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1 Samuel 25:23
And when Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her ass, falling down on her face before him.


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1 Samuel 25:23
And when Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her ass, falling down on her face before him.


1 Samuel 20:41
And when the boy had gone, David came from his secret place by the hill, and falling to the earth went down on his face three times: and they gave one another a kiss, weeping together, till David's grief was the greater.

Genesis 18:2
And lifting up his eyes, he saw three men before him; and seeing them, he went quickly to them from the door of the tent, and went down on his face to the earth;

Ruth 2:10
Then she went down on her face to the earth, and said to him, Why have I grace in your eyes, that you give attention to me, seeing I am from a strange people?

1 Samuel 24:8
And after that David came out of the hollow rock, and crying after Saul said, My lord the king. And when Saul gave a look back, David went down on his face and gave him honour.

2 Samuel 1:2
On the third day a man came from Saul's tents, with his clothing out of order and earth on his head: and when he came to David, he went down on the earth and gave him honour.

Genesis 33:3
And he himself, going before them, went down on his face to the earth seven times till he came near his brother.

Genesis 43:28
And they said, Your servant, our father, is well, he is still living. And they went down on their faces before him.

2 Samuel 9:6
And Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, came to David, and falling down on his face, gave him honour. And David said, Mephibosheth. And answering he said, Your servant is here.

2 Samuel 14:4
And the woman of Tekoa came to the king, and falling on her face, gave him honour and said, Give me help, O king.


Joshua 15:18
Now when she came to him, he put into her mind the idea of requesting a field from her father: and she got down from her ass; and Caleb said to her, What is it?

Genesis 24:64
And when Rebekah, looking up, saw Isaac, she got down from her camel,

2 Kings 5:21
So Gehazi went after Naaman. And when Naaman saw him running after him, he got down from his carriage and went back to him and said, Is all well?


1 Samuel 25:18
Then Abigail quickly took two hundred cakes of bread and two skins full of wine and five sheep ready for cooking and five measures of dry grain and a hundred parcels of dry grapes and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them on asses.

1 Samuel 25:19
And she said to her young men, Go on in front of me and I will come after you. But she said nothing to her husband Nabal.

1 Samuel 25:20
Now while she was going down under cover of the mountain on her ass, David and his men came down against her, and suddenly she came face to face with them.

1 Samuel 25:21
Now David had said, What was the use of my taking care of this man's goods in the waste land, so that there was no loss of anything which was his? he has only given me back evil for good.

1 Samuel 25:22
May God's punishment be on David, if when morning comes there is so much as one male of his people still living.

1 Samuel 25:23
And when Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her ass, falling down on her face before him.

1 Samuel 25:24
And falling at his feet she said, May the wrong be on me, my lord, on me: let your servant say a word to you, and give ear to the words of your servant.

1 Samuel 25:25
Let my lord give no attention to Nabal, that good-for-nothing: for as his name is, so is he, a man without sense: but I, your servant, did not see the young men whom my lord sent.

1 Samuel 25:26
So now, my lord, by the living God and by your living soul, seeing that the Lord has kept you from the crime of blood and from taking into your hands the punishment for your wrongs, may all your haters, and those who would do evil to my lord, be like Nabal.

1 Samuel 25:27
And let this offering, which your servant gives to my lord, be given to the young men who are with my lord.

1 Samuel 25:28
And may the sin of your servant have forgiveness: for the Lord will certainly make your family strong, because my lord is fighting in the Lord's war; and no evil will be seen in you all your days.

1 Samuel 25:29
And though a man has taken up arms against you, putting your life in danger, still the soul of my lord will be kept safe among the band of the living with the Lord your God; and the souls of those who are against you he will send violently away from him, like stones from a bag.

1 Samuel 25:30
And when the Lord has done for my lord all those good things which he has said he will do for you, and has made you a ruler over Israel;

1 Samuel 25:31
Then you will have no cause for grief, and my lord's heart will not be troubled because you have taken life without cause and have yourself given punishment for your wrongs: and when the Lord has been good to you, then give a thought to your servant.

1 Samuel 25:32
And David said to Abigail, May the Lord, the God of Israel, be praised, who sent you to me today:

1 Samuel 25:33
A blessing on your good sense and on you, who have kept me today from the crime of blood and from taking into my hands the punishment for my wrongs.


1 Samuel 25:34
For truly, by the living Lord, the God of Israel, who has kept me from doing you evil, if you had not been so quick in coming to me and meeting me, by dawn there would not have been in Nabal's house so much as one male living.

1 Samuel 25:35
Then David took from her hands her offering: and he said to her, Go back to your house in peace; see, I have given ear to your voice, and taken your offering with respect.

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