seen, that God made men upright, but they have been searching out all sorts of inventions.
Romans 1:18
For there is a revelation of the wrath of God from heaven against all the wrongdoing and evil thoughts of men who keep down what is true by wrongdoing;
Romans 4:5
But to him who without working has faith in him who gives righteousness to the evil-doer, his faith is put to his account as righteousness.
Philippians 3:17
Brothers, take me as your example, and take note of those who are walking after the example we have given.
2 Peter 2:21
For it would have been better for them to have had no knowledge of the way of righteousness, than to go back again from the holy law which was given to them, after having knowledge of it.
2 Peter 3:16
And as he said in all his letters, which had to do with these things; in which are some hard sayings, so that, like the rest of the holy Writings, they are twisted by those who are uncertain and without knowledge, to the destruction of their souls.
Jude 1:11
A curse on them! They have gone in the way of Cain, running uncontrolled into the error of Balaam for reward, and have come to destruction by saying evil against the Lord, like Korah.
Jude 1:2
May mercy and peace and love be increased in you.
2 Peter 2:10
But specially those who go after the unclean desires of the flesh, and make sport of authority. Ready to take chances, uncontrolled, they have no fear of saying evil of those in high places:
2 Peter 2:19
Saying that they will be free, while they themselves are the servants of destruction; because whatever gets the better of a man makes a servant of him.
2 Peter 2:20
For if, after they have got free from the unclean things of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again taken in the net and overcome, their last condition is worse than their first.
1 Peter 2:16
As those who are free, not using your free position as a cover for wrongdoing, but living as the servants of God;
Philippians 3:18
For there are those, of whom I have given you word before, and do so now with sorrow, who are haters of the cross of Christ;
Acts 20:32
And now, I give you into the care of God and the word of his grace, which is able to make you strong and to give you your heritage among all the saints.
Ephesians 4:19
Who having no more power of feeling, have given themselves up to evil passions, to do all unclean things with overmuch desire.
Jude 1:25
To the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, let us give glory and honour and authority and power, before all time and now and for ever. So be it.
1 Timothy 4:1
But the Spirit says clearly that in later times some will be turned away from the faith, giving their minds to spirits of deceit, and the teachings of evil spirits,
Galatians 2:4
And that because of the false brothers let in secretly, who came searching out our free condition which we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might make servants of us;
Matthew 7:15
Be on the watch for false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are cruel wolves.
Matthew 24:11
And a number of false prophets will come, causing error.
Acts 20:29
I am conscious that after I am gone, evil wolves will come in among you, doing damage to the flock;
Acts 20:30
And from among yourselves will come men who will give wrong teaching, turning away the disciples after them.
2 Corinthians 11:13
For such men are false Apostles, workers of deceit, making themselves seem like Apostles of Christ.
Ephesians 4:14
So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error;
2 John 1:7
Because a number of false teachers have gone out into the world, who do not give witness that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Such a one is a false teacher and Antichrist.
Mark 13:22
Because there will be false Christs and false prophets, and they will give signs and wonders in the hope of turning even the saints from the true way.
1 Corinthians 12:3
So it is my desire for you to be clear about this; that no one is able to say by the Spirit of God that Jesus is cursed; and no one is able to say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.
1 John 2:19
They went out from us but they were not of us; if they had been of us they would still be with us: but they went out from us so that it might be made clear that they were not of us.
1 John 2:22
Who is false but he who says that Jesus is not the Christ? He is the Antichrist who has no belief in the Father or the Son.
1 John 2:23
He who has no belief in the Son has not the Father: he who makes clear his belief in the Son has the Father.
Revelation 2:13
I have knowledge that your living-place is where Satan has his seat: and you are true to my name, and were not turned away from your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my true witness, who was put to death among you, where Satan has his place.
Proverbs 30:9
For fear that if I am full, I may be false to you and say, Who is the Lord? or if I am poor, I may become a thief, using the name of my God wrongly.
Luke 12:9
But if anyone says before men that he has no knowledge of me, I will say that I have no knowledge of him before the angels of God.
2 Timothy 2:12
If we go on to the end, then we will be ruling with him: if we say we have no knowledge of him, then he will say he has no knowledge of us:
Revelation 3:8
I have knowledge of your works (see, I have put before you an open door which may be shut by no one), and that you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have been true to my name.
Matthew 10:33
But if anyone says before men that he has no knowledge of me, I will say that I have no knowledge of him before my Father in heaven.
1 Timothy 5:8
If anyone has no care for his family and those in his house, he is false to the faith, and is worse than one who has no faith.
2 Timothy 1:16
May the Lord give mercy to the house of Onesiphorus because he frequently gave me help, and had no feeling of shame because I was in chains;
Luke 2:29
Now you are letting your servant go in peace, O Lord, as you have said;
Acts 4:24
And hearing it, they all, with one mind, made prayer to God and said, O Lord, maker of heaven and earth and the sea and all things in them:
1 Peter 2:18
Servants, take orders from your masters with all respect; not only if they are good and gentle, but even if they are bad-humoured.
Titus 2:11
For the grace of God has come, giving salvation to all men,
Titus 2:12
Training us so that, turning away from evil and the desires of this world, we may be living wisely and uprightly in the knowledge of God in this present life;
Titus 2:13
Looking for the glad hope, the revelation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ;
Romans 15:4
Now those things which were put down in writing before our time were for our learning, so that through quiet waiting and through the comfort of the holy Writings we might have hope.
2 Corinthians 6:1
We then, working together with God, make our request to you not to take the grace of God to no purpose.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Because God, then, will give us such rewards, dear brothers, let us make ourselves clean from all evil of flesh and spirit, and become completely holy in the fear of God.
Revelation 6:10
And they gave a great cry, saying, How long will it be, O Ruler, holy and true, before you take your place as judge and give punishment for our blood to those on the earth?
Hebrews 6:4
As for those who at one time saw the light, tasting the good things from heaven, and having their part in the Holy Spirit,
Hebrews 6:6
And then let themselves be turned away, it is not possible for their hearts to be made new a second time; because they themselves put the Son of God on the cross again, openly shaming him.
Hebrews 6:7
For a land, drinking in the frequent rain and producing good plants for those for whom it is worked, has a blessing from God:
Hebrews 6:8
But if it sends up thorns and evil plants, it is of no use and is ready to be cursed; its only end is to be burned.
Acts 2:23
Him, when he was given up, by the decision and knowledge of God, you put to death on the cross, by the hands of evil men:
Acts 4:27
For, truly, in this town, against your holy servant, Jesus, who was marked out by you as Christ, Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, came together,
Acts 4:28
To do that which had been fixed before by your hand and your purpose.
Genesis 50:20
As for you, it was in your mind to do me evil, but God has given a happy outcome, the salvation of numbers of people, as you see today.
Isaiah 46:10
Making clear from the first what is to come, and from past times the things which have not so far come about; saying, My purpose is fixed, and I will do all my pleasure;
Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has given glory to his servant Jesus; whom you gave up, turning your backs on him, when Pilate had made the decision to let him go free.
Acts 3:14
But you would have nothing to do with the Holy and Upright One, and made request for a man of blood to be given to you,
Matthew 13:8
And some, falling on good earth, gave fruit, some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty times as much.
Ephesians 1:22
And he has put all things under his feet, and has made him to be head over all things to the church,
Psalms 138:2
I will give worship before your holy Temple, praising your name for your mercy and for your unchanging faith: for you have made your word greater than all your name.
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child has come, to us a son is given; and the government has been placed in his hands; and he has been named Wise Guide, Strong God, Father for ever, Prince of Peace.
John 17:3
And this is eternal life: to have knowledge of you, the only true God, and of him whom you have sent, even Jesus Christ.
Romans 1:25
Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false, and they gave worship and honour to the thing which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.
Romans 9:5
Whose are the fathers, and of whom came Christ in the flesh, who is over all, God, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.
Ephesians 2:12
That you were at that time without Christ, being cut off from any part in Israel's rights as a nation, having no part in God's agreement, having no hope, and without God in the world.
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one peacemaker between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
Hebrews 1:1
In times past the word of God came to our fathers through the prophets, in different parts and in different ways;
1 John 5:20
And we are certain that the Son of God has come, and has given us a clear vision, so that we may see him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
2 Samuel 12:11
The Lord says, From those of your family I will send evil against you, and before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to your neighbour, and he will take your wives to his bed by the light of this sun.
2 Samuel 12:12
You did it secretly; but I will do this thing before all Israel and in the light of the sun.
2 Samuel 15:16
So the king went out, taking with him all the people of his house, but for ten of his women, who were to take care of the house.
Hosea 11:4
I made them come after me with the cords of a man, with the bands of love; I was to them as one who took the yoke from off their mouths, putting meat before them.
Philippians 2:12
So then, my loved ones, as you have at all times done what I say, not only when I am present, but now much more when I am not with you, give yourselves to working out your salvation with fear in your hearts;
Matthew 13:10
And the disciples came and said to him, Why do you say things to them in the form of stories?
Acts 7:16
And they were taken over to Shechem, and put to rest in the place which Abraham got for a price in silver from the sons of Hamor in Shechem.
Philippians 2:13
For it is God who is the cause of your desires and of your acts, for his good pleasure.
1 Peter 2:6
Because it is said in the Writings, See, I am placing a keystone in Zion, of great and special value; and the man who has faith in him will not be put to shame.
Revelation 6:9
And when the fifth stamp was undone, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been put to death for the word of God, and for the witness which they kept.
Revelation 9:1
And at the sounding of the fifth angel I saw a star falling from heaven to the earth: and there was given to him the key of the great deep.
Revelation 9:2
And he made the great deep open and a smoke went up from it, like the smoke of a great oven; and the sun and the air were made dark because of the smoke.
Revelation 9:10
And they have pointed tails like scorpions; and in their tails is their power to give men wounds for five months.
Revelation 9:18
By these evils a third part of men was put to death, by the fire, and the smoke, and the burning smell which came out of their mouths.
Revelation 9:19
For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails: because their tails are like snakes, and have heads, and with them they give wounds.
Revelation 16:13
And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs.
Revelation 16:14
For they are evil spirits, working signs; who go out even to the kings of all the earth, to get them together to the war of the great day of God, the Ruler of all.
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