John 8:44
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.
John 8:44
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.
1 John 3:8
The sinner is a child of the Evil One; for the Evil One has been a sinner from the first. And the Son of God was seen on earth so that he might put an end to the works of the Evil One.
1 John 3:9
Anyone who is a child of God does no sin, because he still has God's seed in him; he is not able to be a sinner, because God is his Father.
1 John 3:10
In this way it is clear who are the children of God and who are the children of the Evil One; anyone who does not do righteousness or who has no love for his brother, is not a child of God.
Acts 13:10
O you, who are full of false tricks and evil ways, a son of the Evil One, hating all righteousness, will you for ever be turning people from the right ways of the Lord?
2 Corinthians 11:3
But I have a fear, that in some way, as Eve was tricked by the deceit of the snake, your minds may be turned away from their simple and holy love for Christ.
Ephesians 2:2
In which you were living in the past, after the ways of this present world, doing the pleasure of the lord of the power of the air, the spirit who is now working in those who go against the purpose of God;
2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not have pity for the angels who did evil, but sent them down into hell, to be kept in chains of eternal night till they were judged;
Revelation 9:11
They have over them as king the angel of the great deep: his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek language Apollyon.
John 14:30
After this I will not say much to you, because the ruler of this world comes: and he has no power over me;
1 Timothy 2:14
And Adam was not taken by deceit, but the woman, being tricked, became a wrongdoer.
James 1:14
But every man is tested when he is turned out of the right way by the attraction of his desire.
James 3:15
This wisdom is not from heaven, but is of the earth and the flesh and the Evil One.
Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was forced down, the old snake, who is named the Evil One and Satan, by whom all the earth is turned from the right way; he was forced down to the earth, and his angels were forced down with him.
2 Corinthians 4:4
Because the god of this world has made blind the minds of those who have not faith, so that the light of the good news of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, might not be shining on them.
Revelation 20:2
And he took the dragon, the old snake, which is the Evil One and Satan, and put chains on him for a thousand years,
Revelation 20:3
And put him into the great deep, and it was shut and locked over him, so that he might put the nations in error no longer, till the thousand years were ended: after this he will be let loose for a little time.
Revelation 20:10
And the Evil One who put them in error was sent down into the sea of ever-burning fire, where the beast and the false prophet are, and their punishment will go on day and night for ever and ever.
2 Corinthians 6:15
And what agreement is there between Christ and the Evil One? or what part has one who has faith with one who has not?
Matthew 4:11
Then the Evil One went away from him, and angels came and took care of him.
Matthew 12:24
But the Pharisees, hearing of it, said, This man only sends evil spirits out of men by Beelzebub, the ruler of evil spirits.
Acts 26:18
To make their eyes open, turning them from the dark to the light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may have forgiveness of sins and a heritage among those who are made holy by faith in me.
James 4:7
For this cause be ruled by God; but make war on the Evil One and he will be put to flight before you.
James 4:4
O you who are false to God, do you not see that the friends of this world are not God's friends? Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.
Revelation 20:7
And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison,
John 8:40
But now you have a desire to put me to death, a man who has said to you what is true, as I had it from God: Abraham did not do that.
John 8:41
You are doing the works of your father. They said to him, We are true sons of Abraham; we have one Father, who is God.
John 8:42
Jesus said to them, If God was your Father you would have love for me, because it was from God I came and am here. I did not come of myself, but he sent me.
John 8:43
Why are my words not clear to you? It is because your ears are shut to my teaching.
John 8:44
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.
John 8:45
But because I say what is true, you have no belief in me.
John 8:46
Which of you is able truly to say that I am a sinner? If I say what is true, why have you no belief in me?
John 8:47
He who is a child of God gives ear to the words of God: your ears are not open to them because you are not from God.
John 8:48
The Jews said to him in answer, Are we not right in saying that you are of Samaria and have an evil spirit?
John 8:49
And this was the answer of Jesus: I have not an evil spirit; but I give honour to my Father and you do not give honour to me.
John 8:38
I say the things which I have seen in my Father's house: and you do the things which come to you from your father's house.
John 8:8
And again, with bent head, he made letters on the floor.
1 John 4:6
We are of God: he who has the knowledge of God gives ear to us; he who is not of God does not give ear to us. By this we may see which is the true spirit, and which is the spirit of error.
Matthew 13:38
And the field is the world; and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom; and the evil seeds are the sons of the Evil One;
Matthew 13:39
And he who put them in the earth is Satan; and the getting in of the grain is the end of the world; and those who get it in are the angels.
Genesis 3:15
And there will be war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed: by him will your head be crushed and by you his foot will be wounded.
Matthew 4:1
Then Jesus was sent by the Spirit into the waste land to be tested by the Evil One.
Matthew 13:19
When the word of the kingdom comes to anyone, and the sense of it is not clear to him, then the Evil One comes, and quickly takes away that which was put in his heart. He is the seed dropped by the wayside.
Hebrews 2:14
And because the children are flesh and blood, he took a body himself and became like them; so that by his death he might put an end to him who had the power of death, that is to say, the Evil One;
Genesis 3:13
And the Lord God said to the woman, What have you done? And the woman said, I was tricked by the deceit of the snake and I took it.
Revelation 20:8
And will go out to put in error the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to get them together to the war, the number of whom is like the sands of the sea.
Judges 1:6
But Adoni-zedek went in flight; and they went after him and overtook him, and had his thumbs and his great toes cut off.
Isaiah 65:25
The wolf and the lamb will take their food together, and the lion will make a meal of grass like the ox: but dust will be the snake's food. There will be no cause of pain or destruction in all my holy mountain, says the Lord.
Matthew 4:10
Then said Jesus to him, Away, Satan: for it is in the Writings, Give worship to the Lord your God and be his servant only.
Luke 4:2
For forty days, being tested by the Evil One. And he had no food in those days; and when they came to an end, he was in need of food.
1 Peter 5:8
Be serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food;
Revelation 12:10
And a great voice in heaven came to my ears, saying, Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ: because he who says evil against our brothers before our God day and night is forced down.
John 6:70
Then Jesus said, Did I not make a selection of you, the twelve, and one of you is a son of the Evil One?
Acts 5:4
While you had it, was it not your property? and after you had given it in exchange, was it not still in your power? how has this purpose come into your mind? you have been false, not to men, but to God.
Job 2:4
And the Satan said in answer to the Lord, Skin for skin, all a man has he will give for his life.
Job 2:5
But now, if you only put your hand on his bone and his flesh, he will certainly be cursing you to your face.
Job 2:6
And the Lord said to the Satan, See, he is in your hands, only do not take his life.
Luke 22:31
Simon, Simon, Satan has made a request to have you, so that he may put you to the test as grain is tested:
Revelation 2:10
Have no fear of the things which you will have to undergo: see, the Evil One will send some of you into prison, so that you may be put to the test; and you will have great trouble for ten days. Be true till death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Matthew 12:43
But the unclean spirit, when he is gone out of a man, goes through dry places looking for rest, and getting it not.
Ephesians 4:27
And do not give way to the Evil One.
1 Thessalonians 3:5
For this reason, when I was no longer able to keep quiet, I sent to get news of your faith, fearing that you might be tested by the Evil One and that our work might come to nothing.
Genesis 3:3
But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, If you take of it or put your hands on it, death will come to you.
Genesis 3:4
And the snake said, Death will not certainly come to you:
Genesis 3:5
For God sees that on the day when you take of its fruit, your eyes will be open, and you will be as gods, having knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 3:6
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and a delight to the eyes, and to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit, and gave it to her husband.
Genesis 3:1
Now the snake was wiser than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, Has God truly said that you may not take of the fruit of any tree in the garden?
Ephesians 6:11
Take up God's instruments of war, so that you may be able to keep your position against all the deceits of the Evil One.
Ephesians 6:12
For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens.
Ephesians 2:3
Among whom we all at one time were living in the pleasures of our flesh, giving way to the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the punishment of God was waiting for us even as for the rest.
Genesis 2:17
But of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not take; for on the day when you take of it, death will certainly come to you.
Romans 5:12
For this reason, as through one man sin came into the world, and death because of sin, and so death came to all men, because all have done evil:
2 Thessalonians 2:13
But it is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, loved by the Lord, because it was the purpose of God from the first that you might have salvation, being made holy by the Spirit and by faith in what is true:
Genesis 3:14
And the Lord God said to the snake, Because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle and every beast of the field; you will go flat on the earth, and dust will be your food all the days of your life:
Matthew 3:7
But when he saw a number of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, Offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?
Matthew 23:33
You snakes, offspring of snakes, how will you be kept from the punishment of hell?
Matthew 12:34
You offspring of snakes, how are you, being evil, able to say good things? because out of the heart's store come the words of the mouth.
Luke 3:7
So he said to the people who went out to him for baptism: You offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?
Isaiah 57:3
But come near, you sons of her who is wise in secret arts, the seed of her who is false to her husband, and of the loose woman.
Isaiah 57:4
Of whom do you make sport? against whom is your mouth open wide and your tongue put out? are you not uncontrolled children, a false seed,
Psalms 58:3
The evil-doers are strange from the first; from the hour of their birth they go out of the true way, saying false words.
Psalms 58:4
Their poison is like the poison of a snake; they are like the adder, whose ears are shut;
Psalms 58:5
Who will not be moved by the voice of the wonder-worker, however great are his powers.
Ezekiel 16:3
And say, This is what the Lord has said to Jerusalem: Your start and your birth was from the land of the Canaanite; an Amorite was your father and your mother was a Hittite.
Isaiah 59:5
They give birth to snake's eggs, and make spider's threads: whoever takes their eggs for food comes to his death, and the egg which is crushed becomes a poison-snake.
James 3:6
And the tongue is a fire; it is the power of evil placed in our bodies, making all the body unclean, putting the wheel of life on fire, and getting its fire from hell.
Jude 1:6
And the angels who did not keep to their kingdom but went out from the place which was theirs, he has put in eternal chains and in dark night till the great day of the judging.
Matthew 25:41
Then will he say to those on the left, Go from me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which is ready for the Evil One and his angels:
Romans 7:7
What then is to be said? is the law sin? in no way. But I would not have had knowledge of sin but for the law: for I would not have been conscious of desire if the law had not said, You may not have a desire for what is another's.
1 John 2:16
Because everything in the world, the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but of the world.
Revelation 3:9
See, I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and are not, but say what is false; I will make them come and give worship before your feet, and see my love for you.
Luke 10:18
And he said, I was watching for Satan, falling from heaven like a star.
Matthew 12:29
Or how may one go into a strong man's house and take his goods, if he does not first put cords round the strong man? and then he may take his goods.
John 12:31
Now is this world to be judged: now will the ruler of this world be sent out.
John 15:19
If you were of the world, you would be loved by the world: but because you are not of the world, but I have taken you out of the world, you are hated by the world.
Romans 16:20
And the God of peace will be crushing Satan under your feet before long. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
2 Timothy 2:26
And so they may get themselves free from the net of the Evil One, being made the prisoners of the Lord's servant, for the purpose of God.
Revelation 17:3
And he took me away in the Spirit into a waste land: and I saw a woman seated on a bright red beast, full of evil names, having seven heads and ten horns,
Revelation 21:8
But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life, those who do the sins of the flesh, and those who make use of evil powers or who give worship to images, and all those who are false, will have their part in the sea of ever-burning fire which is the second death.
Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.
Colossians 3:9
Do not make false statements to one another; because you have put away the old man with all his doings,
Proverbs 12:22
False lips are hated by the Lord, but those whose acts are true are his delight.
Jeremiah 9:3
Their tongues are bent like a bow to send out false words: they have become strong in the land, but not for good faith: they go on from evil to evil, and they have no knowledge of me, says the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:4
Let everyone keep watch on his neighbour, and put no faith in any brother: for every brother will certainly be tricking his brother, and every neighbour will go about saying evil.
Hosea 4:2
There is cursing and broken faith, violent death and attacks on property, men are untrue in married life, houses are broken into, and there is blood touching blood.
Leviticus 19:11
Do not take anyone's property or be false in act or word to another.
Psalms 5:6
You will send destruction on those whose words are false; the cruel man and the man of deceit are hated by the Lord.
Psalms 120:2
O Lord, be the saviour of my soul from false lips, and from the tongue of deceit.
Proverbs 26:28
A false tongue has hate for those who have clean hearts, and a smooth mouth is a cause of falling.
Titus 1:12
One of their prophets has said, The men of Crete are ever false, evil beasts, lovers of food, hating work.
1 John 3:11
Because this is the word which was given to you from the first, that we are to have love for one another;
1 John 3:12
Not being of the Evil One like Cain, who put his brother to death. And why did he put him to death? Because his works were evil and his brother's works were good.
John 15:27
And you, in addition, will give witness because you have been with me from the first.
1 John 2:22
Who is false but he who says that Jesus is not the Christ? He is the Antichrist who has no belief in the Father or the Son.
1 John 1:6
If we say we are joined to him, and are walking still in the dark, our words are false and our acts are untrue:
1 John 2:7
My loved ones, I do not give you a new law, but an old law which you had from the first; this old law is the word which came to your ears.
1 John 3:15
Anyone who has hate for his brother is a taker of life, and you may be certain that no taker of life has eternal life in him.
Acts 26:4
All the Jews have knowledge of my way of life from my early years, as it was from the start among my nation, and at Jerusalem;
1 John 1:10
If we say that we have no sin, we make him false and his word is not in us.
1 John 2:4
The man who says, I have knowledge of him, and does not keep his laws, is false, and there is nothing true in him:
1 John 4:20
If a man says, I have love for God, and has hate for his brother, his words are false: for how is the man who has no love for his brother whom he has seen, able to have love for God whom he has not seen?
John 8:39
In answer they said to him, Our father is Abraham. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children you would do what Abraham did.
John 8:55
You have no knowledge of him, but I have knowledge of him; and if I said I have no knowledge of him I would be talking falsely like you: but I have full knowledge of him, and I keep his word.
John 10:26
But you have no belief because you are not of my sheep.
John 3:11
Truly, I say to you, We say that of which we have knowledge; we give witness of what we have seen; and you do not take our witness to be true.
John 6:64
But still some of you have no faith. For it was clear to Jesus from the first who they were who had no faith, and who it was who would be false to him.
John 6:67
So Jesus said to the twelve, Have you a desire to go away?
John 8:19
Then they said to him, Where is your Father? Jesus said in answer, You have no knowledge of me or of my Father: if you had knowledge of me you would have knowledge of my Father.
John 8:28
So Jesus said, When the Son of man has been lifted up by you, then it will be clear to you who I am, and that I do nothing of myself, but say as the Father gave me teaching.
John 8:33
They said to him in answer, We are Abraham's seed and have never been any man's servant: why do you say, You will become free?
John 8:37
I am conscious that you are Abraham's seed; but you have a desire to put me to death because my word has no place in you.
John 10:33
This was their answer: We are not stoning you for a good work but for evil words; because being a man you make yourself God.
John 13:21
When Jesus had said this he was troubled in spirit, and gave witness, saying, Truly I say to you, that one of you will be false to me.
2 Corinthians 11:13
For such men are false Apostles, workers of deceit, making themselves seem like Apostles of Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:14
And it is no wonder; for even Satan himself is able to take the form of an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:15
So it is no great thing if his servants make themselves seem to be servants of righteousness; whose end will be the reward of their works.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
Even the one whose coming is marked by the working of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,
2 Thessalonians 2:10
And with every deceit of wrongdoing among those whose fate is destruction; because they were quite without that love of the true faith by which they might have salvation.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause, God will give them up to the power of deceit and they will put their faith in what is false:
1 Kings 22:21
Then a spirit came forward and took his place before the Lord and said, I will get him to do it by a trick.
1 Kings 22:22
And the Lord said, How? And he said, I will go out and be a spirit of deceit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Your trick will have its effect on him: go out and do so.
2 Chronicles 18:20
Then a spirit came forward and took his place before the Lord and said, I will get him to do it by a trick. And the Lord said to him, How?
2 Chronicles 18:21
And he said, I will go out and be a spirit of deceit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said, Your trick will have its effect on him: go out and do so.
2 Chronicles 18:22
And now, see, the Lord has put a spirit of deceit in the mouth of these prophets of yours; and the Lord has said evil against you.
Revelation 13:8
And all who are on the earth will give him worship, everyone whose name has not been from the first in the book of life of the Lamb who was put to death.
Matthew 4:3
And the Evil One came and said to him, If you are the Son of God, give the word for these stones to become bread.
John 13:2
So while a meal was going on, the Evil One having now put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to be false to him,
Acts 5:3
But Peter said, Ananias, why has the Evil One put it into your heart to be false to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
Job 1:9
And the Satan said in answer to the Lord, Is it for nothing that Job is a god-fearing man?
Job 1:10
Have you yourself not put a wall round him and his house and all he has on every side, blessing the work of his hands, and increasing his cattle in the land?
Job 1:11
But now, put out your hand against all he has, and he will be cursing you to your face.
Job 2:7
And the Satan went out from before the Lord, and sent on Job an evil disease covering his skin from his feet to the top of his head.
Luke 13:16
And is it not right for this daughter of Abraham, who has been in the power of Satan for eighteen years, to be made free on the Sabbath?
1 Chronicles 21:1
Now Satan, designing evil against Israel, put into David's mind the impulse to take the number of Israel.
Zechariah 3:1
And he let me see Joshua, the high priest, in his place before the angel of the Lord, and the Satan at his right hand ready to take up a cause against him.
2 Corinthians 12:7
And because the revelations were so very great, in order that I might not be overmuch lifted up, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, one sent from Satan to give me pain.
1 Thessalonians 2:18
For which reason we made attempts to come to you, even I, Paul, once and again; but Satan kept us from coming.
Revelation 13:14
And those who are on the earth are turned from the true way by him through the signs which he was given power to do before the beast; giving orders to those who are on the earth to make an image to the beast, who was wounded by the sword, and came to life.
Romans 1:24
For this reason God gave them up to the evil desires of their hearts, working shame in their bodies with one another:
Zechariah 13:2
And it will come about on that day, says the Lord of armies, that I will have the names of the images cut off out of the land, and there will be no more memory of them: and I will send all the prophets and the unclean spirit away from the land.
1 Timothy 4:1
But the Spirit says clearly that in later times some will be turned away from the faith, giving their minds to spirits of deceit, and the teachings of evil spirits,
1 Timothy 4:2
Through the false ways of men whose words are untrue, whose hearts are burned as with a heated iron;
Revelation 16:14
For they are evil spirits, working signs; who go out even to the kings of all the earth, to get them together to the war of the great day of God, the Ruler of all.
Ezekiel 14:9
And if the prophet, tricked by deceit, says anything, it is I the Lord by whom he has been tricked, and I will put out my hand against him, and he will be cut off from among my people Israel.
Revelation 9:20
And the rest of the people, who were not put to death by these evils, were not turned from the works of their hands, but went on giving worship to evil spirits, and images of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood which have no power of seeing or hearing or walking:
Ephesians 4:25
And so, putting away false words, let everyone say what is true to his neighbour: for we are parts one of another.
Revelation 21:27
And nothing unclean may come into it, or anyone whose works are cursed or false; but only those whose names are in the Lamb's book of life.
Proverbs 6:17
Eyes of pride, a false tongue, hands which take life without cause;
Jeremiah 9:5
Everyone will make sport of his neighbour with deceit, not saying what is true: their tongues have been trained to say false words; they are twisted, hating to come back.
Matthew 5:37
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One.
Psalms 52:3
You have more love for evil than for good, for deceit than for works of righteousness. (Selah.)
Psalms 62:4
Their only thought is to put him down from his place of honour; their delight is in deceit: blessing is in their mouths but cursing in their hearts. (Selah.)
Hosea 4:1
Give ear to the word of the Lord, O children of Israel; for the Lord has a cause against the people of this land, because there is no good faith in it, and no mercy and no knowledge of God in the land.
Zephaniah 3:13
The rest of Israel will do no evil and say no false words; the tongue of deceit will not be seen in their mouth: for they will take their food and their rest, and no one will be a cause of fear to them.
1 Timothy 1:10
For those who go after loose women, for those with unnatural desires, for those who take men prisoners, who make false statements and false oaths, and those who do any other things against the right teaching,
John 1:1
From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.
John 8:23
And he said to them, You are of the earth; I am from heaven: you are of this world; I am not of this world.
John 7:17
If any man is ready to do God's pleasure he will have knowledge of the teaching and of where it comes from--from God or from myself.
John 8:31
Then Jesus said to the Jews who had faith in him, If you keep my word, then you are truly my disciples;
John 16:13
However, when he, the Spirit of true knowledge, has come, he will be your guide into all true knowledge: for his words will not come from himself, but whatever has come to his hearing, that he will say: and he will make clear to you the things to come.
1 John 1:1
That which was from the first, which has come to our ears, and which we have seen with our eyes, looking on it and touching it with our hands, about the Word of life
Genesis 1:1
At the first God made the heaven and the earth.
Matthew 19:4
And he said in answer, Have you not seen in the Writings, that he who made them at the first made them male and female, and said,
Matthew 24:21
Because in those days there will be great sorrow, such as there has not been from the start of the world till now, or ever will be.
Mark 10:6
But from the first, male and female made he them.
Mark 13:19
For in those days there will be sorrow, such as there has not been from the time when God made the world till now, and will not ever be again.
Matthew 19:8
He says to them, Moses, because of your hard hearts, let you put away your wives: but it has not been so from the first.
John 5:40
And still you have no desire to come to me so that you may have life.
John 5:42
But I have knowledge of you that you have no love for God in your hearts.
John 5:43
I have come in my Father's name, and your hearts are not open to me. If another comes with no other authority but himself, you will give him your approval.
John 5:44
How is it possible for you to have faith while you take honour one from another and have no desire for the honour which comes from the only God?
John 12:43
For the praise of men was dearer to them than the approval of God.
1 John 5:18
We are certain that one who is a child of God will do no sin, but the Son of God keeps him so that he is not touched by the Evil One.
1 John 5:19
We are certain that we are of God, but all the world is in the power of the Evil One.
1 Timothy 3:6
Not one newly taken into the church, for fear that, through his high opinion of himself, he may come into the same sin as the Evil One.
Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was angry with the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her seed, who keep the orders of God, and the witness of Jesus:
Matthew 12:26
And if Satan sends out Satan, he makes war against himself; how then will he keep his kingdom?
Mark 3:23
And turning to them, he said to them in the form of a story, How is it possible for Satan to put out Satan?
Mark 3:26
And if Satan is at war with himself, and there is division in him, he will not keep his place but will come to an end.
Mark 4:15
And these are they by the wayside, where the word is planted; and when they have given ear, the Evil One comes straight away and takes away the word which has been planted in them.
Mark 4:19
And the cares of this life, and the deceits of wealth, and the desire for other things coming in, put a stop to the growth of the word, and it gives no fruit.
1 Corinthians 3:3
Because you are still in the flesh: for when there is envy and division among you, are you not still walking after the way of the flesh, even as natural men?
Revelation 12:4
And his tail was pulling a third part of the stars of heaven down to the earth, and the dragon took his place before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when the birth had taken place he might put an end to her child.
Revelation 17:6
And I saw the woman overcome as with the wine of the blood of the saints, and the blood of those put to death because of Jesus. And when I saw her, I was overcome with a great wonder.
Mark 5:4
Because he had frequently been prisoned in chains and iron bands, and the chains had been parted and the bands broken by him: and no man was strong enough to make him quiet.
Mark 5:5
And all the time, by day and by night, in the place of the dead, and in the mountains, he was crying out and cutting himself with stones.
Luke 9:42
And while he was coming, he was pushed violently down and twisted by the evil spirit. But Jesus gave sharp orders to the unclean spirit, and made the boy well, and gave him back to his father.
Mark 9:20
And they took him to him: and when he saw him, the spirit in him straight away became violent; and he went down on the earth, rolling about and streaming at the lips.
Mark 9:26
And after crying out and shaking him violently, it came out: and the child became like one dead; so that most of them said, He is dead.
Luke 4:35
And Jesus said to him, Be quiet, and come out of him. And when the evil spirit had put him down on the earth in the middle of them, he came out of him, having done him no damage.
Luke 8:29
For he gave an order to the evil spirit to come out of the man. For frequently it would take a grip of him: and he was kept under control, and prisoned with chains; but parting the chains in two, he would be sent by the driving of the evil spirit into waste places.
Genesis 4:8
And Cain said to his brother, Let us go into the field: and when they were in the field, Cain made an attack on his brother Abel and put him to death.
Genesis 4:9
And the Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I have no idea: am I my brother's keeper?
Genesis 4:20
And Adah gave birth to Jabal: he was the father of such as are living in tents and keep cattle.
Ezekiel 16:45
You are the daughter of your mother whose soul is turned in disgust from her husband and her children; and you are the sister of your sisters who were turned in disgust from their husbands and their children: your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite.
Matthew 12:35
The good man out of his good store gives good things; and the evil man out of his evil store gives evil things.
Matthew 23:15
A curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! for you go about land and sea to get one disciple and, having him, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.
Job 2:8
And he took a broken bit of a pot, and, seated in the dust, was rubbing himself with the sharp edge of it.
John 13:27
And when Judas took the bread Satan went into him. Then Jesus said to him, Do quickly what you have to do.
Jude 1:9
Now when Michael, one of the chief angels, was fighting against the Evil One for the body of Moses, fearing to make use of violent words against him, he only said, May the Lord be your judge.
Acts 17:13
But when the Jews of Thessalonica had news that Paul was preaching the word at Beroea, they came there, troubling the people and working them up.
Romans 6:12
For this cause do not let sin be ruling in your body which is under the power of death, so that you give way to its desires;
2 Peter 3:3
Having first of all the knowledge that in the last days there will be men who, ruled by their evil desires, will make sport of holy things,
2 Peter 3:4
Saying, Where is the hope of his coming? From the death of the fathers till now everything has gone on as it was from the making of the world.
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