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Isaiah 58:12
And your sons will be building again the old waste places: you will make strong the bases of old generations: and you will be named, He who puts up the broken walls, and, He who makes ready the ways for use.


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Isaiah 58:12
And your sons will be building again the old waste places: you will make strong the bases of old generations: and you will be named, He who puts up the broken walls, and, He who makes ready the ways for use.


Isaiah 61:3
To give them a fair head-dress in place of dust, the oil of joy in place of the clothing of grief, praise in place of sorrow; so that they may be named trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, and so that he may have glory.

Isaiah 61:4
And they will be building again the old broken walls, and will make new the old waste places, and will put up again the towns which have been waste for long generations.

Ezekiel 36:10
And I will let your numbers be increased, all the children of Israel, even all of them: and the towns will be peopled and the waste places will have buildings;

Amos 9:14
And I will let the fate of my people Israel be changed, and they will be building up again the waste towns and living in them; they will again be planting vine-gardens and taking the wine for their drink; and they will make gardens and get the fruit of them.

Amos 9:15
And I will have them planted in their land, and never again will they be uprooted from their land which I have given them, says the Lord your God.

Ezekiel 36:33
This is what the Lord has said: In the day when I make you clean from all your evil-doings I will let the towns be peopled and there will be building on the waste places.

Amos 9:11
In that day I will put up the tent of David which has come down, and make good its broken places; and I will put up again his damaged walls, building it up as in the past;

Amos 9:12
So that the rest of Edom may be their heritage, and all the nations who have been named by my name, says the Lord, who is doing this.

Isaiah 44:26
Who makes the word of his servants certain, and gives effect to the purposes of his representatives; who says of Jerusalem, Her people will come back to her; and of the towns of Judah, I will give orders for their building, and will make her waste places fertile again:

Isaiah 49:19
For though the waste places of your land have been given to destruction, now you will not be wide enough for your people, and those who made you waste will be far away.

Nehemiah 2:17
Then I said to them, You see what a bad condition we are in; how Jerusalem is a waste, and its doorways burned with fire: come, let us get to work, building up the wall of Jerusalem, so that we may no longer be put to shame.

Nehemiah 6:1
Now when word was given to Sanballat and Tobiah and to Geshem the Arabian and to the rest of our haters, that I had done the building of the wall and that there were no more broken places in it (though even then I had not put up the doors in the doorways);

Isaiah 5:5
And now, this is what I will do to my vine-garden: I will take away the circle of thorns round it, and it will be burned up; its wall will be broken down and the beasts of the field will go through it;

Isaiah 35:1
The waste land and the dry places will be glad; the lowland will have joy and be full of flowers.

Daniel 9:25
Have then the certain knowledge that from the going out of the word for the building again of Jerusalem till the coming of a prince, on whom the holy oil has been put, will be seven weeks: in sixty-two weeks its building will be complete, with square and earthwork.


Isaiah 58:7
Is it not to give your bread to those in need, and to let the poor who have no resting-place come into your house? to put a robe on the unclothed one when you see him, and not to keep your eyes shut for fear of seeing his flesh?

Isaiah 58:8
Then will light be shining on you like the morning, and your wounds will quickly be well: and your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will come after you.

Isaiah 58:9
Then at the sound of your voice, the Lord will give an answer; at your cry he will say, Here am I. If you take away from among you the yoke, the putting out of the finger of shame, and the evil word;

Isaiah 58:10
And if you give your bread to those in need of it, so that the troubled one may have his desire; then you will have light in the dark, and your night will be as the full light of the sun:

Isaiah 58:11
And the Lord will be your guide at all times; in dry places he will give you water in full measure, and will make strong your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like an ever-flowing spring.

Psalms 41:1
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David. Happy is the man who gives thought to the poor; the Lord will be his saviour in the time of trouble.

Proverbs 11:24
A man may give freely, and still his wealth will be increased; and another may keep back more than is right, but only comes to be in need.

Luke 11:41
But if you give to the poor such things as you are able, then all things are clean to you.

Deuteronomy 14:29
And the Levite, because he has no part or heritage in the land, and the man from a strange country, and the child who has no father, and the widow, who are living among you, will come and take food and have enough; and so the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do.

Deuteronomy 15:10
But it is right for you to give to him, without grief of heart: for because of this, the blessing of the Lord your God will be on all your work and on everything to which you put your hand.

Proverbs 3:9
Give honour to the Lord with your wealth, and with the first-fruits of all your increase:

Proverbs 3:10
So your store-houses will be full of grain, and your vessels overflowing with new wine.

Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor gives to the Lord, and the Lord will give him his reward.

Malachi 3:10
Let your tenths come into the store-house so that there may be food in my house, and put me to the test by doing so, says the Lord of armies, and see if I do not make the windows of heaven open and send down such a blessing on you that there is no room for it.

2 Corinthians 9:9
As it is said in the Writings, He has sent out far and wide, he has given to the poor; his righteousness is for ever.


Isaiah 51:3
For the Lord has given comfort to Zion: he has made glad all her broken walls; making her waste places like Eden, and changing her dry land into the garden of the Lord; joy and delight will be there, praise and the sound of melody.

Isaiah 52:9
Give sounds of joy, make melody together, waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord has given comfort to his people, he has taken up the cause of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 49:8
This is the word of the Lord: I have given ear to you at a good time, and I have been your helper in a day of salvation: and I will keep you safe, and will make you a glory for the people, putting the land in order, and giving them the heritages which now are waste;

Acts 15:16
After these things I will come back, and will put up the tent of David which has been broken down, building up again its broken parts and making it complete:

Isaiah 41:19
I will put in the waste land the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive-tree; and in the lowland will be planted the fir-tree, the plane, and the cypress together:

Isaiah 48:8
Truly you had no word of them, no knowledge of them; no news of them in the past had come to your ears; because I saw how false was your behaviour, and that your heart was turned against me from your earliest days.

Isaiah 54:3
For I will make wide your limits on the right hand and on the left; and your seed will take the nations for a heritage, and make the waste towns full of people.

Isaiah 60:10
And men from strange countries will be building up your walls, and their kings will be your servants: for in my wrath I sent punishment on you, but in my grace I have had mercy on you.

Isaiah 62:2
And the nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you will have a new name, given by the mouth of the Lord.

Jeremiah 31:12
So they will come with songs on the high places, flowing together to the good things of the Lord, to the grain and the wine and the oil, to the young ones of the flock and of the herd: their souls will be like a watered garden, and they will have no more sorrow.

Lamentations 2:13
What example am I to give you? what comparison am I to make for you, O daughter of Jerusalem? what am I to make equal to you, so that I may give you comfort, O virgin daughter of Zion? for your destruction is great like the sea: who is able to make you well?

Ezekiel 36:34
And the land which was waste will be farmed, in place of being a waste in the eyes of everyone who went by.

Ezekiel 36:35
And they will say, This land which was waste has become like the garden of Eden; and the towns which were unpeopled and wasted and pulled down are walled and peopled.

Ezekiel 36:36
Then the rest of the nations round about you will be certain that I the Lord am the builder of the places which were pulled down and the planter of that which was waste: I the Lord have said it, and I will do it.

Zechariah 6:15
And those who are far away will come and be builders in the Temple of the Lord, and it will be clear to you that the Lord of armies has sent me to you.


Psalms 106:23
And he was purposing to put an end to them if Moses, his special servant, had not gone up before him, between him and his people, turning back his wrath, to keep them from destruction.

Genesis 18:26
And the Lord said, If there are fifty upright men in the town, I will have mercy on it because of them.

Genesis 18:27
And Abraham answering said, Truly, I who am only dust, have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord:

Genesis 18:28
If by chance there are five less than fifty upright men, will you give up all the town to destruction because of these five? And he said, I will not give it to destruction if there are forty-five.

Genesis 18:29
And again he said to him, By chance there may be forty there. And he said, I will not do it if there are forty.

Genesis 18:30
And he said, Let not the Lord be angry with me if I say, What if there are thirty there? And he said, I will not do it if there are thirty.

Genesis 18:31
And he said, See now, I have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord: what if there are twenty there? And he said, I will have mercy because of the twenty.

Genesis 18:32
And he said, O let not the Lord be angry and I will say only one word more: by chance there may be ten there. And he said, I will have mercy because of the ten.

Job 22:30
He makes safe the man who is free from sin, and if your hands are clean, salvation will be yours.

Jeremiah 5:1
Go quickly through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and get knowledge, and make a search in her wide places if there is a man, if there is one in her who is upright, who keeps faith; and she will have my forgiveness.

Ezekiel 13:5
You have not gone up into the broken places or made up the wall for the children of Israel to take your place in the fight in the day of the Lord.

Acts 27:24
Saying, Have no fear, Paul, for you will come before Caesar, and God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.


Psalms 68:27
There is little Benjamin ruling them, the chiefs of Judah and their army, the rulers of Zebulun and the rulers of Naphtali.


Genesis 49:26
Blessings of sons, old and young, to the father: blessings of the oldest mountains and the fruit of the eternal hills: let them come on the head of Joseph, on the crown of him who was separate from his brothers.


Judges 5:6
In the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were not used, and travellers went by side roads.


1 Chronicles 15:13
For because you did not take it at the first, the Lord our God sent punishment on us, because we did not get directions from him in the right way.


Nehemiah 7:4
Now the town was wide and great: but the people in it were only a small number, and the houses had not been put up.


Ecclesiastes 11:1
Put out your bread on the face of the waters; for after a long time it will come back to you again.

Isaiah 58:6
Is not this the holy day for which I have given orders: to let loose those who have wrongly been made prisoners, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the crushed go free, and every yoke be broken?

Daniel 4:27
For this cause, O King, let my suggestion be pleasing to you, and let your sins be covered by righteousness and your evil-doing by mercy to the poor, so that the time of your well-being may be longer.


Isaiah 58:13
If you keep the Sabbath with care, not doing your business on my holy day; and if the Sabbath seems to you a delight, and the new moon of the Lord a thing to be honoured; and if you give respect to him by not doing your business, or going after your pleasure, or saying unholy words;

Isaiah 58:14
Then the Lord will be your delight; and I will put you on the high places of the earth; and I will give you the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of the Lord has said it.


Ephesians 2:20
Resting on the base of the Apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief keystone,

Ephesians 2:21
In whom all the building, rightly joined together, comes to be a holy house of God in the Lord;

Ephesians 2:22
In whom you, with the rest, are united together as a living-place of God in the Spirit.

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