Zechariah 9:14
And the Lord will be seen over them, and his arrow will go out like the thunder-flame: and the Lord God, sounding the war-horn, will go in the storm-winds of the South.
Zechariah 9:14
And the Lord will be seen over them, and his arrow will go out like the thunder-flame: and the Lord God, sounding the war-horn, will go in the storm-winds of the South.
Zechariah 9:13
For I have made Judah a bow bent for my use, I have made Ephraim the arrows of the bow; I will make your sons, O Zion, take up arms against your sons, O Greece, and will make you like the sword of a man of war.
Zechariah 9:14
And the Lord will be seen over them, and his arrow will go out like the thunder-flame: and the Lord God, sounding the war-horn, will go in the storm-winds of the South.
Zechariah 9:15
The Lord of armies will be a cover for them; and they will overcome, crushing under foot the armed men; they will take their blood for drink like wine: they will be full like the sides of the altar.
Zechariah 9:16
And the Lord their God will be their saviour in that day, giving them food like the flock of his people: for they will be like the jewels of a crown shining over his land.
Zechariah 9:17
For how good it is and how beautiful! grain will make the young men strong and new wine the virgins.
Zechariah 9:11
And as for you, because of the blood of your agreement, I have sent out your prisoners from the deep hole in which there is no water.
Zechariah 10:1
Make your request to the Lord for rain in the time of the spring rains, even to the Lord who makes the thunder-flames; and he will give them showers of rain, to every man grass in the field.
Jeremiah 31:9
They will come with weeping, and going before them I will be their guide: guiding them by streams of water in a straight way where there is no falling: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is the first of my sons.
Zechariah 9:1
A word of the Lord: The Lord has come to the land of Hadrach, and Damascus is his resting-place: for the towns of Aram are the Lord's,
Zechariah 12:8
In that day the Lord will be a cover over the people of Jerusalem; and he who is feeble among them in that day will be as strong as David, and the family of David will be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them.
Isaiah 21:1
The word about the waste land. As storm-winds in the South go rushing through, it comes from the waste land, from the land greatly to be feared.
Job 37:9
Out of its place comes the storm-wind, and the cold out of its store-houses.
Psalms 58:9
Before they are conscious of it, let them be cut down like thorns; let a strong wind take them away like waste growth.
Jeremiah 4:11
At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem, A burning wind from the open hilltops in the waste land is blowing on the daughter of my people, not for separating or cleaning the grain;
Proverbs 1:27
When your fear comes on you like a storm, and your trouble like a rushing wind; when pain and sorrow come on you.
Jeremiah 25:32
This is what the Lord of armies has said: See, evil is going out from nation to nation, and a great storm will come up from the inmost parts of the earth.
Daniel 11:40
And at the time of the end, the king of the south will make an attack on him: and the king of the north will come against him like a storm-wind, with war-carriages and horsemen and numbers of ships; and he will go through many lands like overflowing waters.
Hosea 13:15
Though he gives fruit among his brothers, an east wind will come, the wind of the Lord coming up from the waste land, and his spring will become dry, his fountain will be without water: it will make waste the store of all the vessels of his desire.
Job 1:19
When a great wind came rushing from the waste land against the four sides of the house, and it came down on the young men, and they are dead; and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.
Isaiah 5:28
Their arrows are sharp, and every bow is bent: the feet of their horses are like rock, and their wheels are like a rushing storm.
Isaiah 17:13
But he will put a stop to them, and make them go in flight far away, driving them like the waste of the grain on the tops of the mountains before the wind, and like the circling dust before the storm.
Isaiah 41:16
You will send the wind over them, and it will take them away; they will go in all directions before the storm-wind: you will have joy in the Lord, and be glad in the Holy One of Israel.
Jeremiah 13:24
So I will send them in all directions, as dry grass is taken away by the wind of the waste land.
Nahum 1:3
The Lord is slow to get angry and great in power, and will not let the sinner go without punishment: the way of the Lord is in the wind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Zechariah 14:3
Then the Lord will go out and make war against those nations, as he did in the day of the fight.
Isaiah 27:13
And it will be in that day that a great horn will be sounded; and those who were wandering in the land of Assyria, and those who had been sent away into the land of Egypt, will come; and they will give worship to the Lord in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.
Exodus 19:16
And when morning came on the third day, there were thunders and flames and a thick cloud on the mountain, and a horn sounding very loud; and all the people in the tents were shaking with fear.
1 Corinthians 15:52
In a second, in the shutting of an eye, at the sound of the last horn: for at that sound the dead will come again, free for ever from the power of death, and we will be changed.
Revelation 8:13
And there came to my ears the cry of an eagle in flight in the middle of heaven, saying with a great voice, Trouble, trouble, trouble, to all on the earth, because of the other voices of the horns of the three angels, whose sounding is still to come.
Exodus 20:18
And all the people were watching the thunderings and the flames and the sound of the horn and the mountain smoking; and when they saw it, they kept far off, shaking with fear.
Revelation 1:10
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and a great voice at my back, as of a horn, came to my ears,
Leviticus 23:24
Say to the children of Israel, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, let there be a special day of rest for you, a day of memory, marked by the blowing of horns, a meeting for worship.
Matthew 24:31
And he will send out his angels with a great sound of a horn, and they will get his saints together from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Because the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a word of authority, with the voice of the chief angel, with the sound of a horn: and the dead in Christ will come to life first;
Psalms 18:14
He sent out his arrows, driving them in all directions; by his flames of fire they were troubled.
Psalms 45:5
Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's haters; because of them the peoples are falling under you.
Psalms 77:17
The clouds sent out water; the skies gave out a sound; truly, your arrows went far and wide.
Psalms 144:6
With your storm-flames send them in flight: send out your arrows for their destruction.
Revelation 6:2
And I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it had a bow; and there was given to him a crown: and he went out with power to overcome.
Exodus 14:24
And in the morning watch, the Lord, looking out on the armies of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud, sent trouble on the army of the Egyptians;
Numbers 24:8
It is God who has taken him out of Egypt; his horns are like those of the mountain ox; the nations warring against him will be his food, their bones will be broken, they will be wounded with his arrows.
Deuteronomy 32:23
I will send a rain of troubles on them, my arrows will be showered on them.
Deuteronomy 32:42
I will make my arrows red with blood, my sword will be feasting on flesh, with the blood of the dead and the prisoners, of the long-haired heads of my haters.
Job 6:4
For the arrows of the Ruler of all are present with me, and their poison goes deep into my spirit: his army of fears is put in order against me.
Psalms 38:2
For your arrows have gone into my flesh, and I am crushed under the weight of your hand.
Isaiah 18:3
All you peoples of the world, and you who are living on the earth, when a flag is lifted up on the mountains, give attention; and when the horn is sounded, give ear.
Joel 2:1
Let the horn be sounded in Zion, and a war-cry in my holy mountain; let all the people of the land be troubled: for the day of the Lord is coming;
Amos 3:6
If the horn is sounded in the town will the people not be full of fear? will evil come on a town if the Lord has not done it?
Isaiah 58:1
Make a loud cry, do not be quiet, let your voice be sounding like a horn, and make clear to my people their evil doings, and to the family of Jacob their sins.
Jeremiah 4:5
Say openly in Judah, give it out in Jerusalem, and say, Let the horn be sounded in the land: crying out in a loud voice, Come together, and let us go into the walled towns.
Jeremiah 6:1
Go in flight out of Jerusalem, so that you may be safe, you children of Benjamin, and let the horn be sounded in Tekoa, and the flag be lifted up on Beth-haccherem: for evil is looking out from the north, and a great destruction.
Jeremiah 51:27
Let a flag be lifted up in the land, let the horn be sounded among the nations, make the nations ready against her; get the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz together against her, make ready a scribe against her; let the horses come up against her like massed locusts.
Ezekiel 33:3
If, when he sees the sword coming on the land, by sounding the horn he gives the people news of their danger;
Ezekiel 33:6
But if the watchman sees the sword coming, and does not give a note on the horn, and the people have no word of the danger, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them; he will be taken away in his sin, but I will make the watchman responsible for his blood.
Hosea 8:1
Put the horn to your mouth. He comes like an eagle against the house of the Lord; because they have gone against my agreement, they have not kept my law.
Zephaniah 1:16
A day of sounding the horn and the war-cry against the walled towns and the high towers.
Isaiah 66:15
For the Lord is coming with fire, and his war-carriages will be like the storm-wind; to give punishment in the heat of his wrath, and his passion is like flames of fire.
Jeremiah 23:19
See, the storm-wind of the Lord, even the heat of his wrath, has gone out, a rolling storm, bursting on the heads of the evil-doers.
Jeremiah 30:23
See, the storm-wind of the Lord, even the heat of his wrath, has gone out, a rolling storm, bursting on the heads of the evil-doers.
Isaiah 5:26
And he will let a flag be lifted up as a sign to a far-off nation, whistling to them from the ends of the earth: and they will come quickly and suddenly.
Isaiah 40:24
They have only now been planted, and their seed put into the earth, and they have only now taken root, when he sends out his breath over them and they become dry, and the storm-wind takes them away like dry grass.
Amos 1:14
And I will make a fire in the wall of Rabbah, burning up its great houses, with loud cries in the days of war, with a storm in the day of the great wind:
Micah 4:13
Up! and let the grain be crushed, O daughter of Zion, for I will make your horn iron and your feet brass, and a number of peoples will be broken by you, and you will give up their increase to the Lord and their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.
Habakkuk 3:14
You have put your spears through his head, his horsemen were sent in flight like dry stems; they had joy in driving away the poor, in making a meal of them secretly.
Zechariah 7:14
But with a storm-wind I sent them in flight among all the nations of whom they had no knowledge. So the land was waste after them, so that no man went through or came back: for they had made waste the desired land.
Matthew 24:27
Because as in a thunderstorm the bright light coming from the east is seen even in the west; so will be the coming of the Son of man.
Job 37:3
He sends it out through all the heaven, and his thunder-flame to the ends of the earth.
Job 38:35
Do you send out the thunder-flames, so that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?
Isaiah 30:30
And the Lord will send out the sound of his great voice, and they will see his arm stretched out, with the heat of his wrath, and the flame of a burning fire; with a cloud-burst, and storm, and a rain of ice.
Luke 17:24
For as in a thunderstorm the bright light is seen from one end of the sky to the other, so will the Son of man be when his time comes.
Job 38:1
And the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,
Ezekiel 1:4
And, looking, I saw a storm-wind coming out of the north, a great cloud with flames of fire coming after one another, and a bright light shining round about it and in the heart of it was something coloured like electrum.
Job 40:6
Then the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,
Habakkuk 3:3
God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah. The heavens were covered with his glory, and the earth was full of his praise.
Revelation 8:7
And at the sounding of the first, a rain of ice and fire, mixed with blood, was sent on the earth: and a third part of the earth, and of the trees, and all green grass was burned up.
Revelation 8:8
And at the sounding of the second angel, it was as if a great mountain burning with fire was sent into the sea: and a third part of the sea became blood,
Revelation 8:9
And destruction came on a third part of the living things which were in the sea, and on a third part of the ships.
Revelation 8:10
And at the sounding of the third angel, there went down from heaven a great star, burning like a flame, and it came on a third part of the rivers, and on the fountains of water.
Revelation 8:11
And the name of the star is Wormwood: and a third part of the waters became bitter; and a number of men came to their end because of the waters, for they were made bitter.
Revelation 8:12
And at the sounding of the fourth angel, a third part of the sun, and of the moon, and of the stars was made dark, so that there was no light for a third part of the day and of the night.
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