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Jeremiah 45:5
And as for you, are you looking for great things for yourself? Have no desire for them: for truly I will send evil on all flesh, says the Lord: but your life I will keep safe from attack wherever you go.


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Jeremiah 45:5
And as for you, are you looking for great things for yourself? Have no desire for them: for truly I will send evil on all flesh, says the Lord: but your life I will keep safe from attack wherever you go.


Jeremiah 45:1
The words which Jeremiah the prophet said to Baruch, the son of Neriah, when he put these words down in a book from the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah; he said,

Jeremiah 45:2
This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, has said of you, O Baruch:

Jeremiah 45:3
You said, Sorrow is mine! for the Lord has given me sorrow in addition to my pain; I am tired with the sound of my sorrow, and I get no rest.

Jeremiah 45:4
This is what you are to say to him: The Lord has said, Truly, the building which I put up will be broken down, and that which was planted by me will be uprooted, and this through all the land;

Jeremiah 43:3
But Baruch, the son of Neriah, is moving you against us, to give us up into the hands of the Chaldaeans so that they may put us to death, and take us away prisoners into Babylon.

Jeremiah 32:12
And I gave the paper to Baruch, the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, before the eyes of Hanamel, the son of my father's brother, and of the witnesses who had put their names to the paper, and before all the Jews who were seated in the place of the armed watchmen.

Jeremiah 36:4
Then Jeremiah sent for Baruch, the son of Neriah; and Baruch took down from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord which he had said to him, writing them in a book.

Jeremiah 36:17
And questioning Baruch, they said, Say now, how did you put all these words down in writing from his mouth?

Jeremiah 43:6
The men and the women and the children and the king's daughters, and every person whom Nebuzaradan, the captain of the armed men, had put under the care of Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch, the son of Neriah;


Jeremiah 21:9
He who keeps in this town will come to his death by the sword and through need of food and through disease; but he who goes out and gives himself up to the Chaldaeans who are shutting you in, will go on living, and will keep his life safe.

Jeremiah 39:18
For I will certainly let you go free, and you will not be put to the sword, but your life will be given to you out of the hands of your attackers: because you have put your faith in me, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 38:2
These are the words of the Lord: Whoever goes on living in this town will come to his death by the sword or through need of food or by disease: but whoever goes out to the Chaldaeans will keep his life out of the power of the attackers and be safe.

Jeremiah 39:16
Go and say to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: See, my words will come true for this town, for evil and not for good: they will come about before your eyes on that day.


Romans 12:16
Be in harmony with one another. Do not have a high opinion of yourselves, but be in agreement with common people. Do not give yourselves an air of wisdom.

Psalms 131:1
A Song of the going up. Of David. Lord, there is no pride in my heart and my eyes are not lifted up; and I have not taken part in great undertakings, or in things over-hard for me.


Matthew 6:25
So I say to you, Take no thought for your life, about food or drink, or about clothing for your body. Is not life more than food, and the body more than its clothing?

1 Timothy 6:8
But if we have food and a roof over us, let that be enough.

Matthew 6:11
Give us this day bread for our needs.

Matthew 6:28
And why are you troubled about clothing? See the flowers of the field, how they come up; they do no work, they make no thread:

Matthew 6:31
Then do not be full of care, saying, What are we to have for food or drink? or, With what may we be clothed?

Matthew 6:34
Then have no care for tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Take the trouble of the day as it comes.

1 Corinthians 7:32
But it is my desire for you to be free from cares. The unmarried man gives his mind to the things of the Lord, how he may give pleasure to the Lord:


Genesis 6:12
And God, looking on the earth, saw that it was evil: for the way of all flesh had become evil on the earth.

Isaiah 66:16
For with fire and sword will the Lord come, judging all the earth, and his sword will be on all flesh: and great numbers will be put to death by him.

Jeremiah 25:31
A noise will come, even to the end of the earth; for the Lord has a cause against the nations, he will give his decision against all flesh; as for the evil-doers, he will give them to the sword, says the Lord.


Job 2:4
And the Satan said in answer to the Lord, Skin for skin, all a man has he will give for his life.

Matthew 16:26
For what profit has a man, if he gets all the world with the loss of his life? or what will a man give in exchange for his life?

Matthew 24:17
Let not him who is on the house-top go down to take anything out of his house:

2 Corinthians 5:15
And that he underwent death for all, so that the living might no longer be living to themselves, but to him who underwent death for them and came back from the dead.

Philippians 3:7
But those things which were profit to me, I gave up for Christ.

Philippians 3:8
Yes truly, and I am ready to give up all things for the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, which is more than all: for whom I have undergone the loss of all things, and to me they are less than nothing, so that I may have Christ as my reward,

Colossians 3:2
Keep your mind on the higher things, not on the things of earth.


Jeremiah 12:1
You are in the right, O Lord, when I put my cause before you: still let me take up with you the question of your decisions: why does the evil-doer do well? why are the workers of deceit living in comfort?

Jeremiah 12:2
They have been planted by you, they have taken root; they go on and give fruit: you are near in their mouths but far from their thoughts.

Jeremiah 12:3
But you, O Lord, have knowledge of me; you see me, searching and testing how my heart is with you: let them be pulled out like sheep to be put to death, make them ready for the day of death.

Jeremiah 12:4
How long will the land have grief, and the plants of all the land be dry? because of the sins of the people living in it, destruction has overtaken the beasts and the birds; because they said, God does not see our ways.

Jeremiah 12:5
If running with the fighting-men has made you tired, how will you be able to keep up with horses? and if in a land of peace you go in flight, what will become of you in the thick growth of Jordan?


Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, into your secret places, and let your doors be shut: keep yourself safe for a short time, till his wrath is over.

Isaiah 26:21
For the Lord is coming out of his place to send punishment on the people of the earth for their evil-doing: the earth will let the blood drained out on her be seen, and will keep her dead covered no longer.

Ezekiel 9:4
The Lord said to him, Go through the town, through the middle of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the brows of the men who are sorrowing and crying for all the disgusting things which are done in it.

Ezekiel 9:5
And to these he said in my hearing, Go through the town after him using your axes: do not let your eyes have mercy, and have no pity:

Ezekiel 9:6
Give up to destruction old men and young men and virgins, little children and women: but do not come near any man who has the mark on him: and make a start at my holy place. So they made a start with the old men who were before the house.

Malachi 3:16
Then those in whom was the fear of the Lord had talk together: and the Lord gave ear, and it was recorded in a book to be kept in mind before him, for those who had the fear of the Lord and gave thought to his name.


Matthew 20:21
And he said to her, What is your desire? She says to him, Let my two sons be seated, the one at your right hand, and the other at your left, in your kingdom.

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