Matthew 27:49
And the rest said, Let him be; let us see if Elijah will come to his help.
Matthew 27:49
And the rest said, Let him be; let us see if Elijah will come to his help.
Matthew 27:44
And the thieves who were on the crosses said evil words to him.
Matthew 27:45
Now from the sixth hour it was dark over all the land till the ninth hour.
Matthew 27:46
And about the ninth hour Jesus gave a loud cry, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why are you turned away from me?
Matthew 27:47
And some of those who were near by, hearing it, said, This man is crying to Elijah.
Matthew 27:48
And straight away one of them went quickly, and took a sponge, and made it full of bitter wine, and put it on a rod and gave him drink.
Matthew 27:49
And the rest said, Let him be; let us see if Elijah will come to his help.
Matthew 27:50
And Jesus gave another loud cry, and gave up his spirit.
Luke 23:44
And it was now about the sixth hour; and all the land was dark till the ninth hour;
Luke 23:45
The light of the sun went out, and the curtain in the Temple was parted in two.
Luke 23:46
And Jesus gave a loud cry and said, Father, into your hands I give my spirit: and when he had said this, he gave up his spirit.
Mark 15:35
And some of those who were near, hearing it, said, See, he is crying to Elijah.
Mark 15:36
And one of them went quickly and, getting a sponge full of bitter wine, put it on a rod, and gave it to him for drink, saying, Let be; let us see if Elijah will come to take him down.
Matthew 27:34
They gave him wine mixed with bitter drink: and after tasting it, he took no more.
Exodus 12:6
Keep it till the fourteenth day of the same month, when everyone who is of the children of Israel is to put it to death between sundown and dark.
Psalms 69:21
They gave me poison for my food; and bitter wine for my drink.
Malachi 4:5
See, I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the day of the Lord comes, that great day, greatly to be feared.
Matthew 11:14
And if you are able to see it, this is Elijah who was to come.
Mark 9:11
And they put a question to him, saying, Why do the scribes say that Elijah has to come first?
Mark 9:12
And he said to them, Truly, Elijah does come first, and puts all things in order; and how is it said in the Writings that the Son of man will go through much sorrow and be made as nothing?
Mark 9:13
But I say to you that Elijah has come, and they have done to him whatever they were pleased to do, even as the Writings say about him.
John 1:21
And they said to him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And his answer was, I am not.
John 1:25
And they put this question to him, saying, Why then are you giving baptism if you are not the Christ, or Elijah, or the prophet?
Matthew 17:3
And Moses and Elijah came before their eyes, talking with him.
Matthew 17:10
And his disciples, questioning him, said, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah has to come first?
Matthew 17:11
And in answer he said, Elijah truly has to come and put all things right:
Matthew 17:12
But I say to you that Elijah has come, and they had no knowledge of him, but did to him whatever they were pleased to do; the same will the Son of man undergo at their hands.
Matthew 17:13
Then the disciples saw that he was talking to them of John the Baptist.
Luke 1:17
And he will go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah, turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and wrongdoers to the way of righteousness; to make ready a people whose hearts have been turned to the Lord.
Luke 9:30
And two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking with him;
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