1 Peter 2:21
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
1 Peter 2:21
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
1 Peter 2:19
For it is a sign of grace if a man, desiring to do right in the eyes of God, undergoes pain as punishment for something which he has not done.
1 Peter 2:20
What credit is it if, when you have done evil, you take your punishment quietly? but if you are given punishment for doing right, and take it quietly, this is pleasing to God.
1 Peter 2:21
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
1 Peter 2:22
Who did no evil, and there was no deceit in his mouth:
1 Peter 2:23
To sharp words he gave no sharp answer; when he was undergoing pain, no angry word came from his lips; but he put himself into the hands of the judge of righteousness:
John 13:15
I have given you an example, so that you may do what I have done to you.
1 John 2:6
He who says that he is living in him, will do as he did.
Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus,
Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls;
1 Corinthians 11:1
So take me for your example, even as I take Christ for mine.
Romans 15:3
For Christ did not give pleasure to himself, but, as it is said, The bitter words of those who were angry with you came on me.
Psalms 85:13
Righteousness will go before him, making a way for his footsteps.
Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.
1 Peter 2:24
He took our sins on himself, giving his body to be nailed on the tree, so that we, being dead to sin, might have a new life in righteousness, and by his wounds we have been made well.
1 Peter 2:25
Because, like sheep, you had gone out of the way; but now you have come back to him who keeps watch over your souls.
1 Peter 3:18
Because Christ once went through pain for sins, the upright one taking the place of sinners, so that through him we might come back to God; being put to death in the flesh, but given life in the Spirit;
Isaiah 50:6
I was offering my back to those who gave me blows, and my face to those who were pulling out my hair: I did not keep my face covered from marks of shame.
Isaiah 53:5
But it was for our sins he was wounded, and for our evil doings he was crushed: he took the punishment by which we have peace, and by his wounds we are made well.
Mark 9:12
And he said to them, Truly, Elijah does come first, and puts all things in order; and how is it said in the Writings that the Son of man will go through much sorrow and be made as nothing?
Psalms 69:20
My heart is broken by bitter words, I am full of grief; I made a search for some to have pity on me, but there was no one; I had no comforter.
Isaiah 53:8
They took away from him help and right, and who gave a thought to his fate? for he was cut off from the land of the living: he came to his death for the sin of my people.
Zechariah 13:6
And if anyone says to him, What are these wounds between your hands? then he will say, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
Mark 14:65
And some put shame on him and, covering his face, gave him blows and said to him, Now say what is to come: and the captains took him and gave him blows with their hands.
Mark 15:34
And at the ninth hour, Jesus said in a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, My God, my God, why are you turned away from me?
Luke 22:44
And being in great trouble of soul, the force of his prayer became stronger, and great drops, like blood, came from him, falling to the earth.
1 Peter 3:9
Not giving back evil for evil, or curse for curse, but in place of cursing, blessing; because this is the purpose of God for you that you may have a heritage of blessing.
Romans 12:19
Do not give punishment for wrongs done to you, dear brothers, but give way to the wrath of God; for it is said in the holy Writings, Punishment is mine, I will give reward, says the Lord.
Romans 12:20
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
Romans 12:21
Do not let evil overcome you, but overcome evil by good.
Luke 23:34
And Jesus said, Father, let them have forgiveness, for they have no knowledge of what they are doing. And they made division of his clothing among them by the decision of chance.
1 Thessalonians 5:15
Let no one give evil for evil; but ever go after what is good, for one another and for all.
Matthew 5:46
For if you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? do not the tax-farmers the same?
Matthew 5:47
And if you say, Good day, to your brothers only, what do you do more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same?
Matthew 5:48
Be then complete in righteousness, even as your Father in heaven is complete.
Luke 6:32
If you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? for even sinners have love for those who have love for them.
Luke 6:33
And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is it to you? for even sinners do the same.
Luke 22:51
But Jesus, answering, said, Put up with this, at least. And touching his ear, he made it well.
1 Peter 4:1
So that as Jesus was put to death in the flesh, do you yourselves be of the same mind; for the death of the flesh puts an end to sin;
Acts 8:32
Now the place in the book where he was reading was this: He was taken, like a sheep, to be put to death; and as a lamb is quiet when its wool is being cut, so he made no sound:
Isaiah 53:6
We all went wandering like sheep; going every one of us after his desire; and the Lord put on him the punishment of us all.
Luke 24:26
Was it not necessary for the Christ to go through these things, and to come into his glory?
John 1:29
The day after, John sees Jesus coming to him and says, See, here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Matthew 8:17
So that the word of Isaiah the prophet might come true: He himself took our pains and our diseases.
John 12:38
So that the words of the prophet Isaiah might come true, when he said, Lord, who has any belief in our preaching? and the arm of the Lord, to whom has it been unveiled?
Romans 5:6
For when we were still without strength, at the right time Christ gave his life for evil-doers.
Romans 5:8
But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.
Romans 10:16
But they have not all given ear to the good news. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has had faith in our word?
1 Corinthians 15:3
For I gave to you first of all what was handed down to me, how Christ underwent death for our sins, as it says in the Writings;
Hebrews 2:17
Because of this it was necessary for him to be made like his brothers in every way, so that he might be a high priest full of mercy and keeping faith in everything to do with God, making offerings for the sins of the people.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, If any man would come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross, and come after me.
John 12:26
If any man is my servant, let him come after me; and where I am, there will my servant be. If any man becomes my servant, my Father will give him honour.
Philippians 2:7
But he made himself as nothing, taking the form of a servant, being made like men;
Philippians 2:8
And being seen in form as a man, he took the lowest place, and let himself be put to death, even the death of the cross.
1 Corinthians 4:12
And with our hands we do the hardest work: when they give us curses we give blessings, when we undergo punishment we take it quietly;
1 Corinthians 4:13
When evil things are said about us we give gentle answers: we are made as the unclean things of the world, as that for which no one has any use, even till now.
2 Corinthians 10:1
Now I, Paul, myself make request to you by the quiet and gentle behaviour of Christ, I who am poor in spirit when with you, but who say what is in my mind to you without fear when I am away from you:
Matthew 3:15
But Jesus made answer, saying to him, Let it be so now: because so it is right for us to make righteousness complete. Then he gave him baptism.
Matthew 10:38
And he who does not take his cross and come after me is not good enough for me.
John 4:34
Jesus said, My food is to do the pleasure of him who sent me and to make his work complete.
James 5:10
Take as an example of pain nobly undergone and of strength in trouble, the prophets who gave to men the words of the Lord.
Revelation 14:4
These are they who have not made themselves unclean with women; for they are virgins. These are they who go after the Lamb wherever he goes. These were taken from among men to be the first fruits to God and to the Lamb.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a special people, a holy nation, priests and kings, a people given up completely to God, so that you may make clear the virtues of him who took you out of the dark into the light of heaven.
1 Peter 1:15
But be holy in every detail of your lives, as he, whose servants you are, is holy;
1 Peter 1:16
Because it has been said in the Writings, You are to be holy, for I am holy.
1 Peter 5:10
And after you have undergone pain for a little time, the God of all grace who has given you a part in his eternal glory through Christ Jesus, will himself give you strength and support, and make you complete in every good thing;
Romans 8:28
And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
Romans 8:29
Because those of whom he had knowledge before they came into existence, were marked out by him to be made like his Son, so that he might be the first among a band of brothers:
Hebrews 3:1
For this reason, holy brothers, marked out to have a part in heaven, give thought to Jesus the representative and high priest of our faith;
1 Thessalonians 4:7
Because it is God's purpose that our way of life may be not unclean but holy.
John 10:27
My sheep give ear to my voice, and I have knowledge of them, and they come after me:
Ephesians 1:4
Even as he made selection of us in him from the first, so that we might be holy and free from all evil before him in love:
1 Peter 2:4
To whom you come, as to a living stone, not honoured by men, but of great and special value to God;
2 Peter 1:10
For this reason, my brothers, take all the more care to make your selection and approval certain; for if you do these things you will never have a fall:
1 Peter 2:18
Servants, take orders from your masters with all respect; not only if they are good and gentle, but even if they are bad-humoured.
Ephesians 6:5
Servants, do what is ordered by those who are your natural masters, having respect and fear for them, with all your heart, as to Christ;
Ephesians 6:6
Not only under your master's eye, as pleasers of men; but as servants of Christ, doing the pleasure of God from the heart;
1 Timothy 6:1
Let all who are servants under the yoke give all honour to their masters, so that no evil may be said against the name of God and his teaching.
1 Timothy 6:2
And let those whose masters are of the faith have respect for them because they are brothers, working for them the more readily, because those who take part in the good work are of the faith and are dear. Give orders and teaching about these things.
1 Timothy 6:3
If any man gives different teaching, not in agreement with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching which is in agreement with true religion,
Titus 2:9
Servants are to be under the authority of their masters, pleasing them in all things, without argument;
Genesis 16:9
And the angel said to her, Go back, and put yourself under her authority.
Psalms 123:2
See! as the eyes of servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of a servant-girl to her owner, so our eyes are waiting for the Lord our God, till he has mercy on us.
Ephesians 5:21
Letting yourselves be ruled by one another in the fear of Christ.
Colossians 3:22
Servants, in all things do the orders of your natural masters; not only when their eyes are on you, as pleasers of men, but with all your heart, fearing the Lord:
1 Peter 5:5
And in the same way, let the younger men be ruled by the older ones. Let all of you put away pride and make yourselves ready to be servants: for God is a hater of pride, but he gives grace to those who make themselves low.
Romans 4:12
And the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who keep to the way of that faith which our father Abraham had before he underwent circumcision.
2 Corinthians 12:18
I gave orders to Titus, and I sent the brother with him. Did Titus make any profit out of you? were we not guided by the same Spirit, in the same ways?
2 Thessalonians 3:9
Not because we have not the right, but to make ourselves an example to you, so that you might do the same.
1 Timothy 5:10
And if witness is given of her good works; if she has had the care of children, if she has been kind to travellers, washing the feet of the saints, helping those who are in trouble, giving herself to good works.
1 Timothy 4:12
Let no one make little of you because you are young, but be an example to the church in word, in behaviour, in love, in faith, in holy living.
Titus 2:7
In all things see that you are an example of good works; holy in your teaching, serious in behaviour,
Hebrews 11:4
By faith Abel made a better offering to God than Cain, and he had witness through it of his righteousness, God giving his approval of his offering: and his voice still comes to us through it though he is dead.
Mark 16:20
And they went out, preaching everywhere, the Lord working with them, and giving witness to the word by the signs which came after. So be it.
Acts 14:22
Making strong the souls of the disciples, saying to them that they were to keep the faith, and that we have to go through troubles of all sorts to come into the kingdom of God.
1 Peter 4:13
But be glad that you are given a part in the pains of Christ; so that at the revelation of his glory you may have great joy.
1 Thessalonians 3:3
So that no man might be moved by these troubles; because you see that these things are part of God's purpose for us.
Colossians 1:24
Now I have joy in my pain because of you, and in my flesh I undergo whatever is still needed to make the sorrows of Christ complete, for the salvation of his body, the church;
John 16:33
I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.
Philippians 1:29
Because to you it has been given in the cause of Christ not only to have faith in him, but to undergo pain on his account:
Matthew 5:10
Happy are those who are attacked on account of righteousness: for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs.
John 16:2
They will put you out of the Synagogues: yes, the time is coming when whoever puts you to death will have the belief that he is doing God's pleasure.
Acts 9:16
For I will make clear to him what troubles he will have to undergo for me.
2 Thessalonians 1:4
So that we ourselves take pride in you in the churches of God for your untroubled mind and your faith in all the troubles and sorrows which you are going through;
Revelation 1:9
I, John, your brother, who have a part with you in the trouble and the kingdom and the quiet strength of Jesus, was in the island which is named Patmos, for the word of God and the witness of Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2
Having our eyes fixed on Jesus, the guide and end of our faith, who went through the pains of the cross, not caring for the shame, because of the joy which was before him, and who has now taken his place at the right hand of God's seat of power.
Ephesians 5:2
And be living in love, even as Christ had love for you, and gave himself up for us, an offering to God for a perfume of a sweet smell.
1 Peter 1:11
Attempting to see what sort of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them was pointing to, when it gave witness to the pains which Christ would undergo and the glories which would come after them.
1 John 3:16
In this we see what love is, because he gave his life for us; and it is right for us to give our lives for the brothers.
Isaiah 53:9
And they put his body into the earth with sinners, and his last resting-place was with the evil-doers, though he had done no wrong, and no deceit was in his mouth.
Hebrews 2:9
But we see him who was made a little lower than the angels, even Jesus, crowned with glory and honour, because he let himself be put to death so that by the grace of God he might undergo death for all men.
Hebrews 2:10
Because it was right for him, for whom and through whom all things have being, in guiding his sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation complete through pain.
Hebrews 5:8
And though he was a Son, through the pain which he underwent, the knowledge came to him of what it was to be under God's orders;
Hebrews 13:12
For this reason Jesus was put to death outside the walls, so that he might make the people holy by his blood.
Isaiah 53:7
Men were cruel to him, but he was gentle and quiet; as a lamb taken to its death, and as a sheep before those who take her wool makes no sound, so he said not a word.
Luke 24:46
And he said to them, So it is in the Writings that the Christ would undergo death, and come back to life again on the third day;
John 10:17
For this reason am I loved by the Father, because I give up my life so that I may take it again.
1 Peter 4:12
Dear brothers, do not be surprised, as if it was something strange, if your faith is tested as by fire:
2 Timothy 3:12
Yes, and all whose purpose is to be living in the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus, will be cruelly attacked.
Acts 5:41
So they went away from the Sanhedrin, happy to undergo shame for the Name.
1 Peter 1:6
You have cause for great joy in this, though it may have been necessary for you to be troubled for a little time, being tested in all sorts of ways,
1 Peter 1:7
So that the true metal of your faith, being of much greater value than gold (which, though it comes to an end, is tested by fire), may come to light in praise and glory and honour, at the revelation of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 4:14
If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you.
1 Peter 4:15
Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business;
1 Peter 4:16
But if he undergoes punishment as a Christian, that is no shame to him; let him give glory to God in this name.
Psalms 56:6
They come together, they are waiting in secret places, they take note of my steps, they are waiting for my soul.
John 15:20
Keep in mind the words I said to you, A servant is not greater than his lord. If they were cruel to me, they will be cruel to you; if they kept my words, they will keep yours.
Romans 8:36
As it is said in the holy Writings, Because of you we are put to death every day; we are like sheep ready for destruction.
Philippians 3:10
That I may have knowledge of him, and of the power of his coming back from the dead, and a part with him in his pains, becoming like him in his death;
Matthew 5:39
But I say to you, Do not make use of force against an evil man; but to him who gives you a blow on the right side of your face let the left be turned.
Matthew 5:40
And if any man goes to law with you and takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe from him.
Matthew 5:41
And whoever makes you go one mile, go with him two.
Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Romans 12:14
Give blessing and not curses to those who are cruel to you.
Luke 6:27
But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you,
Luke 6:28
Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you.
Luke 6:29
If a man gives you a blow on one side of your face, then let the other side be turned to him; from him who takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe.
Romans 12:17
Do not give evil for evil to any man. Let all your business be well ordered in the eyes of all men.
Romans 12:18
As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.
Luke 6:35
But be loving to those who are against you and do them good, and give them your money, not giving up hope, and your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the Most High: for he is kind to evil men, and to those who have hard hearts.
Proverbs 20:22
Do not say, I will give punishment for evil: go on waiting for the Lord, and he will be your saviour.
Romans 8:30
And those who were marked out by him were named; and those who were named were given righteousness; and to those to whom he gave righteousness, in the same way he gave glory.
2 Thessalonians 2:13
But it is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, loved by the Lord, because it was the purpose of God from the first that you might have salvation, being made holy by the Spirit and by faith in what is true:
2 Thessalonians 2:14
And in this purpose he gave you a part through the good news of which we were the preachers, even that you might have part in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:9
God is true, through whom you have been given a part with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ephesians 4:1
I then, the prisoner in the Lord, make this request from my heart, that you will see that your behaviour is a credit to the position which God's purpose has given you,
1 Thessalonians 2:12
So that your lives might be pleasing to God, who has given you a part in his kingdom and his glory.
2 Peter 1:3
Because by his power he has given us everything necessary for life and righteousness, through the knowledge of him who has been our guide by his glory and virtue;
2 Peter 1:7
And love of the brothers to fear of God, and to love of the brothers, love itself.
Romans 1:6
Among whom you in the same way have been marked out to be disciples of Jesus Christ:
1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God's purpose for us is not wrath, but salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
1 Peter 1:1
Peter, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to the saints who are living in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
1 Peter 1:2
Who, through the purpose of God, have been made holy by the Spirit, disciples of Jesus, made clean by his blood: May you have grace and peace in full measure.
2 Timothy 1:9
Who gave us salvation, marking us out for his purpose, not on account of our works, but in the measure of his purpose and his grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before times eternal,
Romans 9:24
Even us, who were marked out by him, not only from the Jews, but from the Gentiles?
1 Peter 2:11
My loved ones, I make this request with all my heart, that, as those for whom this world is a strange country, you will keep yourselves from the desires of the flesh which make war against the soul;
Ephesians 4:4
There is one body and one Spirit, even as you have been marked out by God in the one hope of his purpose for you;
2 Corinthians 5:21
For him who had no knowledge of sin God made to be sin for us; so that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
Galatians 3:13
Christ has made us free from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us: because it is said in the Writings, A curse on everyone who is put to death by hanging on a tree:
1 Peter 1:19
But through holy blood, like that of a clean and unmarked lamb, even the blood of Christ:
Matthew 4:24
And news of him went out through all Syria; and they took to him all who were ill with different diseases and pains, those having evil spirits and those who were off their heads, and those who had no power of moving. And he made them well.
Hebrews 9:26
For then he would have undergone a number of deaths from the time of the making of the world: but now he has come to us at the end of the old order, to put away sin by the offering of himself.
Hebrews 9:28
So Christ, having at his first coming taken on himself the sins of men, will be seen a second time, without sin, by those who are waiting for him, for their salvation.
1 Peter 4:6
For this was the reason why the good news of Jesus was given even to the dead, so that they might be judged as men in the flesh, but might be living before God in the spirit.
1 John 4:10
And this is love, not that we had love for God, but that he had love for us, and sent his Son to be an offering for our sins.
Luke 14:27
Whoever does not take up his cross and come after me may not be my disciple.
John 8:12
Then again Jesus said to them, I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.
Ephesians 5:1
Let it then be your desire to be like God, as well-loved children;
Colossians 3:13
Being gentle to one another and having forgiveness for one another, if anyone has done wrong to his brother, even as the Lord had forgiveness for you:
1 Peter 3:14
But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled;
1 Peter 3:15
But give honour to Christ in your hearts as your Lord; and be ready at any time when you are questioned about the hope which is in you, to give an answer in the fear of the Lord and without pride;
1 Peter 3:17
Because if it is God's purpose for you to undergo pain, it is better to do so for well-doing than for evil-doing.
Acts 10:38
About Jesus of Nazareth, how God gave the Holy Spirit to him, with power: and how he went about doing good and making well all who were troubled by evil spirits, for God was with him.
Hosea 6:3
And let us have knowledge, let us go after the knowledge of the Lord; his going out is certain as the dawn, his decisions go out like the light; he will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.
Matthew 4:2
And after going without food for forty days and forty nights, he was in need of it.
John 21:22
Jesus said to him, If it is my desire for him to be here till I come back, what is that to you? come yourself after me.
Acts 20:35
In all things I was an example to you of how, in your lives, you are to give help to the feeble, and keep in memory the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.
Romans 15:5
Now may the God who gives comfort and strength in waiting make you of the same mind with one another in harmony with Christ Jesus:
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the true and living way: no one comes to the Father but by me.
Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, in word or in act, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving praise to God the Father through him.
John 13:16
Truly I say to you, A servant is not greater than his lord; and he who is sent is not greater than the one who sent him.
Luke 6:34
And if you let those have the use of your money, from whom you are hoping to get it back, what credit is it to you? even sinners do so to sinners, hoping to get back as much as they gave.
Acts 7:60
And going down on his knees, he said in a loud voice, Lord, do not make them responsible for this sin. And when he had said this, he went to his rest.
Luke 6:36
Be full of pity, even as your Father is full of pity.
Luke 9:55
But turning round he said sharp words to them.
Luke 9:56
And they went to another small town.
1 Timothy 5:24
The sins of some men are clearly seen, going before them to be judged; but with others, their sins go after them.
1 Peter 5:6
For this cause make yourselves low under the strong hand of God, so that when the time comes you may be lifted up;
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