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2 Samuel 5:21
And the Philistines, when they went in flight, did not take their images with them, and David and his men took them away.


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2 Samuel 5:21
And the Philistines, when they went in flight, did not take their images with them, and David and his men took them away.


2 Samuel 5:17
And when the Philistines had news that David had been made king over Israel, they all went up in search of David; and David, hearing of it, went down to the strong place.

2 Samuel 5:18
And when the Philistines came, they went in every direction in the valley of Rephaim.

2 Samuel 5:19
And David, desiring directions from the Lord, said, Am I to go up against the Philistines? will you give them up into my hands? And the Lord said, Go up, for I will certainly give up the Philistines into your hands.

2 Samuel 5:20
And David went to Baal-perazim, and overcame them there; and he said, The Lord has let the forces fighting against me be broken before me as a wall is broken by rushing waters. So that place was named Baal-perazim.

2 Samuel 5:21
And the Philistines, when they went in flight, did not take their images with them, and David and his men took them away.

2 Samuel 5:22
And the Philistines came up again, and went in every direction in the valley of Rephaim.

2 Samuel 5:23
And when David went for directions to the Lord, he said, You are not to go up against them in front; but make a circle round them from the back and come on them opposite the spice-trees.

2 Samuel 5:24
Then at the sound of footsteps in the tops of the trees, go forward quickly, for the Lord has gone out before you to overcome the army of the Philistines.

2 Samuel 5:25
And David did as the Lord had said; and he overcame the Philistines, attacking them from Gibeon to near Gezer.

1 Samuel 4:3
And when the people came back to their tents, the responsible men of Israel said, Why has the Lord let the Philistines overcome us today? Let us get the ark of the Lord's agreement here from Shiloh, so that it may be with us and give us salvation from the hands of those who are against us.

2 Samuel 8:1
And it came about after this that David made an attack on the Philistines and overcame them; and David took the authority of the mother-town from the hands of the Philistines.

2 Samuel 8:13
And David got great honour for himself, when he came back, by the destruction of Edom in the valley of Salt, to the number of eighteen thousand men.

2 Samuel 8:14
And he put armed forces in Edom; all through Edom he had armed forces stationed, and all the Edomites became servants to David. And the Lord made David overcome wherever he went.

1 Chronicles 14:13
Then the Philistines again went out in every direction in the valley.

Isaiah 28:21
For the Lord will come up as on Mount Perazim, he will be moved to wrath as in the valley of Gibeon; so that he may do his work--strange is his work; and give effect to his act--unnatural is his act.


Deuteronomy 7:5
But this is what you are to do to them: their altars are to be pulled down and their pillars broken, and their holy trees cut down and their images burned with fire.

Exodus 32:20
And he took the ox which they had made, burning it in the fire and crushing it to powder, and he put it in the water and made the children of Israel take a drink of it.

Deuteronomy 7:25
The images of their gods are to be burned with fire: have no desire for the gold and silver on them, and do not take it for yourselves, for it will be a danger to you: it is a thing disgusting to the Lord your God:

2 Kings 10:26
And they took out the image of Asherah from the house of Baal, and had it burned.

Judges 6:28
And the men of the town got up early in the morning, and they saw the altar of Baal broken down, and the holy tree which was by it cut down, and the ox offered on the altar which had been put up there.

1 Kings 15:13
And he would not let Maacah his mother be queen, because she had made a disgusting image for Asherah; and Asa had the image cut down and burned by the stream Kidron.

2 Kings 11:18
Then all the people of the land went to the house of Baal and had it pulled down: its altars and images were all broken to bits, and Mattan, the priest of Baal, they put to death before the altars. And the priest put overseers over the Lord's house.

2 Kings 18:4
He had the high places taken away, and the stone pillars broken to bits, and the Asherah cut down; and the brass snake which Moses had made was crushed to powder at his order, because in those days the children of Israel had offerings burned before it, and he gave it the name Nehushtan.

2 Kings 23:14
The stone pillars were broken to bits and the wood pillars cut down, and the places where they had been were made full of the bones of the dead.

2 Chronicles 14:3
For he took away the altars of strange gods and the high places, and had the upright stones broken and the wood pillars cut down;

2 Chronicles 33:15
He took away the strange gods and the image out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars he had put up on the hill of the Lord's house and in Jerusalem, and put them out of the town.


1 Chronicles 14:12
And the Philistines did not take their images with them in their flight; and at David's orders they were burned with fire.

Isaiah 46:1
Bel is bent down, Nebo is falling; their images are on the beasts and on the cattle: the things which you took about have become a weight to the tired beast.

Isaiah 46:2
They are bent down, they are falling together: they were not able to keep their images safe, but they themselves have been taken prisoner.

Jeremiah 43:12
And he will put a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt; and they will be burned by him: and he will make Egypt clean as a keeper of sheep makes clean his clothing; and he will go out from there in peace.

1 Samuel 5:2
They took the ark of God into the house of Dagon and put it by the side of Dagon.

1 Samuel 5:3
And when the people of Ashdod got up early on the morning after, they saw that Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord. And they took Dagon up and put him in his place again.

1 Samuel 5:4
And when they got up early on the morning after, Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord; and his head and his hands were broken off on the doorstep; only the base was in its place.

1 Samuel 5:5
So to this day no priest of Dagon, or any who come into Dagon's house, will put his foot on the doorstep of the house of Dagon in Ashdod.

1 Samuel 5:6
But the hand of the Lord was hard on the people of Ashdod and he sent disease on them through all the country of Ashdod.

Isaiah 37:19
And have given their gods to the fire: for they were no gods, but wood and stone, the work of men's hands; so they have given them to destruction.

Exodus 12:12
For on that night I will go through the land of Egypt, sending death on every first male child, of man and of beast, and judging all the gods of Egypt: I am the Lord.

Judges 18:24
And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and my priest, and have gone away; what is there for me now? Why then do you say to me, What is your trouble?

2 Kings 19:18
And have given their gods to the fire; for they were no gods, but wood and stone, the work of men's hands; so they have given them to destruction.

1 Chronicles 15:1
And David made houses for himself in the town of David; and he got ready a place for the ark of God, and put up a tent for it.

Jeremiah 48:7
For because you have put your faith in your strong places, you, even you, will be taken: and Chemosh will go out as a prisoner, his priests and his rulers together.


1 Chronicles 1:10
And Cush was the father of Nimrod: he was the first to be a great man in the earth.

1 Chronicles 2:3
The sons of Judah: Er and Onan and Shelah; these three were his sons by Bathshua, the Canaanite woman. And Er, Judah's oldest son, did evil in the eyes of the Lord; and he put him to death.


Psalms 16:4
Their sorrows will be increased who go after another god: I will not take drink offerings from their hands, or take their names on my lips.

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