1 Peter 3:3
Do not let your ornaments be those of the body such as dressing of the hair, or putting on of jewels of gold or fair clothing;
1 Peter 3:3
Do not let your ornaments be those of the body such as dressing of the hair, or putting on of jewels of gold or fair clothing;
1 Peter 3:4
But let them be those of the unseen man of the heart, the ever-shining ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the eyes of God.
1 Timothy 2:9
And that women may be dressed in simple clothing, with a quiet and serious air; not with twisted hair and gold or jewels or robes of great price;
1 Timothy 2:10
But clothed with good works, as is right for women who are living in the fear of God.
1 Peter 5:5
And in the same way, let the younger men be ruled by the older ones. Let all of you put away pride and make yourselves ready to be servants: for God is a hater of pride, but he gives grace to those who make themselves low.
Matthew 5:36
You may not take an oath by your head, because you are not able to make one hair white or black.
1 Corinthians 11:14
Does it not seem natural to you that if a man has long hair, it is a cause of shame to him?
Titus 1:1
Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, in agreement with the faith of the saints of God and the full knowledge of what is true in harmony with religion,
Titus 2:7
In all things see that you are an example of good works; holy in your teaching, serious in behaviour,
Titus 2:10
Not taking what is not theirs, but giving clear signs of their good faith, in all things doing credit to the teaching of God our Saviour.
Titus 2:12
Training us so that, turning away from evil and the desires of this world, we may be living wisely and uprightly in the knowledge of God in this present life;
1 Peter 1:7
So that the true metal of your faith, being of much greater value than gold (which, though it comes to an end, is tested by fire), may come to light in praise and glory and honour, at the revelation of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 1:18
Being conscious that you have been made free from that foolish way of life which was your heritage from your fathers, not through a payment of things like silver or gold which come to destruction,
1 Peter 3:5
And these were the ornaments of the holy women of the past, whose hope was in God, being ruled by their husbands:
1 Peter 3:6
As Sarah was ruled by Abraham, naming him lord; whose children you are if you do well, and are not put in fear by any danger.
1 Peter 3:7
And you husbands, give thought to your way of life with your wives, giving honour to the woman who is the feebler vessel, but who has an equal part in the heritage of the grace of life; so that you may not be kept from prayer.
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, be ruled by your husbands; so that even if some of them give no attention to the word, their hearts may be changed by the behaviour of their wives,
1 Peter 3:2
When they see your holy behaviour in the fear of God.
Titus 2:5
To be wise in mind, clean in heart, kind; working in their houses, living under the authority of their husbands; so that no evil may be said of the word of God.
1 Timothy 5:5
Now she who is truly a widow and without family puts her hope in God, giving herself to prayer day and night.
Isaiah 3:16
Again, the Lord has said, Because the daughters of Zion are full of pride, and go with outstretched necks and wandering eyes, with their foot-chains sounding when they go:
Isaiah 3:17
The Lord will send disease on the heads of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will let their secret parts be seen.
Isaiah 3:18
In that day the Lord will take away the glory of their foot-rings, and their sun-jewels, and their moon-ornaments,
Isaiah 3:19
The ear-rings, and the chains, and the delicate clothing,
Isaiah 3:20
The head-bands, and the arm-chains, and the worked bands, and the perfume-boxes, and the jewels with secret powers,
Isaiah 3:21
The rings, and the nose-jewels,
Isaiah 3:22
The feast-day dresses, and the robes, and the wide skirts, and the handbags,
Isaiah 3:23
The looking-glasses, and the fair linen, and the high head-dresses, and the veils.
Isaiah 3:24
And in the place of sweet spices will be an evil smell, and for a fair band a thick cord; for a well-dressed head there will be the cutting-off of the hair, and for a beautiful robe there will be the clothing of sorrow; the mark of the prisoner in place of the ornaments of the free.
2 Kings 9:30
And when Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel had news of it; and, painting her eyes and dressing her hair with ornaments, she put her head out of the window.
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as of the Lord.
Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the saviour of the body.
Ephesians 5:24
And as the church is under Christ's authority, so let wives be under the rule of their husbands in all things.
Colossians 3:18
Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord.
Esther 1:20
And when this order, given by the king, is made public through all his kingdom (for it is great), all the wives will give honour to their husbands, great as well as small.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But it is important for you to keep this fact in mind, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 14:34
Let women keep quiet in the churches: for it is not right for them to be talking; but let them be under control, as it says in the law.
Ephesians 5:33
But do you, everyone, have love for his wife, even as for himself; and let the wife see that she has respect for her husband.
Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, Great will be your pain in childbirth; in sorrow will your children come to birth; still your desire will be for your husband, but he will be your master.
1 Timothy 2:11
Let a woman quietly take the place of a learner and be under authority.
1 Timothy 2:12
In my opinion it is right for a woman not to be a teacher, or to have rule over a man, but to be quiet.
Titus 2:3
That old women are to be self-respecting in behaviour, not saying evil of others, not given to taking much wine, teachers of that which is good,
Titus 2:4
Training the younger women to have love for their husbands and children,
Numbers 30:13
Every oath, and every undertaking which she gives, to keep herself from pleasure, may be supported or broken by her husband.
1 Corinthians 11:9
And the man was not made for the woman, but the woman for the man.
Genesis 24:22
And when the camels had had enough, the man took a gold nose-ring, half a shekel in weight, and two ornaments for her arms of ten shekels weight of gold;
Esther 5:1
Now on the third day, Esther put on her queen's robes, and took her place in the inner room of the king's house, facing the king's house: and the king was seated on his high seat in the king's house, facing the doorway of the house.
Genesis 35:4
Then they gave to Jacob all the strange gods which they had, and the rings which were in their ears; and Jacob put them away under the holy tree at Shechem.
Exodus 32:2
Then Aaron said to them, Take off the gold rings which are in the ears of your wives and your sons and your daughters, and give them to me.
Exodus 32:3
And all the people took the gold rings from their ears and gave them to Aaron.
Ezekiel 16:10
And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk.
Ezekiel 16:11
And I made you fair with ornaments and put jewels on your hands and a chain on your neck.
Ezekiel 16:12
And I put a ring in your nose and ear-rings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.
Ezekiel 16:13
So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful.
Ezekiel 16:14
You were so beautiful that the story of you went out into all nations; you were completely beautiful because of my glory which I had put on you, says the Lord.
Genesis 3:21
And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife coats of skins for their clothing.
Genesis 24:30
And when he saw the nose-ring and the ornaments on his sister's hands, and when she gave him word of what the man had said to her, then he went out to the man who was waiting with the camels by the water-spring.
Genesis 24:53
Then he took jewels of silver and jewels of gold and fair robes and gave them to Rebekah: and he gave things of value to her mother and her brother.
2 Samuel 1:24
O daughters of Israel, have sorrow for Saul, by whom you were delicately clothed in robes of red, with ornaments of gold on your dresses.
Isaiah 61:10
I will be full of joy in the Lord, my soul will be glad in my God; for he has put on me the clothing of salvation, covering me with the robe of righteousness, as the husband puts on a fair head-dress, and the bride makes herself beautiful with jewels.
Psalms 149:4
For the Lord has pleasure in his people: he gives the poor in spirit a crown of salvation.
Ephesians 5:27
And might take it for himself, a church full of glory, not having one mark or fold or any such thing; but that it might be holy and complete.
Revelation 21:2
And I saw the holy town, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, like a bride made beautiful for her husband.
Exodus 33:4
Hearing this bad news the people were full of grief, and no one put on his ornaments.
Psalms 45:13
In the great house the king's daughter is all shining: her clothing is worked with gold.
Psalms 45:14
She will come before the king in robes of needlework; the virgins in her train will come before you.
Song of Solomon 6:10
Who is she, looking down as the morning light, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, who is to be feared like an army with flags?
Jeremiah 2:32
Is it possible for a virgin to put out of her memory her ornaments, or a bride her robes? but my people have put me out of their memories for unnumbered days.
Esther 8:15
And Mordecai went out from before the king, dressed in king-like robes of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold and clothing of purple and the best linen: and all the town of Shushan gave loud cries of joy.
Proverbs 3:3
Let not mercy and good faith go from you; let them be hanging round your neck, recorded on your heart;
Proverbs 31:22
She makes for herself cushions of needlework; her clothing is fair linen and purple.
Song of Solomon 1:10
Your face is a delight with rings of hair, your neck with chains of jewels.
Song of Solomon 4:1
See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead.
Ezekiel 16:18
And you took your robes of needlework for their clothing, and put my oil and my perfume before them.
Matthew 6:28
And why are you troubled about clothing? See the flowers of the field, how they come up; they do no work, they make no thread:
Matthew 6:29
But I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.
Deuteronomy 22:5
It is not right for a woman to be dressed in man's clothing, or for a man to put on a woman's robe: whoever does such things is disgusting to the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 22:11
Do not have clothing made of two sorts of thread, wool and linen together.
Ecclesiastes 9:8
Let your clothing be white at all times, and let not your head be without oil.
Ezekiel 44:17
And when they come in by the doorways of the inner square, they are to be clothed in linen robes; there is to be no wool on them while they are doing my work in the doorway of the inner square and inside the house.
Luke 14:12
And he said to the master of the house, When you give a feast, do not send for your friends and your brothers and your family or your neighbours who have wealth, for they may give a feast for you, and so you will get a reward.
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